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1 hour ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:


@gaurdian31 - Those are some nice cultists - its really interesting the unatural skin tones you used on a couple of them.


Thanks! I figure some of them would be mutants so unnatural fits them well. I'm hoping to get the rest of the cultists done this week and will probably move on to the possessed.

On 7/8/2024 at 3:52 PM, Dr_Ruminahui said:

hope you have been working on your vows,

Thanks Doc!


I finally did get a few hours of red and brass in this week:




Definitely planning to finish him this week... but the rest of the vow is waiting to get on a friend's airbrush queue so after that I may be on another vow again until August.




The Good Doctor.

Some wip pics before we head off to a festival. But I think we'll manage to finish'em up next week, as I have a game on sunday and hope to have them painted up for that :smile:

Book familiar needs some squiggly lines in black to simulate writing, but that'll have to wait for now.


Exalted Flamer herald and the Brimstones basically just need touch ups :)


Pretty happy with the final colour on the Pink Horrors. They still need a bit of work, though.


Blue Horrors and the two Heralds also coming along nicely, but still need a lot of work.
I've saved Blue Scribes and the LoC for last as a sort of reward/punishment for doing all the troops :D

On 7/8/2024 at 12:52 PM, Dr_Ruminahui said:

Do you have any plans for a follow up vow? From your question about points, perhaps something demon enginey

Yup, still waiting on some last stuff in the mail, but my second Vow is going to be 3 maulerfiends, 2 forgefiends, 2 venomcrawlers, a land raider, 10 more melee legionnaires, and possibly depending on how long assembly takes me, a greater brass scorpion for jobs a big 'un.

The MVB is done and I'm thrilled with how he turned out! There's always more that I could do for him, but he's at a point where I'm happy to put the brush down and get started on the next model. 


The pics!







Edited by Norman Paperman

Krungkor the Winged Weasel arises!




Honestly for the price (less than 20 dollars), this Reaper 'Minotaur Demon Lord is good value. The horns, left pauldron, sword/pommel and wings are from the GW Prince were leftovers gifted from a friend, and the conversion was way easier than I had any right to expect:




I will base him and maybe do a little more detail and touch-up work before vow is complete, but I'm moving on to other stuff for the next week or two.




The Good Doctor.



2nd Vow start! I probably could've waited to grab the glue i needed to finish the third maulerfiend, but I was impatient to start painting :tongue:.


I, Cryptix, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 10 melee legionnaires, 1 land raider, 3 maulerfiends, 2 forgefiends, and 2 venomcrawlers for 47 points for the Glory of the Heretic Astartes Forum and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end. 




Call to Arms Chaos Stronghold Update #1



We're one month in, and officially 1/3rd of the way through the Event, and this how the Stronghold looks;


It should surprise no one that the Heretic Astartes lead the way within the Stronhold, with 13 Participants, they have pledged 412pts and have a 48pt Completion. With 169pts vowed from just 4 Participants, Chaos Daemons are firmly in second place. Chaos Knights and The Realms of Chaos each have a single Participant, vowing 10pts, and 6pts respectively.


At this early stage, the points disparity is not an insurmountable level for the Daemons Forum, a few more Participants, and a few completions and

subsequent re-vows could quickly see the gap diminish. Knight's and Realm's will probably never Challange for most models completed, but they can aim for the coveted 100% Completion Award.



Edited by Grotsmasha

After a pretty free weekend at home, got a lot of progress on my Vow already, over halfway done. I think overestimated how difficult painting these daemon engines would be considering they're mostly speedpaints over a metallic base with drybrushing. Just means my last Vow will be extra beefy I suppose!


There hasn‘t been a lot of time to paint but I have continued shading the metal bits and continued building up the weathering on the armor parts. 

