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Games Workshop expansion

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Looks like a new application has been made. I expect there was an observation or a requirement from the planning team or environmental agency that hadn’t been met. These sorts of things often have to be resubmitted due to formalities.

Edited by VanDutch
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2 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

UK red tape....


Something that moves slower and is less efficient than the Administratum:tongue:

Definitely, and like I said in my previous post, if you live in a national park it is FAR worse.


2 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

Why did I go through those documents like one was going to say “Plastic Primarch makin’ room!”

That is probably why the first application was refused, Warhammer Will on the council team, insisted this change was added!

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8 hours ago, Captain Idaho said:

So it looks like the excuses that "the council won't let us" were just that - excuses.


It's good news but should have been done before. 2026 is like a hundred years away or something. 

we can look forward to a super smooth roll out of the 11th edition starter boxes so  :)


"Games Workshop plans to open its fourth factory on land at the rear of its headquarters in spring 2026, before relocating its packing operations to the new facility. Moving these operations out of factories along Willow Road would then create space to expand its tooling and injection moulding operations - enabling production to ramp up."


Sounds like the new building/expansion is a packing plant so maybe that soothed the council?

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3 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:

Yeah got to grease the wheel of local authorities - or threaten to move out completely with some credibility.


Good point on the roll out for 11th. That is actually massively reassuring.


Sidetrack, but I wonder if they're really going for "11th edition" or if they will start over branding wise like so many other longrunning franchises. 

Edited by Matcap86
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18 minutes ago, Dark Shepherd said:

we can look forward to a super smooth roll out of the 11th edition starter boxes so  :)


"Games Workshop plans to open its fourth factory on land at the rear of its headquarters in spring 2026, before relocating its packing operations to the new facility. Moving these operations out of factories along Willow Road would then create space to expand its tooling and injection moulding operations - enabling production to ramp up."


Sounds like the new building/expansion is a packing plant so maybe that soothed the council?

Could be a whole host of reasons, building footprint, parking, planning is a minefield.

11th 2025, heard it here first, haha. What I want from this, is the Horus Heresy range to be fully plastic, and all unit options covered, including all legion specific ones and upgrades. I am not asking for much.

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8 hours ago, Captain Idaho said:

So it looks like the excuses that "the council won't let us" were just that - excuses.


It's good news but should have been done before. 2026 is like a hundred years away or something. 

Come on now. More likely that GW have modified their application to conform with whatever issues the council had. It happens all the time. And takes a long time.

But no. We have to assume incompetence or malice.

Still wonder why people support a company they despise so much

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Let's hope the council don't object again. Though I wouldn't be surprised. Nottingham Council, like many in the UK, has a psychopathic obsession with being a 'University town' at the expense of businesses and residents. 


I wonder if the issues with water/sewage and power have been fixed? GW is not the only business in Nottingham with infrastructure issues that the council won't tackle. 


Hopefully in the long term this helps the issues with stock that have been a huge problem.

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2 hours ago, Captain Idaho said:

Yeah got to grease the wheel of local authorities - or threaten to move out completely with some credibility.


Good point on the roll out for 11th. That is actually massively reassuring.

I’d say this is massively worrying for the rollout of 11th. Their track record on warehousing updates/improvements is terrible.

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2 hours ago, Matcap86 said:

Sidetrack, but I wonder if they're really going for "11th edition" or if they will start over branding wise like so many other longrunning franchises. 


GW themselves gave up referring to editions by number a long time ago, they always just call whatever they're about to launch "the new edition". 

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"Games Workshop plans to open its fourth factory on land.."


Yeah, but counting the manufactorums on space stations in orbit in the solar system, and even those floating in the warp, they should hopefully soon be able to cope with demand! :laugh:


Edited by Blurgh
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5 hours ago, Halandaar said:


GW themselves gave up referring to editions by number a long time ago, they always just call whatever they're about to launch "the new edition". 


Thats not completely true. They might not print 10th edition in capital over their products but they do call it 10th sometimes if the clarity is needed. Here for example for the Q&A.


But for 9th it was pretty much never called that, the only ones I found in a quick search where for the final balance dataslate.

