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Space Wolves Stat Check Data for competitive discourse

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Greetings all. I wanted to see how we here in the Fang are feeling with these results the past few weeks. Between stat-check and 40kmetamonday the Space Wolves are putting up some good numbers as seen below. I think the biggest take away is the player base percentage. When we compare that to orks with their 9 event wins with 9% player population we can see we are still a very small fish in a very big ocean of factions and players. 




Now we can look further and see what is being played. First off, hats off to the mad lads taking CoR and 1st Co out for impressive results. Truly inspiring. After that we see your typical spread of Gladius and Stormlance. Both detachments offer things that Space Wolves really want to do, namely advance and charge (still possible in CoR but at a steeper cost). The difference really is the flexibility of Gladius' shooting and moving and charging vs Stormlance's full committment to the "Wolf Jail". We (including myself) have seen some player innovation as far as what support units are taken in Stormlance for versatility. I myself am still on double vindicators to help punch through but others have gone for Lancers or even Whirlwinds (as one event winner did). Yet others commit to the full embrace taking 20-30 wulfen. I'm still on the fence, I do like Wulfen in other detachments but they have not performed as well as I'd like for myself and prefer to use the points on more scoring/screening units and/or range compliments. That's the beauty of stormlance, the core is just over half your points so the rest is preference. 




Anyways, just wanted to ramble a bit and see/hear from some of you all how we are feeling and if any of you have had positive results with SW lately feel free to share them! 

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I have been having a lot of fun with the Firestorm Detachment. I have always run my wolves as fairly mechanised so this works well. Lots of short-mid range shooting that enjoys the +1S at close range. Once the shooting has finished wolves usually have a bit more edge in melee so can finish units once they have been softened up.


Maybe not the most effective Detachment but it has been working well for me and I get warm nostalgia for my 5th edition lists.

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1 hour ago, Karhedron said:

I have been having a lot of fun with the Firestorm Detachment. I have always run my wolves as fairly mechanised so this works well. Lots of short-mid range shooting that enjoys the +1S at close range. Once the shooting has finished wolves usually have a bit more edge in melee so can finish units once they have been softened up.


Maybe not the most effective Detachment but it has been working well for me and I get warm nostalgia for my 5th edition lists.


Firestorm is the 1 detachment I want to try and haven't had a chance to yet

It has the +1 to wound shooting AND melee but no AP buff

All the melta becomes great with extra S up close too


I immediately think of SW venerable dread for unique combos

The onslaught of fire gives +1 to hit

Bring a SW venerable out of reserves to get the aura buff in range and now your infantry get RR1s to hit AND wound with +1 to hit

Super reliable shooting you can unleash with oath going somewhere else


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On 6/2/2024 at 2:21 PM, Karhedron said:

I have been having a lot of fun with the Firestorm Detachment. I have always run my wolves as fairly mechanised so this works well. Lots of short-mid range shooting that enjoys the +1S at close range. Once the shooting has finished wolves usually have a bit more edge in melee so can finish units once they have been softened up.


Maybe not the most effective Detachment but it has been working well for me and I get warm nostalgia for my 5th edition lists.

Since you mentioned it, I've been playing around with lists using Firestorm. Have you used Razorback with Devs or what are your thoughts on that? Seems like a good anti-tank combo if everything is kitted with Lascannons between RB's ability and Rapid Embarkation.

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16 hours ago, Apokalypsi said:

Have you used Razorback with Devs or what are your thoughts on that? Seems like a good anti-tank combo if everything is kitted with Lascannons between RB's ability and Rapid Embarkation.


I am still not sure about Devs. Part of the problem is that mine are modelled up with MMs but MMs have been overshadowed by Eradicators who have better BS and built-in rerolls. Devs seem better suited to the Anvil Siege force, I have struggled to leverage them effectively in Firestorm.


What does work really well are Plasma Inceptors. On overcharge they hit S10 at close range in this Detachment. They can drop in 3" away meaning they will almost certainly be in close range and then add Crucible of Battle for +1 to Wound within 6". A 6-man squad can one-shot most MBTs on the drop and seriously maul even heavier targets like Knights.

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1 hour ago, Apokalypsi said:

I must be missing something. Overcharged Inceptors are S8 +1 for Firestorm makes them S9. How are you getting S10 on them?


I think I am muddling up 9th and 10th edition stats. :blush:


However, even at S9, they will still wound even the toughest targets in the game on a 4+ with full rerolls thanks to Crucible of Battle and twin-linking on their Plasma Exterminators.

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40 minutes ago, Karhedron said:


I think I am muddling up 9th and 10th edition stats. :blush:


However, even at S9, they will still wound even the toughest targets in the game on a 4+ with full rerolls thanks to Crucible of Battle and twin-linking on their Plasma Exterminators.

Oh Absolutely, they will do some work. Just making sure I wasn't missing something. I'm really considering a full squad of them now.

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Thunderwolves and HQs on thunderwolves will probably get a point increase in new balance dataslate cause of stormlance which will be a shame for people trying alternative ways of playing and casual players 

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