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=] Call to Arms: Imperium Stronghold [=

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Vow Three


"I, Reclusiarch Jolemai, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1x Land Speeder for 3 pts for the Glory of Blood Angels sub-forum (Adeptus Astartes) and the Imperium Stronghold on or before 17th September 2024, or bear the badge of failure until my rage abates and salvation is attained."




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I, SwordMasterJ280, heed the call to arms and pledge to paint 1 Primaris Replulsor Executioner(6pts) for the glory of the emperor on or before the 17th September 2024, or bear the  badge of failure till years end.

Edit: this entry is for the young bloods category.



Edited by SwordMasterJ280
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You know, I'd fallen behind on my own vow, and basically consigned myself to failure. Then @crimsondave comes along and vows MORE Deathwing than I have left?

I'ma have to pull my finger out, I'm no quitter...


Still to paint on my vow:

The Lion

Centurion Captain 


TDA Captain 

TDA Librarian

10x Deathwing

1 Brutalis Dread

1x Ballistus Dread



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You know, I'd fallen behind on my own vow, and basically consigned myself to failure. Then @crimsondave comes along and vows MORE Deathwing than I have left?

I'ma have to pull my finger out, I'm no quitter...


Still to paint on my vow:

The Lion

Centurion Captain 


TDA Captain 

TDA Librarian

10x Deathwing

1 Brutalis Dread

1x Ballistus Dread



I thought I’d fly through those Deathwing with them sprayed Wraithbone, but I’m still not done.  Hopefully knock them out tomorrow.  I haven’t even touched the characters yet.

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I got the Deathwing and Chaplains done.  I’ll post better pics on the completion post.



Just have the Terminator Captain and Terminator Librarian left.  I started the Terminator Libby and, even with the head swap, I do not like that model at all.  It’s probably going to be to tabletop quality and done.

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Update on the vow - for the good news, I’ve made significant progress on the terminators, and the infernus marines should be the simplest (and perhaps most fun) to paint. For the bad news, everyone in my household - including me - has come down with COVID (all doing well, thankfully), so I’m unsure if I’ll be able to get this vow done in time. Regardless, I plan to finish this combat patrol; it will be the first one I’ve ever completely painted, and I’m quite enjoying it.

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Update on the vow - for the good news, I’ve made significant progress on the terminators, and the infernus marines should be the simplest (and perhaps most fun) to paint. For the bad news, everyone in my household - including me - has come down with COVID (all doing well, thankfully), so I’m unsure if I’ll be able to get this vow done in time. Regardless, I plan to finish this combat patrol; it will be the first one I’ve ever completely painted, and I’m quite enjoying it.

Hang in there.  I feel your pain.  I just finished my vow and was going to throw on Belial by himself as a vow but my wife and daughter just came down with strep.

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I’ve made significant progress on the terminators...For the bad news, everyone in my household - including me - has come down with COVID

Nurgle was threatened by your progress on getting more loyalists into action, and decided to take action :tongue: More seriously, hope you feel better soon :smile: 

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