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Which primarch was/is the most open-minded to accepting Xenos?

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On 6/21/2024 at 6:59 AM, Karhedron said:

I don't think any of the human sub-species are classed as Xenos. They are abhumans if they are stable or mutants if they are not. Psykers, Navigators, Ogryns, Ratlings and even Pariahs are recognised as "human".


The only exception I can think of are Votann and that is simply because most of the Imperium are not aware they are descended from humanity and the Votann are not interested in correcting them.

And if the Imperium was at war instead of "allied with" with the Squat Homeworlds, or Ogryn/Ratling planetary enclaves would they be Xenos or Abhuman? 

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1 hour ago, Tacitus said:

And if the Imperium was at war instead of "allied with" with the Squat Homeworlds, or Ogryn/Ratling planetary enclaves would they be Xenos or Abhuman? 

Abhuman still of course. They are not xenos, which have never been human and would never be a trusted part of the empire. Essentially when a new human species is found they are tested for purity and stability and are either accepted as human (though perhaps less human than other hunans, hence the abhuman vlassification), or purged as mutants. That’s why there is a bewildering variety of humanity, of which Ogryns, Ratlings, and Squats/Votann are merely the tip of the iceberg. Among the beast men, you could pretty much make any kind of abhuman you want, from worlds full of cat girls and dog boys to humans genetically edited to have gills and webbed appendages for water worlds, pretty much any adaptation you can think of. Sky is the limit pretty much here, as long as the inquisitors say they are genetically pure enough to pass for human. 

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On 6/26/2024 at 7:57 PM, Indy Techwisp said:

Ilyan Nastase from back in the OldHammer days



That time frame is really relevant to the topic. That eldar Librarian was only published one month before marines got all their organs and had to be 12-year-old human males, completely modern space marines.  Those were both articles in White dwarf 97 and then 98. So there never really was a time when players thought a half elf could join a chapter.


What ties to the OP is that all this was a year before the demi-god primarch project.  If you want your power-armour Imperial main character to be either friendly with xenos or bigoted, it makes more sense for them to be one marine out of 1.3 million marines, who can be replaced when he dies, than it does for them to be the irreplaceable 1 in 18 demigod.



That's because we know bigotry can help people gain power and improve their social standing, but primarchs don't need that because they're born with the highest social standing. Just the same, when someone is open minded and has solidarity, we want to be like them because they can make friends anywhere and create this feeling of safety for themselves and for us, but obviously it's not reflexive to see a primarch doing something and think i can do that too.



On 6/21/2024 at 4:21 PM, The Praetorian of Inwit said:

Why would you want to be? An open mind is simply an unguarded Fortress. The galaxy belongs to humanity and humanity alone. You can cry about the Emperor or accept the truth that he was right. 




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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/30/2024 at 4:34 PM, Arikel said:

Abhuman still of course.


as long as the inquisitors say they are genetically pure enough to pass for human. 

You kinda just made my point.  Abhuman to Xenos is just a matter of degrees usually scaled around how easy/difficult and beneficial integration is. 

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11 hours ago, Tacitus said:

You kinda just made my point.  Abhuman to Xenos is just a matter of degrees usually scaled around how easy/difficult and beneficial integration is. 

Well not really. They would be classified as corrupted mutants, of no worth or value to the imperium.

I suppose it would be a matter of splitting hairs, but mutants are not xenos and xenos are not mutants. One is degenerated, but once was human. Xenos have never been human. It makes a difference to me, and possibly to what resources would be applied by the imperium to complete the task. but not in the end result that would be applied, which would be to purge them from existence.

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