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Right.. Time start painting - I had too much fun building my models, so I just kept doing that, having built up more than twenty models with a few spares yet to be assembled.


Was also a little scared about so many new colours, having painted Orcs & Goblins and Orks for the last years - in various brown clothing plus that green skin. But that is also one of the big reasons I am doing these chicks, the crazy colours and human skin. I needed something different!


And I found a small but nice little group running a campaign locally so decided I needed  some narrative skirmish games in my life (playing Mordheim too but.. Sci fi was lacking!)

There are three cool dudes already in the middle of a camapaign, their first I think? And then me and another guy that kinda came and said hello the same day! Met up with that dude a day or tow after that and had a chat at the gaming store and it felt very right. Like me he is more into modelling and the narrative aspect and seemed supernice and cool. So I am hyped!


Both of us "Juves" (I played 2nd Ed Necromunda but but that is it!) plan to join up when the new season kicks off here, in september or so. And that should hopefully give me time to paint up a playable gang! I´m slow but.. Not that slow, I hope. And part of the reason posting a WIP thread is to force myself to put some effort in (I don´t play with unpainted models to attone for my past sins of painting very little back in the days..)


Anyways - here the first wave is. That is probably my starter gang. But I might change some things. The plasma gun girl is a Matriarch and I picked her as I recently bought some colours and an oilbrush to paint plasma coils. But there are other models I would like to paint before her, as a Matriarch..  But it also feels like she would be handy.

The Wyld Runner´s arrows in her quiver is not glued on for painting purposes and then I do have quite a few more Sisters - with shotguns, an autogun, laspistol & stiletto sword etc. Maybe I switch out one lasgun-girl. But I picked these models not only because they are cheap but because they are my fav poses..


Also thought long and hard about priming. Maybe getting more black (ran out) - but I have vallejo Grey, Stynylrez darker grey and some Alclad gret etc. Don´t wanna buy more when I have primers - and alot.. So will probably go with the Stynylrez..

Might also be a slow start as I am waiting for alot of skin tones and washes as well as alot of the crazy hair colours - and with no plan for them.. Do I make a "system" like Little Sisters having one colour, one specific colour? Sisters some way? The Matriarch and Queen three? I don´t know..Probably just gonna do what feels right and no batch painting other than maybe the Little Sisters at the same time.


I have yet to give them names (apart from my Queen) but I have some working names for the gang, the one in the title one of them. Others are:


The Chempit Minxes

The Crimson Blades


Any opinions are welcome!:wink: On the gang, names, models, paints etc.









Some of the alternate models..





I moved the head of the Death Maiden so she looks over the gun (no pic). Which looks much better, but the neck is a little weird.. So I built my second one too. With a plasma pistol.. No idea if that is a good idea but I wanted to use that arm as I bought some paints, incl an Oilbrusg, for plasma..


Never bought so many paints specific for a new project (also that white Oilbrusher from Ammo Mig). Actually have a few I bought the other week too.. Feels good commiting.. :wink: But I did not have a great ammount of human flesh tones so was a good "investment". They are needed for other projects too.


I should have primed yesterday, was better weather, even rained.. A bit hot today. Not sure it matters but I might try later.. Wanna start painting soon..






Also visited one of the local hobby stores and gave a gift to my fav "person" working there..:biggrin:


A plush platypus for this cute little French Bulldog Lucy..:wub:




Trying to find an excuse to get back to the little doggo soon..:biggrin: My bike got a flat tyre so have to use the subway..And then it is still a bit of a walk.. But.. The weather is good so I will have to check what paints I need from there..:wink:


Made another model and she just happened to become a test-model.. My lightest skin formula but I messed it up a bit.. need to be more neat. And have a better wash too.  Also AK colours, new to me (bad excuse, I was just :cuss:).


But I like how the hair came out!


Skin tone looks very nice, at least from this angle it looks very natural and I don't see the issues that you are having with it.  And I agree, the hair is very nice - the pink/purple of the hair contrasts very nicely with both the pale skin and the soft brown of the hair braid/tie/band.

Thanks. Hmm, I felt that I did not get enough definition, or depth. More shade? But it is supposed to be pale so..  I picked out three Little Sisters and painted them in three different hair colours, one of them this too. Will probably use this skin tone as well. One more way to see that they are Little Sisters. (The others are purple and orange respectively.)


The thing in the hair is gold but I probably need to pick it out a bit again (Retributor Armour washed with Agrax) - it is gold in real life but need more highlight.Some pic I saw of a painted model with that hair had it gold so.. :biggrin:


Looking the skin over again irl - it looks alright (for being me!). Feel more happy about it now. But I can be more neat and I might try that last highlight better (AK´s Luminous Flesh). But I might try a darker skin wash as well on the Little Sisters..

