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2k Dark Angels Stormwing / new player

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Hey all, i've decided to start a Horus Heresy army. I've never actually played the game before but i'm looking to start at 2k points to get the hang of things. I've changed my mind on what legion to collect several times now but at the moment i'm leaning towards Dark Angels. I've cobbled together a list without really knowing what i'm doing. I've messed around with some variations of this list leaving off the chain bayonets, trying to fit in a 2nd contemptor instead of the interemptors. I generally prefer collecting tactical marines, dreadnoughts and stuff and steer away from too many vehicles, as I generally prefer painting infantry. I figured putting apothecaries in the tactical squads would be more useful than the centurion upgrade, i've heard conflicting things on whether or not you can attach both a centurion and apoth to the same squad.


ROW: Storm of War



Cataphractii Praetor: volkite charger, terranic greatsword (unsure about warlord trait yet) Stormwing



2x apothecaries

Contemptor dreadnought w/ meltagun and fist

5 Dreadwing interemptors, phosphex bomb, plasma incinerator, rhino w/dozer blade.

5 Knights cenobium all with greatswords and vexilla in a land raider Proteus (twin linked lascannon upgrade and heavy bolter (Praetor accompanies this unit)



Two 20 man Stormwing tactical squads with chain bayonets, augury scanner, vexilla, power fist and artificier armor on sergeant (apothecaries go here) 


Heavy support:

2 heavy support squads, one with lascannons and the other with volkite culverins

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From what I've gathered, you sadly can't include the Centurion and an Apothecary together as the Centurion is part of the unit, which as an Independent Character prohibits the inclusion of the Apothecary. It is, frankly, bull, but it is unless rectified by an FAQ


Lascannons squads are a bit OP so I'd be mindful of that. One squad shouldn't be too big an issue. 


List looks fun though, I'm building something very similar myself. 

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9 hours ago, Jings said:

From what I've gathered, you sadly can't include the Centurion and an Apothecary together as the Centurion is part of the unit, which as an Independent Character prohibits the inclusion of the Apothecary. It is, frankly, bull, but it is unless rectified by an FAQ


Lascannons squads are a bit OP so I'd be mindful of that. One squad shouldn't be too big an issue. 


List looks fun though, I'm building something very similar myself. 

Can a stormwing praetor even join the unit of knights cenobium if they're deathwing? looking at this more I feel more like running the list with no rite of war, since i'm not taking centurions embedded in units anyway. That way I can make my HQ a cataphractii centurion with the inner circle knight upgrade and greatsword and that fits in much better with the knight cenobium unit and is cheaper. Reduce the 2 tactical squads from 20 man to 15, and I can fit in a recon squad with nemesis bolters and swap both heavy support squads for a Leviathan dreadnought.



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At 2k I would limit the lascannons to a 5 man or not at all unless you are in a very competitive meta(and some people are in some insane groups). They are a very oppressive unit and will get eye rolls. I have three armies and dont even own a single squad. You are playing Dark Angels, go with Dark Angels, try plasma cannons or jet bikes with plasma or melta for some added mobility. 

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On 6/5/2024 at 7:02 AM, Galron said:

At 2k I would limit the lascannons to a 5 man or not at all unless you are in a very competitive meta(and some people are in some insane groups). They are a very oppressive unit and will get eye rolls. I have three armies and dont even own a single squad. You are playing Dark Angels, go with Dark Angels, try plasma cannons or jet bikes with plasma or melta for some added mobility. 

Yeah the idea was 5 man heavy support squads at this points level. I'm not sure about more plasma, since i'm already taking the interemptors. How much anti tank do I need at 2k? I tooled out the contemptor with meltas for anti vehicle but maybe I should drop a heavy support squad for a laser vindicator or a predator instead. Though both of those might get shot off the board too quick to do any good on their own.

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On 6/3/2024 at 9:09 PM, Gorthaur said:

Can a stormwing praetor even join the unit of knights cenobium if they're deathwing? looking at this more I feel more like running the list with no rite of war, since i'm not taking centurions embedded in units anyway. That way I can make my HQ a cataphractii centurion with the inner circle knight upgrade and greatsword and that fits in much better with the knight cenobium unit and is cheaper. Reduce the 2 tactical squads from 20 man to 15, and I can fit in a recon squad with nemesis bolters and swap both heavy support squads for a Leviathan dreadnought.




There aren't any limitations to bringing different characters with different Wings, so not only can you bring the Companions, but it's a benefit as you can use their Deathwing bonuses instead of Stormwing, which is pretty useless on a Praetor. 

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On 6/7/2024 at 4:48 PM, Gorthaur said:

Yeah the idea was 5 man heavy support squads at this points level. I'm not sure about more plasma, since i'm already taking the interemptors. How much anti tank do I need at 2k? I tooled out the contemptor with meltas for anti vehicle but maybe I should drop a heavy support squad for a laser vindicator or a predator instead. Though both of those might get shot off the board too quick to do any good on their own.

Depending on your area the lascannons may be very needed at 2k. I live in a very pleasant meta and although people take good stuff nothing is OP. As example we limit contemptor to one per 1k points. They are still around and many people still use vehicles and I use a lot of terminator in my Death Guard.  Being able to chop them down a bit is huge and a lascannon squad can help that immensely.  I agree that spamming large units of them is oppressive so you have to decide if you're "that guy" but I don't see an issue with a unit of them. A buddy of mine tool multiple units of them in his Death Guard list and spammed the heck out of them. Then he wondered why no one wanted to play him...

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