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Although I have two months, I haven't made a lot of progress. I did assemble and prime the model, but he looked puny next to the Plague Marines so I decided he needed a back-banner. It came from my bitz box. I think I picked it up at the 2002 Calgary Grand Tournament. I did not have good luck with the five minute epoxy but I think it is finally dry and hopefully it didn't obscure much detail, no one will look at the backpack, everyone will look at the banner. 


The Plague Marines count for nothing, I was just working on them when this started. I did get the other model I ordered, but I'll see how far I can get on these three in July or even tonight/tomorrow. 


Nice again it seems my photos have been made weird by uploading them to this thread. I took it with an iphone then cropped it in GraphicsConverter. Oh well I can post a better picture on my blog maybe. 


Edited by Muskie
iPhone not high phone

Progress pics!










Most of my painting time so far has been the MVB. Trying out stippling for the first time and am quite pleased with the colour depth I've managed on the blue skin. He's on the backburner for a little bit while I figure out what I'm going to do for basing, so I started painting up the Beast of Nurgle last night. My usual strategy with Nurgle is to just start slapping paint on and let Vallejo's Bile Green do most of the heavy lifting. Still need to do the tendril hair, more detail on the hands, face, and mouth/belly, and achieve body colours that I'm fully happy with. This guy's been built and primed for over six months, so it's awesome to see him finally come to life! MVB still needs work on literally everything that isn't blue. 

Finished a little bit more, 2nd beast of nurgle and the warpsmith. 




Legionaries are progressing well, the champion is done but the rest of the squad is still in various stages of WIP.


I, Xin Ceithan, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint  one Heretic Knight Desecrator for  10 pts ( I guess? ) } for the Glory of the Dark Gods and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.



I have one these beauties lying around  basecoated for ages - so I am going to take the hint with the return of Call-to-Arms to the forum  and put some paint on it! 


30 minutes ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Are your vows for the Knights forum., @Xin Ceithan?  If so, great to finally have someone representing our knights!

They are indeed, dear Doctor! 
To lessen the confusion, I put a vow in there also.
I haven’t decided on the final house colours  yet, but I need to build the chassis anyway before that, so…:wink:

Welcome to the 2nd Monday of the 2024 Call to Arms, and my second update post.  We've seen a bunch new models. our first completed models and all 4 of the chaos forums now being represented.


@Ezekyle_Abaddon - That's quite the initial vow, though still not top dog in terms of total points (that goes to Antarius).  Looking forward in particular to your demonprince kit bash, it should be a treat.  That said, with the two of us being competitors for master of the forge, 'm contractually obligated to try to sabotage your efforts.  My prayers to Slannesh have started - so if you are distracted by sexy times, you know who to blame. :kiss:


@legoman - Great to have you back, and I'm glad you had fun last year!  Looking forward to seeing what you do with your chosen and MoE - they going to be in the same scheme as last year's entries?


@Brother Nathan - Great to have you!  Nice grab bag of chaos for your vow - I'm eager to see how you do your psycher, as I have one of my own in my paint queue.


@Boc - Very nice nurgle demon, great use of colours - I can safely say that it is both pretty disgusting and pretty and disgusting.  That's the first completed model for chaos in 2024!  Any thoughts on what you might swap in for the your out of scale defiler, or are you just scrapping that part of your vow?  Your nurglings and smith are also nice, though I'm surprised you kept the plasma coils the same colour as the smith's armour.


@Antarius - That's quite the vow, putting you comfortably ahead of our 2 70 pointers from EA Ezekyle_Abbadon and Trawling Crawler.  You are now top dog for total pledged points.  Looking forward to seeing how you do your Australian Tzeech force.


@Muskie - The back banner is a great addition to the stock thunderhammer lord - that was a good call.  Looking forward to seeing how you paint it.  If the banner comes unattached, you might want to consider pinning it if the shaft of the banner is wide enough.


@Norman Paperman - Great to see some paint on your demons!  I particularly like the blue on the mutalith contrasted with its pink hands.  The beast of nurgle is also really coming along.


@Xin Ceithan - Welcome, and its great to have someone representing the knights!  Hopefully by the time its built, you'll have decided how you are going to paint that big guy.



@gaurdian31@Cryptix@Brother Argent@Cpt.Danjou@Chainsword Cookie@TrawlingCleaner and @Bonehead - hopefully you guys are making progress on your vows - if so, you should share it here for everyone to admire.


Myself, some progress on my defiler, but not as much as I would hope 2 weekends in.




For those interested, you can see more pictures and read some of my commentary here.

3 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Any thoughts on what you might swap in for the your out of scale defiler, or are you just scrapping that part of your vow?  Your nurglings and smith are also nice, though I'm surprised you kept the plasma coils the same colour as the smith's armour.

My friend that printed the one is going to try another at a reduced scale, otherwise I've either got a pair of Maulerfiends I'm getting or a Knight Rampager to work on. I'm being deliberate in figuring out which to do first to replace, since this will be in preparation for a tourney so I need to finish in order of priority for once lol.


The plasma is 100% being lazy haha. Once I get the tournament sprint done with I may go back and get the smaller nice to have details done. My Legionary champion may have an identical pistol... warp dark plasma... yeah...

I, Iron Father Ferrum, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint a Terminator Sorcerer, a Lord Discordant, 10 Chaos Space Marines, and a Helbrute for 28 points for the Glory of the Heretic Astartes and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.

