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A little quiet in here (or should it be, make some noise!)

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Hey folks,


Is it me or have we lost some Wolf brothers and sisters?  A while back when B&C changed the website, a year or more ago, it felt like a lot of folks maybe didn't come back or is it because of frustration in the way the Wolves have been treated game wise?


Whatever the reason, I miss seeing all the great conversions and paint jobs.  So if you have something, please post it, I love getting inspiration from all of you.

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Wolves have been pretty quiet since the Marine codex came out. We know we can play really well with both Gladius and Stormlance detachments. New rules, units and combos tend to drive modelling activity. I guess a lot of people are comfortably sitting and playing their existing collections. My guess is we wil see another flurry of activity once our Codex comes out.

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Posted (edited)

I can only answer that for myself: After I did only Space Wolves last year, I wanted to swap over to Age of Sigmar this year and exclusively work on my Skaven. Buuut … after a few Games, I realised that I just don't like 40k and AoS as games anymore (and I don't like the new Skaven Design). So I switchted to Kill Team and Warcry in hope of shorter games, more matches, less rules and more painting and conversion time per Mini. So … there will be more Space Wolves Content from me later this year, although "only" for Kill Team … :D

Edited by Filius
Added Skaven Design
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1 hour ago, Filius said:

I can only answer that for myself: After I did only Space Wolves last year, I wanted to swap over to Age of Sigmar this year and exclusively work on my Skaven. Buuut … after a few Games, I realised that I just don't like 40k and AoS as games anymore (and I don't like the new Skaven Design). So I switchted to Kill Team and Warcry in hope of shorter games, more matches, less rules and more painting and conversion time per Mini. So … there will be more Space Wolves Content from me later this year, although "only" for Kill Team … :D

Ah Skaven, that takes me back, my first Games Workshop army 30+ years ago.  And hey any Wolves is all good, I don't play, just build and paint for display.

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Another issue is that the B&C now faces fierce competition from instagram, reddit and other sites.

Last ones I made a few years ago, (time is not your friend anymore in adulthood..) Hounds Of Morkai using Valbjorns green stuff beard and pelt tutorial, the Soul Haunters Straps, Oyumaru for copying small items, and so on :)


r/SpaceWolves - Fang of morkai


Ingen beskrivelse er tilgjengelig.



But theres tons and tons of great space wolf converters on Instagram, the_legiones_astarteschicopsg1 jormun02valbjorn (he started a small sculpting revolution with his green stuff beards made with toothpicks), the_lost_6thanvilbornredheavyminismatt.templars, and my favourite wolf head sculpt comes from prae018, to name a few.  Instagram has removed the option to see the latest uploaded photos when you browse by hashtags so I use picuki for that.

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Plus the weather is getting bright and sunny meaning more people are outside doing things rather than sitting inside and modelling. A lot of hobby websites have sort of summer lull.

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39 minutes ago, Helias_Tancred said:

I've noticed many of the forums have seemed more quiet.  I've chalked it up to people getting tired of the hobby due to multiple reasons of late?

All my personal meta (colleagues roughly my age in their late30ies / mid40ies / early50ise, but also teenagers) just don't do forums anymore (or never have done). Most of them just hang around on Youtube or Insta; Reddit at best. And they only share hobby-progress in private messenger-groups. Really. I'm the only one using forums and blogs. So I guess, for places like this, the wolf-time might be nigh …

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Posted (edited)

I must apologize for silence here. My Ultima Founding boys have stayed out of this forum and have lived in WIP for a while.  I only started using SW units in the reborn Greymanes recently. Here's my Chapter Master Godwyn Bullroarer (Ragnar proxy) as well as my Arjac proxy.





Edited by SvenIronhand
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Good Day Brothers,


Its been awhile. Like @Karhedron said it will pickup once our new book comes out. I have not played 40k for some time. Only had 3 games in 9th on 2 games in 10th. I myself still have alot to explore. As @Apokalypsi said as you age time for gaming get more limited... for me that is.. i try to game at least twice a month over the weekend. Been occupied with legion Imperialist & necromunda.. having small games with very small minis is kinda fun. Last month a bunch of us player decided to play 3rd Ed over the weekend... that was really fun. Where you really have to think how to take down your opponent with tactical movement & precision. No funky stratagem that allows you to move like half the table in 1 turn.. funny really. last i recall only eldar could do that. And we wolves sneak in behind enemy line with our elite scouts and blow up 3 tanks with melta bomb. :) .... good time it was.    


Well now all have change... i just need to catch up with the new play style now. Just letting out some steam :) . 


* put 2 pic of my epic LI.. cute arent they.. lol


Cheers brothers.

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 at 11.22.22 PM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-11 at 5.12.49 PM.jpeg

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I'm still here but since having a kid building and painting have considerably tapered off. I do play every Tuesday (as long as kid and wife aren't sick) so I have a good amount of reps with 10th but haven't run across anything profound enough to feel the need to post. I'm usually here lurking though looking to see if anyone else has any pearls of wisdom to look at. 


I do fear competition from reddit etc. Is a reduction in numbers here but I hope the B and C stays around as I prefer it to those other choices. Feels like a more consistent community here.

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57 minutes ago, Rune Priest Jbickb said:

I'm still here but since having a kid building and painting have considerably tapered off. I do play every Tuesday (as long as kid and wife aren't sick) so I have a good amount of reps with 10th but haven't run across anything profound enough to feel the need to post. I'm usually here lurking though looking to see if anyone else has any pearls of wisdom to look at. 


I do fear competition from reddit etc. Is a reduction in numbers here but I hope the B and C stays around as I prefer it to those other choices. Feels like a more consistent community here.

I agree B&C feels like home, Reddit makes my teeth itch, just too many random passersby just lashing out late night.  Ok we see some heated discussions on here, but never about people's modelling or painting ability and that's what keeps me here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think its a bit about incentive too, maybe we can start posting great conversions and paint jobs from other sites on here?  And tag the creators of course, maybe some of them will even come over to give some comments on the praise they get from the B&C :thumbsup:  Would that be feasible?


Something like this: 


When I was still a wee lad, Prophet Miniatures had the hottest wolves on the block.  I have searched far and wide to reclaim the conversion pictures, but they have been mostly purged from the interwebs.  All except for one (as far as I am aware):





Still excellent Scout conversions, really capturing veterans going behind enemy lines to take out key targets.  Bring back melta bombs!

Edited by Harald Fairmane
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I must apologise having just got back into 40K at the begging of 9th with a flurry of painting and converting i have now become busy with work again.  My half painted Ragnar and Logan models just look at me with unbridled rage every time i open my store cupboard.  With a 2 year old running around and working opposite shifts from my partner its not left me much time to get anything done.  However i will make a conscious  effort to finish those models up.  My pile of grey shame is slowly building up again.

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I hear you, life gets in the way, summer is here in the UK, I've got lots of home projects to do, new wood shed in the garden, new kitchen and bathroom to fit, plus my 9-5 job, dogs to walk and I'd also like sometime to just sit in the sun and do nothing.  Also I do feel like I have more grey plastic and now 3D printed stuff than I will ever finish is my life. :biggrin:

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Sorry for double post, repeatedly getting error: "The value entered includes a character that is not allowed such as an Emoji."  Also the formatting on the video is out of this world, but you CAN upload videos to the B&C :biggrin:


 Heavy intercessor sergeant created by by_the_fang


Gravis armor didnt sit right with me, but by the fang successfully created an amazing pack leader.  Could also be used as a wolf lord with master crafted heavy bolt rifle and power weapon   Would like to create a wolf lord inspired by this one day.


Edited by Harald Fairmane
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