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In about a month's time, Games Workshop will publish its financial annual report.  Well done on scooping them:


On 6/15/2024 at 1:47 PM, Craig said:


They had announced PLANS to build Factory Four in the half-year report (around Jan).  Production is the bottleneck for Warhammer's growth.  Just to remind our Veteran Brothers et Sororitas or to inform new Brothers et Sororitas, GW's grown 4x since 7th ed, but still uses the same 3 factories.  We've hit capacity a long, long time ago.




Source: https://assets.ctfassets.net/ost7hseic9hc/1tSExWot8zVGvrPyXJOEJo/dc17ba0f8fc48a497ca6026f2a1fae4d/2023-24_half_year_report_-_final_for_IR.pdf

Factory 4 IS old news, but until now, we didn't know of any progress, we didn't have a timetable.  YOU and the world-renowned Nottingham Post brought us the most pertinent news.  Everybody else is like "OH MY COG, AMAZON WROTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TO HOLD A MEETING TO DISCUSS WRITING ANOTHER MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ABOUT WARHAMMER," whereas you brought us real intel.  You are to be commended, Brother Craig.


On 6/15/2024 at 3:30 PM, VanDutch said:


Looks like a new application has been made. I expect there was an observation or a requirement from the planning team or environmental agency that hadn’t been met. These sorts of things often have to be resubmitted due to formalities.


The fact that you even knew to look for these suggests you and I fought in similar wars within the Administratum.  Gj Brother VanDutch.


Listen, guys, for those of you that have not YET had to use this real-life workplace stratagem, it goes like this: CREATE NEW JOBS (CP 1)


To anyone who had to submit anything to the government, you fill in the forms, cross your i's and dot your t's (or whatever, you know I'm terrible at this stuff, I'm barely competent enough to start a new thread here on B&C), they will STILL find something wrong...because it's part of the process.  At 1st, I thought they were flexing their power, or it was political, but now I realise USUALLY they're just doing their jobs.


To the government, all this paperwork is their version of having a dialogue.  You will have actual meetings, but this is part of it.


So here's how to accelerate the process.  In casual conversation, mention you also need more local employees...and make it sound authentic.


Like this, "We need the land, we already got the capital...but the hardest part is getting THE RIGHT PEOPLE.  These are high-skilled GOOD-PLAYING JOBS, we'll provide the training ourselves, but we need them to live LOCALLY, we need to HIRE LOCAL PEOPLE.  Just to start, we need x, and if all goes well, we have to expand to 2x.  I have no idea how to FILL ALL THESE JOBS without EMPLOYING LOCAL PEOPLE...you guys have any ideas about that?"


You'll find suddenly your own job just got a whole lot easier.  The government cares less about your Revenue (even tho taxes) than Employment.


Why do I bring this up?  Well, it's a really good real-life workplace Stratagem that costs little CP, but look at WHERE Brother Craig's article appears:




I know I know it's in the Nottingham Post, famous world newspaper of course, and in the Business section, but specifically, Employment.


21 hours ago, Captain Idaho said:

Yeah got to grease the wheel of local authorities - or threaten to move out completely with some credibility.


Jobs is the ultimate grease, the ultimate threat is a younger, prettier girl.  Who's the younger, prettier girl?  North America.


GW's Revenue in North America has long overtaken not just the UK, not just Europe, but both the UK AND Europe combined.


You know how North America has these nice, big tracts of land with heavy natural resources like petrol for plastics and energy used in plastic mold injection.  She's also real friendly-like, to corporations, that Southern Belle charm, mhhh!  And that dame's gams go all the way to the floor, my friend.


INB4 mods having to step in: this isn't political.  GW's NA Revenue surpassed UK + EU together, and it does have a lot of oil, that's all I be sayin'.


I was looking for how long this has been going on and same news source published this talking about expansions since forever: https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/nottingham-news/record-results-games-workshop-work-2431341.  It's not just 1 thing, it's an ongoing thing...but clearly the inspiration for 40k's Administratum bureaucracy came from here, it's like in that Guy Haley book with that civil servant on Terra.


Edit - Brother Malakithe raises a great point below, I'm glad he did, because otherwise I'll forget to comment on prices.  Pls see Page 2 of this thread.

Edited by N1SB
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