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A few questions from a new boss

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I play a Bully Boyz list (admittedly only at 1000pts so far) and thoroughly enjoy it (I tend to play for fun though, as does my opponent).


My boyz are a ten man choppa and slugga unit in a Trukk (with a Warboss), with another ten on foot with random shooters/c&s/token missile launcher.


Only one unit of Nobz so far with Big Choppas/2 x power claws in a Trukk.


Warboss in Mega Armour with Teleporta accompanied by 6 MN with Twin Killsaws.


On the two turns I call the Waaagh it's pure, glorious, mayhem (as long as my charges pay off of course).


So far with the new Codex i've been outplayed by the silly Ultramarines and cleared the board of World Eaters on Turn 3.

On 6/14/2024 at 6:52 AM, dice4thedicegod said:

(I have a hunch meganobz might catch a hit in balance slate coming this month)

If this is true I will have one happy opponent:laugh:

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