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22 hours ago, calgar101 said:

A bit like how the Tale of 4 gamers did things all them moons ago. Or how Fat Bloke built his Chaos fantasy army up in WD 275 and issues close to it.


Tale of Four Gamers is still one of the best article series they've ever done. Young me with his bright eyes and full head of hair must have read through those articles fifty times back in the day, and it is still how I build my armies today - get a new unit, assemble and paint that unit and use it in a game, rinse and repeat.


Also, Fat Bloke using his extra change one month for a bacon sandwich. :laugh::thumbsup: Classic.

28 minutes ago, phandaal said:


Tale of Four Gamers is still one of the best article series they've ever done. Young me with his bright eyes and full head of hair must have read through those articles fifty times back in the day, and it is still how I build my armies today - get a new unit, assemble and paint that unit and use it in a game, rinse and repeat.


Also, Fat Bloke using his extra change one month for a bacon sandwich. :laugh::thumbsup: Classic.

You cannot beat WD from them days!

I would say take a long hard look at the GW store and see what models appeal to you. Go into any categories that do then look at the units without any hard plans for an army.


Then I'd search youtube for codex reviews and battle reps and lore videos just to expand your feeling of what it is that the army is about without worrying about win rates and all the technical stuff unless that is your thing. Codex reviews are a good way to look at the army's codex without committing fully just yet.


Once a decision is made then find an online FLGS to take advantage of discounts and buy a troops unit and build and paint it. If you enjoy the process of making them then great, if not so much at least you just got a killteam out of it. Ebay is a great way to pick up a five man squad if you don't want to go spending loads.


Then once you are certain buy yourself a codex then look at a decent HQ or a combat patrol and go from there.


I think it's hard to start an army these days because it can be daunting in terms of stuff like price. I started an Aeldari army last year with tons of plans of tanks and stuff but the actual pricing stopped me dead in my tracks.


You also have to take composition into account which can be difficult when the game has devolved into such a competitive tabletop game rather than a true wargame. You can come up with all sorts of fun themes but if your gaming group or buddies are more serious tournament players then your fun build can turn the experience of playing into a bit of a dull forgone conclusion because you didn't take all the optimum units.



I am more forward thinking these days. Is the army actually going to be an army or an ever-collection? If its something you want to do as a one and done and dust your hands of for a long time, then more planning is required. That means a list at the average game size as the finish line. You can play smaller games if you like with a mix of units needed from the endpoint list. This stops a purchase sprawl (or at least mitigates it somewhat...). Better to have a clear objective and work on meeting that for progress. 

I start armies basically as/when there are launch boxes or splash releases where I can get a good collection started without buying many kits a la carte... Definitely helps when a friend wants the other half of the 'vs' launch boxes, though it looks like they are not doing that anymore and just doing splash battleforces alongside the combat patrols. If I were starting an army it'd be based on the codex release bundles + combat patrol... Basically any collection of mine will end up being only up to like half one-off kits purchased to create a modicum of uniqueness or theme in the resulting list. I also just never buy more than 2 of any kit because I don't want to paint more than that of anything really... and if I do, I'm more apt to find a cheaper alternative from a different line or third party.


I also can't remember the last time I bought a character on their own. I basically just convert them from better value kits in other lines - primarily Necromunda - or from stuff you get in the bundles.


Case in point - my Primaris army (Storm Lords) started with 8th launch box and then I added Reivers, Inceptors, then the 9th Edition launch stuff, and 2 Storm speeders, then doubled up on Outriders and Assault Intercessors, and now the 10th launch stuff... Though the Leviathan terminators and Ballistus ended up Salamanders to refurbish my oldmarines (started with a 3rd edition megaforce ~2003?). That army is pretty much 'done', although I may spring for more hellblasters or Eradicators some day - or even a couple Impulsors - but I like the army as Intercessor horde + speeders and light utility units and never really intended to go armoured with it.




The Good Doctor.

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