Call to Arms 2024 vow 1.jpg

Update for me, so far I've got the Helbrute, the 10 Legionnaires, and the Terminator Lord finished, with the two sorcerer's cooking.20240617_101405.thumb.jpg.be285ba51988af2c14de3b2cbb421cfd.jpg

Going to be doing basing at the end of each Vow as it's the most boring and rote part of the tasks: astrogranite debris, nuln oil, dawnstone drybrush, pvc glue, snow flock, abaddon black rims, repeat.


The two sorcerer's represent my first in depth forays into white, the Apothecary's needs more work on the tabard but im liking where the sorcerer's is. Just need to figure out whst to actually do with his chest because the gold's not working out.20240624_081445.thumb.jpg.56677bc9379d5ce4cebb9ebdcdb5b58b.jpg20240624_081518.thumb.jpg.73f123a01676c6763fc29cdabc856651.jpg

Incredible work all around folks! The Chaos Stronghold have it in the bag this year :wink:


14 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Welcome to the 2nd Monday of the 2024 Call to Arms, and my second update post.  We've seen a bunch new models. our first completed models and all 4 of the chaos forums now being represented.


@gaurdian31@Cryptix@Brother Argent@Cpt.Danjou@Chainsword Cookie@TrawlingCleaner and @Bonehead - hopefully you guys are making progress on your vows - if so, you should share it here for everyone to admire.



I've gotten one of my Dreadnoughts done so far, I'm also finishing off my Slaves to Darkness army (Darkoath, my loves) with the 4th edition of AoS looming so my full focus isn't on my Vows just yet, I'm just alternating units to paint :biggrin:


16 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:


@gaurdian31@Cryptix@Brother Argent@Cpt.Danjou@Chainsword Cookie@TrawlingCleaner and @Bonehead - hopefully you guys are making progress on your vows - if so, you should share it here for everyone to admire.



I promise this wont be like last year and I don't even get before pics up...  I haven't made a start as of yet, need to source some good white primer for my couple of Death Guard guys.  At the moment I am attacking my Imperium vow (I always share the love)  as I need to get them done first but, worry not, Chaos progress shall be forthcoming soon.

On 6/24/2024 at 2:06 PM, Dr_Ruminahui said:

hopefully you guys are making progress on your vows - if so, you should share it here for everyone to admire.

No posts here from me this week because I've been working on some units... ahem... infiltrating the Imperium Stronghold... Daemon Prince will start catching base coats next week tho.




The Good Doctor.

LOOK! LOOK! I got further then last year!  Photo of vow and everything ready to go.  That Maulerfiend is part of last years vow.  The Plague Surgeon I have had since Conquest, the converted Plaguecaster from a similar time and, I hate to admit it, the Blightbringer since the release of Dark Imperium...  Talk about the Long War.  Still, progress is progress.  Hoping to blast through the rest of my Imperium first vow and then get into these guys.


I must say I took a perverse joy in converting the Rhino's I have had since the first launch of Apocalypse (I bought the old Battle Company Set) that I have started as various loyalist chapters to the Dark Powers.  Was kinda fun... 


Very little painting time this week, but the Beast of Nurgle is done (painting)! Once I got the basecoat of pink on his hair I found that I was quite satisfied with the body colours. The hair was actually a lot of fun, just 60 minutes of quick and dirty glazing. Probably going to figure out a simple mud base and call it a wrap!


No work on the MVB this week, though I've mostly figured out what I'm going to do with the base, just need to get 'er done. I've generally skipped basing on my models so far, this challenge is encouraging me to figure it out which is nice.


The pics!



The Knight chassis has been primed… and is now masked for some metallics…




also the armour has been primed and base coated…





… it‘s supposed to be an undercoat for some lost and rusted scion of House Oroborn later on currently..


but I I do quite like the orange :wub:


Maybe I‘ll go for some lost sou from the Forge Moon of  Bellona instead? 


Long weekend up here in the (not currently) frozen north, so this week's update comes on a Tuesday.


Good to see people starting to get some head winds going!


@gaurdian31 - Hope July will be smoother for you than June was, and I'm looking forward to seeing your cultists as they progress.


@Iron Father Ferrum - Welcome!  That's a nice batch of mixed chaos - can't wait to see how you do them.


@Cryptix - Nice to see your finished models and your plugging ahead with the rest!  I like to do my basing all at once as well.


@TrawlingCleaner - Your hellbrute/dreadnaught looks great - you've really brought out that character on that lovely old model in a way that fits in with your look and your other, more modern figures.


@Brother Argent - Be warned, one thing the traitor legions won't abide is a traitor, so if you are going to fail to complete a vow make sure its the imperial one. :biggrin:  Good to see a picture of models - now for you to get some pain ton them.


@Dr. Clock - Same goes for you.  I've got my eyes on you two, and I'll leave it up to your imagination as to how many eyes that is. :tongue:


@Cpt.Danjou - Your doggos are looking great, as is their master.  How are you thinking of basing them?


@Norman Paperman - Love your beast of nurgle, particularly the tubey "hair".


@Boc - Glad to hear you've sourced less ridiculously sized defiler - looking forward to seeing it and what you do to it.


@Xin Ceithan - Good start to your knight - that orange is very catching, both aesthetically and in that it looks contagious. :tongue:


@Antarius - That's a whole bunch of colourful demons!  Can't wait to see what you do to tie them all together.



@Ezekyle_Abaddon, @legoman@Brother Nathan@Muskie@Chainsword Cookie, and @Bonehead - looking forward to seeing your progress when you have some to share.



I've been plugging away my defiler, and am probably at about the half way point.




You can see more WIP photos here.

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