Hmm, not feeling it.. I did three Little Sisters in my lightest skin tone formula (AK 3Gen Basic Skin Tone and Luminious Flesh, washed with both Reikland Flesh Wash as well as AP´s Peachy Flesh on one or two).
I did a sloppy job, they are too light with too little definition.. So  not the paints fault I think. But I don´t feel them.. Probably thinning them too much (and have crappy brushes, too big or too old..)

Hard to see but yeah, not great.. Might be better when I do the next skin tone. But i will leave it for now. The pink haired Little Sister´s braid was knocked off. Actually nicely glued but I was clumsy. So will leave it until she is done..


Also tried a blonde - her skin is not done, a wash there. I was originally gonna do her in the next tone but just kept painting without thinking.. And then when she was too light I re-washed her.. But i kidna like the hair. Both shape and colour.





And here´s the blonde..


I recommend watching the movie Tank Girl to get inspirations for details later on when the models have been nearly finished. Also graffiti tags for your scratch-built terrain.


Here is the "Red Tower" which was built quite some time ago for N18 Ash Wastes. It was inspired by the Borderlands video game with the cloth flaps hanging from the top of it. Although it is a shame that I haven´t found time yet to paint grafitti slogans on my own atop the whole thing:




It has a detachable roof which uses magnets. Quite handy when placing models inside the structure and serves well as a sniper nest.


Edited by Deus_Ex_Machina

I´ve started to watch Tank Girl, need to finish that. Mixed feelings about it but I should wait until I have seen it all.. :wink: It doesn´t fit my vision too well but i see what you mean.


Good terrain, thanks for the link! Nice inspiration


! tried the GW formula with Bugman´s Glow - Reikland Flesh Wash - Cadian Fleshtone and Kislev Flesh. A bit messy perhaps, hehe.. But it is much easier than the AK paints. Probably.. Most certainly a skill issue though. I will try some more (darker AK among them). I do like the GW paints, the shades. But don´t want all my Hive dwellers tanned..


Painting skin is a challenge for me too. Especially if you are used like me to paint power armour via drybrushing technique for years. Check out Youtube tutorials on how to paint skin more efficiently. What I remember is that you need to apply several layers of thin paint atop another.

On 6/10/2024 at 7:47 PM, Deus_Ex_Machina said:

Painting skin is a challenge for me too. Especially if you are used like me to paint power armour via drybrushing technique for years. Check out Youtube tutorials on how to paint skin more efficiently. What I remember is that you need to apply several layers of thin paint atop another.


Yeah - it is more the shade of the light ones and the consistency of the paints.. :) I´ve painted loads of Orks and orcs & Goblins the last years and I know that in and out. but it is GW paints too.  loads of pigment and a thicc consistency I know how to thin.. Is some getting used to..


YT is great though, atleast found some good formulas - now just need to practice it. The details on the models are smaller than I am used to as well.. Not like 2000s Brian Nelson Orcs.. But they are cool for sure!

Also built a few more.. Now out of bodies, but that´s cool! The last one - Yohanna Woo, hehe. Two autopistols, because I could! :biggrin:


Also like that hair from the upgrade sprue with that cloth over the mouth.  A Sister? Little Sister? Matriarch even? Who knows..





That looks like a good-looking gang. :smile: 


I like the hair colours, especially on the first model. :smile: They definitely remind me of the original Eschers (I remember Warwick Kinrade's Escher fairing badly against the Arbites way back when...)


With regard to the skin tone on the first model, it does look nice and natural on the face. It looks a bit flat on the arm, but that looks more like a camera issue due to the strong light hitting the flat surface of the back of the hand, etc?

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
On 6/18/2024 at 1:47 PM, Firedrake Cordova said:

That looks like a good-looking gang. :smile: 


I like the hair colours, especially on the first model. :smile: They definitely remind me of the original Eschers (I remember Warwick Kinrade's Escher fairing badly against the Arbites way back when...)


With regard to the skin tone on the first model, it does look nice and natural on the face. It looks a bit flat on the arm, but that looks more like a camera issue due to the strong light hitting the flat surface of the back of the hand, etc?


Thanks mate. Forgot to reply yesterday.. :blush:


Yeah :cuss:ty shot. Her face is actually decent for being me, or good for being me. Just wanted more definition, shade and highlight-difference on the arms and so on.  Should test-paint with those paints more.. And not thin them, at all actually!


Also, seems like she is in one of my absolute favourite movies all time..:biggrin:






Took a little break to finish off my Goblin bruisers for my Black orc BB-team..

The Contrast paints do a good job with skin, especially when diluted a little and applied carefully. Alternatively, they make great washes and can be quite subtle when really thinned downed (5-10 parts medium to 1 part paint). :smile: 

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
On 6/23/2024 at 12:09 AM, Deus_Ex_Machina said:

Were the people on Yaktribe of any help to you?


Not really used that site, yet.. I registered and that was about it.. Want to continue this but just gonna finish off my 6 Goblin Bruisers for my Black Orc BB team - probably done tomorrow or atleast this week though so..:biggrin:


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