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Game changing terrain

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So one thing that's common to see are a lot of boards tend to be mostly structures. This arrived in the mail today, and I think it's noteworthy for a couple of reasons, one, it's a missing link in terms of terrain that has rules but models are not as easy to come by and often have to be home made: cliffs. The second reason its noteworthy is it was printed in fdm, I believe in one piece. This makes it also quite affordable, meaning a table's worth of these are now in reach because what used to cost a lot in resin costs much less in plastic, so that's good news for anyone trying to get an li board's worth of terrain for gaming. 


Now there is some stuff sorta missing from the cliff rules so I've include my own home brew cliff rules that include stuff about ramps. Scale wise the ramps can accommodate anything up to about a sicaran or proteus land raider, obviously one could build ramps wide enough to accommodate just about any model.  What's also notable about this without being super tall it still blocks los to most units in the game that aren't a titan while also having a really efficient footprint because most of the area it takes up is in play, so much so there's room up top to even fit a civitas structure. 


I got a couple of these and I'm going to scramble to get them painted asap. 


Here's where I got them, they're always expanding their offerings and the prices because they're fdm are quite good. 







CLIFFS 001.jpg

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