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Space wolves after BD and MFM

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Balance changes


Captains are nerfed...no more double up stratagems (I was using that in my AI spam list)

Vect abilities also nerfed...only work within 12"

Lone op is 18" now...this kills infiltrator/libby and the LT with Combi spam 

       *This is wrong...it only impacts STRATAGEMS that have the lone op effect


Ironstorm HEAVY nerf

Target web +  Machine war are single target only...lost aura

Mercy is Weakness is 2 CP


That might be enough to cripple the detachment



Points changes


LRR up to 285 is expected and fair


TWC and Wulfen got point hikes


TWC up to 100/200

Wulfen up to 90/180


Wolf jail is probably dead which is fine...but Wulfen seem absolutely garbage in current form.  0 OC in nexus is a major issue and the AP1 melee weapon is junk.


I think marine factions just took a step down across the board

SW even more...gonna be tough sledding for a while

Edited by TiguriusX
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Indirect fire was nerfed


1-3 ALWAYS misses


I was just theory crafting SW desolation marines with incursors + venerable dreadnought for hitting on 2s RR1s


That is dead before it had a chance to test

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24 minutes ago, TiguriusX said:

Indirect fire was nerfed


1-3 ALWAYS misses


I may be missing this. Where is this change? I cannot seem to see it. :blush:

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7 minutes ago, lonewolf81 said:

WARCOM Downloads changes to core rules 


Thanks, they didn't even have a link to that in the main article. It is mildly annoying that the core rules changes and balance dataslate are not consolidated somehow. Too many places to look for updates.




I finally worked up the enthusiasm to build some Desolators but I can feel it evaporating already. 

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The competitive players have already broken the game



Pivot move means some large models can get easy charges now


2" pivot gains them distance when they rotate

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One boon is Impulsors can now carry 7 models. So Bladeguard and Ragnar finally have a cheap transport! Wish they'd up it to 8 for BGV, LT, and Rags.


I think CoR allowing one at the start of the game is huge. Wulfen can start the game with OC1 which will negate the nexus OC0 junk.

Edited by Apokalypsi
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Pivot makes you pay 2 inches when you rotate so if you move 10 inches and have to pivot you now move 8 inches so less movement not more


You cant choose saga of majesty turn 1 so no easy OC1 wulfen 


All in all nice balance dataslate for wolves ... Now we can build more fun/fluffy lists

Edited by lonewolf81
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I really like the change to CoR. It is clean and simple but effective. We can now start with an always on:


  • 6+++
  • Sustained Hits 1 in melee
  • or Lethal Hits in melee

Given that deployment zones look like being a bit closer in Pariah Nexus, I can see all these abilities being pretty valuable. I am thinking Lethal Hits is probably the best of the bunch as it allows lots of our good melee units to punch upwards more effectively. Heck, even AIs and humble Grey Hunters can get a lot of work done with LHs on massed Chainsword attacks.

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Have we seen the new version of Assassinate? Just checking how hard I should go on characters when I start crafting for CoR. It took them long enough to realize all we wanted was a buff at the start. 


I feel like 6++ and Sustained hits are some of the better picks to start as they are trickier to accomplish of the choices we have. What do you guys think?

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That is true. Saga of the Bear is particularly tricky to pull off as getting a Character wounded below 50% without actually being killed does not leave a lot of margin for error. Also an army wide 6+++ is always going to be useful and can work particularly nicely with spoiling the efficiency of 3D weapons against Terminators and Gravis units. Warrior Born and Beastslayer are definitely a bit easier to pull off. Black Death enhancement on any Character with a Dev weapon makes Beastslayer pretty easy to accomplish in particular.


Assassination is 4VPs per Character killed in fixed mode. I have a feeling we are going to be vulnerable to this one. Lots of armies lean into Characters in 10th but Wolves in particular due to how our Trait works.



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13 minutes ago, Rune Priest Jbickb said:

Have we seen the new version of Assassinate? Just checking how hard I should go on characters when I start crafting for CoR. It took them long enough to realize all we wanted was a buff at the start. 


I feel like 6++ and Sustained hits are some of the better picks to start as they are trickier to accomplish of the choices we have. What do you guys think?


no change to assassination secondary I believe 

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Many of the changes to the core rules makes sense. Dev team didn’t like how some interactions were playing out. Rites of battle nerf is going to hurt.


Initially I was pleased with CoR(edit) allowing one completion at the start.  2 of them affecting  only melee really impacts list design. Unfortunately the enhancements and stratagems for that detachment are still below par. Black Death is good but the stratagems are not. Too many terms and conditions attached to them to get bonuses other detachments get without the hoops to jump through. 

I was hoping for a new detachment tbh

Edited by Wolf Guard Dan
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2 hours ago, TiguriusX said:

Rapid ingress for 0 CP captain is back


Might have some SW infantry brick combos open up

Oooo... that does sound spicy...


I like black death and frost weapon but the strats are a bit meh for sure. The  better AP / Lance one is the only really good one I see...

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Looks like apothecary biologist off the menu. App making me take him out of lists and there was an errata for space marines added today too which states in SM Army Rule “Apothecary” units can’t be space wolves which biologist has it as a keyword. Previously it was only under champions of Russ detachment. 

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2 hours ago, Karhedron said:

I must have missed that about the Apothecary, Can you point in the direction that it is mentioned please?

It's in the Space Marine Codex pdf.

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1 hour ago, Apokalypsi said:

Been delving more into these, they stopped the Eliminator/Impulsor trick. Basically can only shoot those guns once a shooting phase.


I am relieved. That felt like a loophole rather than an intended use of those units' abilities.

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