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Primaris Lemartes Ideas!

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Ok hear me out ... I'm pretty sure we are going to get a new Blood Angel Chaplain Lemartes. That being said it most likely will be a new firstborn sculpt like what Castellan Crowe received. 


but .... 


If I were GW, I'd have Lemartes cross the rubicon primaris ... while under the black rage! Okay, so Lemartes is already a unique, and uniquely bad*** character in 40k because of his condition and his ability to remain lucid through it. Let's make him even MORE bad*** and amazing! He is able to survive crossing the rubicon primaris while under the black rage!


That would make a very interesting and epic character, off the wall epic!


This would be great! .. and refreshing given the pattern of GW's risk-adverse lore and character development. 



Edited by Jolemai
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I like it. Happy for anything that generates new sculpts or advances the plot.


Where's Matt Ward when you need him? Reckon he'd make it happen plus Lemmy would smoke a bowl with the silent king and probably shoot hoops with Vect.

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