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So new mission deck and we are nearing a year  into the new nids. How have you found it and where do you think we are going to go?


Nids got great kits and a lot of new plastic. I enjoyed that and certainly were cheap because of leviathan. But game wise i found nids very... lacking. They couldnt hit hard enough so had to rely on numbrrs and annoying scoring mechanicisms. I didnt want to play that way and after i compleately bounced off necrons i lost heart in them and swapped to iron warriors and the difference is incredable.


So where this leaves nids with the new changes... itll be very interesting. What will happen to our oc0 scoring mechanism things (aka rippers and sporemines)massive cuts? Rules changes? Will other stuff get adjusted to compensate? 


Edited by Brother Nathan

TLDR: I feel as if we've been put in our place as an NPCs again.


In 9th we had some solid melee and shooting, and while some of our big bugs could tank a fair bit of damage, our gribblies were still getting taken off in handfuls but they didn't ever run away.  I feel that's where Nids should be in a PvP game.


With things like the Tyrannofex gun and HVC getting the nerfs they did, it does feel as if someone thought we were just 'too good for bugs'.  Which, I guess if we had become holy terrors in CC as compensation would be an acceptable trade off but a couple of weeks ago I lost an (admittedly wounded) Swarmlord in CC to a lone Zodgrod Wortsnagga.


Most of our Detachments are okay, but Invasion Swarm is such a good all-rounder that I'm not that fussed by the others which rely on spamming themed units.


I would really like GW to sort out Tyranid Warriors. The melee variant gives up a lot of shooting power and a great special ability for a very marginal increase in melee output and a terrible special ability.  And the melee guys cost more. Were GW expecting to release a nasty Shrike variant but ran out of room?  Gah.


The models we've had are pretty but often unnecessary.  Example being the Nerolictor...we got a great new kit for Lictors but then it feels as if the Lictor got all his Special Stuff taken away and given to the Nerolictor.


We got the Winged Warrior Alpha...but instead of getting plastic Shrikes to go with him...we got VRL.  Which also kind of tread on Ravener's toes.  Metaphorically speaking, of course.


On the other hand, the new Termagant kits are so nice to build and paint that I've purchased another two regular boxes. Because they are simply adorable!


I run always run a fair number of Battleline units just because I feel that's what any army should be built on; I'm hoping the new Mission Pack will seem them being more useful.  I am wondering if all the bonuses that Battleline get will simple replace of the 'abused' things from the previous missions (no fudging things with Assault weapons or Pistols)


Lastly, I'm a very mellow person but calling the keyword for both generating and benefiting from it 'Synapse' does make me want to shake someone.  That and the Broodlord losing Synapse. :facepalm:

I can still win games but I'm playing casually against chill folks.  I have no idea how Nids are doing competitively.


have to agree, and i kinda get it. nids should suit the expendable foe play and helps to make the game fun in certain ways for some enemys but we need the costs for that build style to match up. ie i dont mind 100 points of marines killing 100 points of nids if 100 points of nids can do the same if allowed to do so. if that works then ive no problem with that 100 points being 5 marines or 1 custodie nor if the nids are 3 warriors or 50 gaunts but it needs to work both ways and we arnt at that point. well maby in swarm but other armys do that better atm seemingly. will nids be able to do so without their cheat units scoring... 


one of my last games was against necrons with nids. i take a fairly balanced list and hate those more silly element scoring things (rippers and sporemines) to say i got decimated is an understatement. they killed my stuff fast. heldd objectives  and my damage bounced off. my numberrs difference quickly melted. that a ctan walked though a swarmlord and guard and hausperax and then a bunch of other units for nothing feels bad. 


granted i can still preform casually but i dont want to take a cheese list to do so. 

On 6/11/2024 at 9:24 AM, Brother Nathan said:

They couldnt hit hard enough so had to rely on numbrrs and annoying scoring mechanicisms. I didnt want to play that way and after i compleately bounced off necrons i lost heart in them and swapped to iron warriors and the difference is incredable.


I played about 10 games with nids (or of 40k in total) in 2023, and I've maybe played 2 this year. Nids hit like a wet blanket and I didn't find them fun to play. Games were basically move gaunts onto objectives, then slowly (or quickly) remove them, and then move lictors onto not-objectives, andkeep them as far away from the enemy as possible. 


they finally managed to make the nids an NPC faction where your opponent can either counter you, or you win. 


I have been playing a lof of heresy though :happy:


The new updates add a lot of power to nids, however is effectively a new codex. GW seems to have abandoned the 'one in, one out' rule that they promised to stick with, and are instead cramming new rules in to compensate for poor units. 

MFM has some very welcome surprises in it.


Getting +1 S to Melee while in Synapse means S5 Stealers, and S4 gaunts.  That's a good break-point on their most common targets, and should really help vs marines or the T5 stuff mine seem to be fighting.  Even the humble Termagant should be getting that most of the time which is cute, if nothing else.


Thank the Norn Queens that Broodlords and Parasite got their missing Synapse (node) back!  


As someone on FB pointed out it puts some of our big melee bugs up to S10 - a solid buff against that tricksy T5 infantry and some vehicles.


I did get excited about the -1 penalty to enemy Battle-shock while they are in our synapse range...but unless I'm mistaken, that's only for the One Per Game SitW ability.