Next up: some stippling and some washes for blending the parts




The colours aren‘t quite right for House Oroborn (yet?), but it‘s been some time since the heresy, so… :whistling:

Aaaand, we're almost there. Just (well, "just") the Lord of Change left and some finishing touches on a few of the horrors (maybe the Herald on disc needs squiggly lines in his book too, now that I look at the pics...).

And of course, I've noticed yet another error in my original vow; the three flamers don't seem to be in my list, although they are on my original picture. I'll let it be up to the arbitrators of daemonic justice what to do about that - worst case they don't count and I have three painted flamers that I didn't have before, which is what I really love about the CtA-event :smile:

And my big game is tomorrow (I thought it was sunday, but apparently I was all scatterbrained pre-festival, so it was lucky i caught it, as I may now have time to finish up my LoC general, phew!).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pictures - I'll try to get some in better lighting and on some nice scenery when I'm all done. These should give you an idea, although they do leave a little to be desired (for example, I'm not sure you can see my favourite detail, the Blue Scribes who have spilled their precious tartan ink - that's probably why one of the little guys is yelling at the other :laugh: ).

In any case, I'm super happy with the Call to Arms so far! Just looking at all your pictures and reading about your ideas is super motivating and I have complete confidence that we'll trounce the other strongholds in the name of unity Chaos!*

And now I've gotta crack on with my Lord of Change! See you later and keep your brushes wet!

*Unless someone switches side at the last minute, of course. Which would also be a victory for Chaos, in a sense**
** Although, in a more accurate sense, it wouldn't***
*** Or would it? Chaos is fickle, after all and fate always changes...



A quick update, Vow is almost done, finished off the daemon engines yesterday and finally received the primer for my Dusk Raiders, I basecoated the infantry last night and expect to finish the Vow by Sunday or Monday.


After that though...I'm still aiming for that Grand Marshall ticket, and looking at the other strongholds I'm going to have to go big or go home for my last vow. Thus, I've looked at my collection and decided I'm going to push for at least 145 points, which would put me at 240 total completed and clear out my backlog for my chaos stuff. It's a hell of a lot, but I think I can do it with about 8 weeks left.

Edited by Cryptix

Vow complete (though admittedly I commissioned out the helbrute to make sure he'd be tabletop ready by an RTT this week) 


Nurglings and Beasts of Nurgle




Warpsmith and Legionaries








Helbrute that I didn't personally paint





Edit 8/22: Here's the full pic of all the boys


Edited by Boc
On 7/12/2024 at 2:50 PM, Cryptix said:

2nd Vow start! I probably could've waited to grab the glue i needed to finish the third maulerfiend, but I was impatient to start painting :tongue:.


I, Cryptix, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 10 melee legionnaires, 1 land raider, 3 maulerfiends, 2 forgefiends, and 2 venomcrawlers for 47 points for the Glory of the Heretic Astartes Forum and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end. 


Vow #2 done!20240721_165359.thumb.jpg.df05cf3c13a8c1521b1325d369faf5bf.jpg

I'm roused once again after being sucked into the Mortal Realms (and the Elden Ring DLC, my poor ego).

I've been slowly working on my Vows whilst working on some Trees for a pal and my own Slaves to Darkness but so far I've completed 5 of the marines and the Jumppack lord:





















Bases will of course be finished before the final bell :biggrin:


The next wave of dollies are getting some base coats down. I'm very pumped for the change of pace The Purge paint scheme should give me, they're going to be a grotty and dull mirror in comparison to the relatively prim and proper Corsairs:


Aaaand, we're done! I mean, I could keep going back to the LoC and add/enhance details, but at this point I'm calling it done - to preserve (what little is left of) my sanity, if nothing else :laugh:

Here are some glamour shots of the completed vow. I'm not sure about the three regular flamers - they were in my original vow photo but I forgot to include them in my points total, so I'll happily accept whatever the event organisers think is fair game - and next time I pinky (and perhaps bluey) promise to triple check my list :oops:






I, Boc, heed the Call to Arms and make my second pledge to paint 2x Venomcrawlers (6) 1 Terminator Sorcerer (5), 2 maulerfiends (10), 1 Rhino (5), 1x Rampager (10), and 1x War Dog (4) for the Glory of the Heretic Astartes Forum and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until years end.


