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4k Ultramarines w/ Solar Auxilia Allies

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Ultramarines Crusade Force Detachment 

Rite of War: Sky Hunter Phalanx 


HQ (680pts)

Praetor w/ Archeotech Pistol, Master Crafted Paragon Blade, & Melta Bombs on a Scimitar Jetbike accompanied by a Command Squad on Scimitar Jetbikes (Warlord Trait: Burden of Kings)

-Command Squad w/ 3x Chosen w/ Bolt Pistol and Power Axe, 3x Chosen w/ Bolt Pistol and Power Sword, Chosen w/ Bolt Pistol and Power Lance, & Standard Bearer with Bolt Pistol and Power Fist


Troops (625pts)

5x Sky Hunter Phalanx w/ 5x Volkite Culverins & a Legion Vexilla 

5x Sky Hunter Phalanx w/ 5x Volkite Culverins & a Legion Vexilla 

5x Sky Hunter Phalanx w/ 5x Plasma Cannons & a Legion Vexilla 


Fast Attack (210pts)

1x Javelin Squadron w/ Lascannon Sponsons & Pintle Multi Melta

1x Javelin Squadron w/ Lascannon Sponsons & Pintle Multi Melta


Solar Auxilia Allied Detachment 

Cohort Doctrines: Ultramar pattern Cohort 


HQ (355pts)

Legate Marshal w/ Master Crafted Paragon Blade, Archeotech Pistol, Artificer Armor, Iron Halo, & Cyber Familiar accompanied by a Lifeward Section

-Lifeward Section w/ 2x Auxilia Protectors w/ Laspistol and Power Sword, 2x Auxilia Protectors w/ Laspistol and Power Axe, Command Vox, & Cohorts Vexilla in an Aurox Transport


Troops (1150pts)

Ultramar pattern Auxilia Rifle Tercio w/ 5x 20-Auxiliary Rifle Sections w/ 5x Vox Interlocks 

Ultramar pattern Auxilia Rifle Tercio w/ 5x 20-Auxiliary Rifle Sections w/ 5x Vox Interlocks 


Heavy Support (975pts)

Armored Tercio w/ 3x Leman Russ Strike Squadrons

-Leman Russ Strike Squadron w/ 2 Leman Russ' w/ Vanquisher Battle Cannon & Co-Axial Mounted Autocannon, Hull Lascannon, & Dozer Blades 

-Leman Russ Strike Squadron w/ 2 Leman Russ' w/ Vanquisher Battle Cannon & Co-Axial Mounted Autocannon, Hull Lascannon, & Dozer Blades 

-Leman Russ Strike Squadron w/ 2 Leman Russ' w/ Vanquisher Battle Cannon & Co-Axial Mounted Autocannon, Hull Lascannon, & Dozer Blades 



Let me know what you all think of this list. I'm planning on working towards the Solar Auxilia part as I already have most of the Ultramarines part. C&C wanted Cheers!

Edited by WolfLogic
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