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3k Dark Angels starter list

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Hey fellow Horus Heresy Generals!


I have put this list together, it basically includes everything I own so far (though I haven’t bought the Rhino yet)


My idea for the force is that it is the Lion’s personal guard.


Here’s the list:

++ 1. Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA -   I: Dark Angels) [3,000Pts] ++

+ Expanded Army Lists +

Expanded Army List Profiles:: Exemplary Units Off, Legacy Units Off

+ Allegiance: +

Allegiance: Loyalist

I: Dark Angels

+ Rite of War: +

Rite of War

+ HQ: +

Corswain [545Pts]
. Deathwing Companion Detachment: Legion Vexilla
. . Deathwing Companion: Cytheron Pattern Aegis, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Companion: Cytheron Pattern Aegis, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Oathbearer: Plasma Pistol, Power Fist
. . Rhino Transport: 1x Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile, Multi-Melta

Praetor [510Pts]: Deathwing
. Deathwing Companion Detachment: Legion Vexilla, Warhawk Jump Pack
. . Deathwing Companion: Cytheron Pattern Aegis, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Companion: Cytheron Pattern Aegis, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Terranic Greatsword
. . Deathwing Companion: Bolter, Power Fist
. . Deathwing Oathbearer: Plasma Pistol, Power Fist
. Legion Praetor: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Combat Shield, Terranic Greatsword, Warhawk Jump Pack

+ Elites: +

Apothecarion Detachment [70Pts]
. Apothecary: Bolt Pistol, Deathwing, Power Armour, Warhawk Jump Pack
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword

Inner Circle Knights Cenobium [340Pts]: Deathwing, Legion Vexilla, Slayers of Kings
. Order Cenobites: Thunder Hammer
. Order Cenobites: Terranic Greatsword
. Order Cenobites: Terranic Greatsword
. Order Cenobites: Terranic Greatsword
. Order Cenobites: Terranic Greatsword
. Order Preceptor: Grenade Harness, Thunder Hammer

+ Troops: +

Assault Squad [195Pts]: Combat Shield, Deathwing
. Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword
. 7x Legionary: 7x Bolt Pistol, 7x Chainsword
. Legionary w/ Options: Bolt Pistol, Power Sword
. Legionary w/ Options: Bolt Pistol, Power Sword

Tactical Squad [135Pts]: Stormwing
. Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour, Power Fist
. 7x Legionary: 7x Bolt Pistol, 7x Bolter
. Legionary w/ Options:: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Nuncio-Vox
. Legionary w/ Options:: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla

Tactical Squad [135Pts]: Stormwing
. Legion Tactical Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour, Power Fist
. 7x Legionary: 7x Bolt Pistol, 7x Bolter
. Legionary w/ Options:: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Nuncio-Vox
. Legionary w/ Options:: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla

+ Fast Attack: +

Sky-Hunter Squadron [215Pts]: Ravenwing
. Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Multi-Melta
. Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Multi-Melta
. Legion Sky-Hunter: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Multi-Melta
. Legion Sky-Hunter Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Multi-Melta
. . Power Weapon: Power Sword

+ Heavy Support: +

Land Raider Spartan [395Pts]: Ironwing
. Land Raider Spartan: 2x Lascannon Array, Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-linked Lascannon, Multi-Melta

+ Primarch: +

Lion El'Jonson [460Pts]: The Lion Sword

++ Total: [3,000Pts] ++



 I’m not completely wedded to this list though I’m hoping it would be fun to play with and against.


The Lion has been included in this list but I’m wondering if he’ll be overkill at 3k?


What size game would fit including a Primarch? I have heard they’re pretty over powered.

Do I need more basic troops? 

Like I said this is what I own so far.


Thanks in advance for any critique and suggestions!

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The primarch thing depends on your group. Some groups like my area, primarchs are agreed upon beforehand and are not for just pick up games. Other groups may have different standards.


Why do you have three different big HQs? If it were me and I had to use the companion models, I would take Corswain with 10 companions in a land raider. More realistically I wouldnt use more than 5 and I would skip the shields I think. Find another Cataphract dude and field some sort of buffing Centurion with the Cenobium in the Spartan. I think off hand, Herald makes them Line or something like that.


Turn the jump pack Praetor into a chaplain or telepathy librarian.


Use the points from the Lion to buy a Dreadnought or two with claw and twin lascannons, plasma cannon or melta. You have plenty of slots. They are brutal and you will use them every game. 


No interempters? Dont like plasma flamer death?

Rhinos for the tacticals. 

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Thanks @Galron!


I basically made the list from everything I already own!


I can drop the Companions with jet packs as although I have the models they remain unbuilt.


Can I attach the HQ to the Assault Marines and Apothecary? I wasn’t sure so this was the main reason for the Jump Companion Squad as a retinue for the Praetor.

I can add another Terminator and a Herald to the Cenobium Knights (I’ll use the Cataphractii Praetor) should add more utility!


I don’t currently have any Interemptors so that’s why they’re not included.


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