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Born soldiers changes

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I'm not sure why Scout Sentinels are coming in to the question for whether a 1-3 unmodified roll is affected.

The Scout Sentinels allow you to reroll 1s it doesn't +1 to the roll.


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, casb1965 said:

I'm not sure why Scout Sentinels are coming in to the question for whether a 1-3 unmodified roll is affected.

The Scout Sentinels allow you to reroll 1s it doesn't +1 to the roll.


You have the rule/discussion here so…wrong…


reroll 1s is only for direct firing.

no one said scout sentinels provides +1, even if it did, the new indirect fire penalty would negate that.


the scout sentinel ignores the penalty for shooting at a target out of line of sight.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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15 hours ago, mertbl said:

I think an elegant solution would be stationary units get lethal against anything it can see. Anything moving only gets current version of born soldiers. 

Great Idea!:yes:


Also agree about making something too good, 


theirs no point in that because gw will just come along with the nerf hammer. 

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Current mission and game structure just doesn't incentivize standing still for anyone but artillery, so it doesn't really make sense to even bother having the lethal hits be tied to Remaining Stationary.

Even with a buff of that magnitude (Devastating Wounds discussion legitimately made me do a double take.  That'd be an inordinately strong bonus to have army-wide, truly an insane amount of power.), I don't think it'd be that impactful; especially with the addition of needing LOS to get that Lethal, I'd rather have a more detatchment rule entirely.

I'm just hoping the codex brings us closer to what Guard used to be.  The different systems of previous editions were all interesting in different ways, so I'm hoping that our 10th system is at least fun and interactive.

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Pretty sure Lensoven was being sarcastic with the Dev-wound-thing given the "everything moves all the time anyway"-remark (right? .... right?)

Having played a few games with the new Born Soldiers, I'd say there's no doubt that it has made IG into a stronger army (as for how much stronger, time will tell), but I'm still annoyed at what is so blatantly obvious just a crude bandaid to quickly and desperatly buff the army because it needed it. It's hamfisted to the max with zero elegance and it has basically killed off a chunk of our index.

For instance, I doubt anyone (except for in *extremely* casual play) will field units who are on the "wrong side of the BB vehicle/infantry-spectrum", like for instance LR Punishers and Wyverns, 

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30 minutes ago, Minsc said:

Pretty sure Lensoven was being sarcastic with the Dev-wound-thing given the "everything moves all the time anyway"-remark (right? .... right?)

Having played a few games with the new Born Soldiers, I'd say there's no doubt that it has made IG into a stronger army (as for how much stronger, time will tell), but I'm still annoyed at what is so blatantly obvious just a crude bandaid to quickly and desperatly buff the army because it needed it. It's hamfisted to the max with zero elegance and it has basically killed off a chunk of our index.

For instance, I doubt anyone (except for in *extremely* casual play) will field units who are on the "wrong side of the BB vehicle/infantry-spectrum", like for instance LR Punishers and Wyverns, 

Only partly.


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I have only played 1 game with the new rules and it was an ideal matchup for me. 7 LR chassis into 13 or 14 wardogs. I destroyed all but 1. Lethal hits on overwatch felt really good, just skipping the wound roll was insane. I can acknowledge i rolled hot including 1 demo cannon rolling 4 6s to hit. I think the change is fine and i'm excited to see the infantry into infantry fight. Scions with command into a target on an objective could be epic. 

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On 7/8/2024 at 6:59 PM, Minsc said:

Pretty sure Lensoven was being sarcastic with the Dev-wound-thing given the "everything moves all the time anyway"-remark (right? .... right?)

Having played a few games with the new Born Soldiers, I'd say there's no doubt that it has made IG into a stronger army (as for how much stronger, time will tell), but I'm still annoyed at what is so blatantly obvious just a crude bandaid to quickly and desperatly buff the army because it needed it. It's hamfisted to the max with zero elegance and it has basically killed off a chunk of our index.

For instance, I doubt anyone (except for in *extremely* casual play) will field units who are on the "wrong side of the BB vehicle/infantry-spectrum", like for instance LR Punishers and Wyverns, 


Wyverns were already pretty bad, even with the old rule, but definitely lost some possibility of punch alongside the indirect nerfs.


Punisher actually probably loves the new rule though; you're trying to convert shots into Dev Wounds and if you were proc'ing the lethal hits you're losing out on the dev wounds, so it's low key a buff. Now you might randomly convert some pot shots into something that you normally would never make the second roll on if you do have to target a vehicle or a monster for lack of better targets. 


But I get what you mean, the change definitely feels ham fished and overall combined with the indirect nerfs it definitely has changed how the army plays.

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