40 points





First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone about missing last week's update - work had me both insanely busy and extremely stressed, sucking away both my posting time and joy of life (which made it difficult to be suitably appreciative of everyone's work).  Anyway, things have calmed down and I am now in place to pick up where I left off.


First off, we are now a month in - less than 2 more to go.  Second, a lot of excellent work posted in these last 2 weeks.


@Dr. Clock - I really like your bloodthirster - a great job on a great model.  Looking forward to seeing him based.  Hopefully you can finagle access to an air brush soon to start the rest of your vow. 


@Antarius - Great pics of your demons, both WIP and (especially) finished.  I know the bright vibrant colours you did them in is something new for you, but they look great!  Your Lord of Change in particular is a work of art.  I'm really glad everyone here was able to keep you motivated to finish.  Plus, we all learned something here - that demons can't count.  :tongue:  You should message Grotsmasha and see if you can sneak those 3 overlooked flamers into your finished points.


@Norman Paperman - I love your mutalith - the colours are incredibly vibrant and I particularly like the rainbow swirly thing on its back - excellent job!  Can't wait to see your other vowed models done.


@Cryptix - Congratulations on having the first second vow - first to do that and still our current leader in completed points!  You've been painting some really interesting stand in models - great to see.  Looking forward to your mammoth third vow - just be sure to limit it to what you can complete, as I think otherwise you'll lose your completed points as well.


@Boc - Your defiler looks awesome - such a great take on the model, both in terms of interpretation by the sculptor and your excellent paint job.  Congrats on finishing your vow as well - as expected, they all look awesome.  I imagine your newly vowed boatload of demon engines and friends will be equally excellent and are highly anticipated.


@gaurdian31 - Good work on the cultists, and its great to see them all together.  Eagerly awaiting your work on the rest of the vow.


@Xin Ceithan - Your knight bits are looking great, though I must say it seems to have a corrosion problem. :biggrin:  The green is a nice contrast to the orange-brown of the rust and it looks incredibly natural - I would say you have that technique down pat.


@Muskie - Thanks for the better picture of the lord - he looks great, though I wish I could see more of the banner.  Looking forward to seeing the painting you've been working on - and being in the same neck of the woods as you, I fully understand your sweating as well... it continues to be a cooker.


@TrawlingCleaner - Your latest corsairs look great, your models always have so much character and I love your use of diverse skin tones.  Can't wait to see the rest done, especially the Purge.



@Bob Fossil@Scion@Ezekyle_Abaddon@Iron Father Ferrum,  @Brother Argent,  @Cpt.Danjou@legoman@Brother Nathan@Chainsword Cookie, and @Bonehead - haven't heard from you in a while, and hope you are all making progress.  Please drop by and let us know it there is anything we can do to help keep the motivation up.



Myself, I've finished the second side of my defiler and am working on the middle part - so maybe a week left?  I'll share photos when I get to a good point to do so.

The banner is black, the metallics are blocked in but that is it. I kinda want to paint his face blue first. So the banner will probably be some rotting green color, maybe more grey than green, but I'm tempted to go full bloody flesh. It has faces on it. It is a chunky piece of metal, plus two severed heads, so I need to co-ordinate his plasma pistol (probably classic orange), the hammer star, possibly neon green then blue face leaving three different colors for the banner and severed heads. It is up high so I can paint it pretty much last. Never pictured, but totally on my blog and the 'Gram is two plague marines so I'm trying to paint three models at once, even though only one counts for my vow.


I'm thinking of doing the plague knifes next, then the tubes, then I'll know which colors I have left, likely blue and grey, maybe a blue grey green. I keep buying new paints.


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