Fixing the Tyrannofex gun to a more reliable damage profile is great; would have been nice if they had sorted out the Heavy Venom Cannon.  Are they perhaps missing just how big those are compared to the regular VCs carried by Warriors?


Crusher Stampede got a slight buffing but I'm not too sure how much that's going to help.  


quite like these changes... is it enought... questionable. but i do like the idea of zoans and neuro tyrant soo much, think it was one of my wants on release. 


shadow i like the modifier but think it just needs to be a synapse change rather than a once with the shadow in the warp. does it stack with the neurotyrant?

glad broodlord and parasite got their synapse back. 

tyrant getting lethat... possibly useful... 

tyrannofex, much more reliable. think i could near make that work now... 

tempted to near try out nids with those fixes alone...

I would prefer SiTW to have been an all game penalty to enemy Battle-shock while they are in our Synapse range.


Though that would be quite short ranged doing potentially nothing on occasion…rather than a potential table-wide effect. So maybe that’s a dumb idea! :biggrin:


I don’t think we can stack modifiers other than armour saves. Or the final bonus can never be greater than plus or minus one?

Edited by Zoatibix
Bad spelling
18 hours ago, Zoatibix said:

Getting +1 S to Melee while in Synapse means S5 Stealers, and S4 gaunts.  That's a good break-point on their most common targets,


Having a more detailed look through +1S hits a pretty critical break point for a lot of our monsters - tyrant and swarmy go to S10, and a lot of scything talons on big beasts go from S7D2 to S8 D2 which is now the perfect marine killer, even on sweep profiles - the maleceptor goes to S10/S8 Strike/sweep, so it'll be nice to wound a rhino on better than a 4+, simialrly Norn Emissary claws/talons bump to S8/10. 


The next problem will be of course that all these receive a price hike next time round. 

A couple other neat things that I think have been getting overlooked that will be a big benefit to Tyranids. 

- I think Melee Warriors can be a real solid threat now since they always have Synapse. Going to up 6 Strength with Re-Roll 1's to hit, Sustained from the Prime and Twin-Linked is going to be a very considerable amount of Ap-2 hits, and with those re-rolls on the wounds, they can now punch up reasonably into T:11 vehicles if they have to, aside from just blendering T5 infantry. (Having Advance and charge in the Vanguard Onslaught Detachment thanks to the Prime will certainly help with this.) 

- Everyone seems to be sleeping on the considerable buff of the Neurotyrant now being able to lead Zoanthropes. Those big shots hitting on 2's are going to make our big blasts WAY more consistent and if you can force the battle shock, wounding on 2's for most targets as well. The icing on the cake, because the Neurotyrant is a monster, that means our Zoanthropes now get Big Guns Never Tire when being led by it, so no more getting locked down by infantry chaff tagging them in close combat.  

Edited by Tawnis
  • 5 months later...
On 6/21/2024 at 1:00 PM, Xenith said:

The next problem will be of course that all these receive a price hike next time round. 


Fully happy to eat my words on this one, it seems our big monsters have survived without a nerf, and the Emissary/Assimilator even went down! 


How have people been faring with the changes?

3 hours ago, Xenith said:


Fully happy to eat my words on this one, it seems our big monsters have survived without a nerf, and the Emissary/Assimilator even went down! 


How have people been faring with the changes?

If I can get an opponent that last longer then two turns I'll tell you.


In all seriousness the Assimilation Swarm has been treating me well and now that the Norn has a harvester version it just adds to the tankyness of the army. While I appreciate the fact we don't need capture objectives to heal. I do miss the extra push to grab them for primary. 


Just need to hope I get an exocrine kit for christmas so I can build the haurspex to finish my 2K wish list.  

  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/22/2024 at 5:54 AM, Xenith said:


Is that through you wiping them, vice versa?

Me wiping out most of their force.  Granted I've been lucky the last few games. Last three have gone the same way:

I win first turn, surge to the mid0field killing or heavily injurying a unit or two, get one or  both secondaries off. Opponent does a little damage, maybe gets a secondary off. Turn two (max primary) heal almost all damage from prior turn, eat half or more of the opponent's army. Opponent so pushed back they try to recover, fail and give after turn two. 


With the increased heal I'm regening the big boys easier and I use a tervigon as my center which means I can regen between 4-12 guants a turn. I speced into harvesters so a decent amount of healer in the force.

  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/19/2024 at 9:47 PM, Focslain said:

I do miss the extra push to grab them for primary


You can always play aggressive with gaunts and gargoyles to collect objectives.

In addition to the surge movements (the 6 inches of the gardgouilles after the shot or the D6 inches of the termagaunts), you can with a rapid ingress of rippers swarms 6 inches from these units, trigger a feeding of the swarm at the start of your phase of command and add 3 figures to steal the objectives.

You can go beyond this if you have spore mines to sacrifice in the movement or charge phase to trigger "reclaim biomass" stratagems.


Now that the collectors no longer have to stay on the objectives to feed the swarm, this opens up a lot of aggressive strategy with deep strikes.

And not just the rippers ones: 3 pyrovores or a psychophage in a tyrannocyte, I don't find that stupid.

Edited by Darwhine

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