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Started orks, joined an ork FB and now most members are crying about the mega nob update, like they’re pure trash.


theyre the same points as aggressors with an entire detachment that buffs them, all the while still being slightly better than aggressors without that detachment buff.


theyre only 5pts more than terminators, and VERY comparable to them, but I think bully boyz buffs them more than first company TF buffs terminators.


glad to see the hysteria hasn’t hit here

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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I'll probably be using them as extra muscle for my Dread Mob unless I start experimenting with other builds. I am not worried about not having Bully Boyz synergy, shoving them and a Battlewagon into people's faces tends to give the Kans a bit more space to do whatever they feel like doing.

Edited by Magos Takatus
  On 6/21/2024 at 8:43 AM, Magos Takatus said:

I'll probably be using them as extra muscle for my Dread Mob unless I start experimenting with other builds. I am not worried about not having Bully Boyz synergy, shoving them and a Battlewagon into people's faces tends to give the Kans a bit more space to do whatever they feel like doing.


Not to mention war horde’s sustained hits synergizes pretty well with them, giving them more hits is great.

in a 3 man unit you’ll average at least 1 extra hit using twin kill saws which lets face it, pretty solid with their statline.

I think the double nerf was a bit much.  I would have preferred the change to 5+++ only.


As it is now, they are maybe ok in bully boyz but outside of that (or as a small bodyguard unit because you really wanted to take ghaz) you aren’t gonna take them.


  On 6/22/2024 at 4:39 PM, dice4thedicegod said:

I think the double nerf was a bit much.  I would have preferred the change to 5+++ only.


As it is now, they are maybe ok in bully boyz but outside of that (or as a small bodyguard unit because you really wanted to take ghaz) you aren’t gonna take them.



They’d still be too cheap at 30ppm imho.

i think they should be the same cost as terminators, but since you can only take terminators in 5 or 10 that’s not really possible since they can be taken in units of 2-6

I can see why the increase in points tbh, bringing them more in line with Terminators. I play 6 MN with a Mega Armoured Warboss + Tellyporta in a Bully Boyz list, but as i've pointed out on other posts myself and the guys I play against aren't that competitive, I purely take all that because if everything works it makes one hell of a mess which amuses me. I'm sure I would feel a lot different about these changes if I went to tournaments or was in some sort of league where I would probably have to consider a much smaller unit. Something that I have to confess would make me extremely sad.

  On 6/23/2024 at 10:56 AM, Kaltz said:

I can see why the increase in points tbh, bringing them more in line with Terminators. I play 6 MN with a Mega Armoured Warboss + Tellyporta in a Bully Boyz list, but as i've pointed out on other posts myself and the guys I play against aren't that competitive, I purely take all that because if everything works it makes one hell of a mess which amuses me. I'm sure I would feel a lot different about these changes if I went to tournaments or was in some sort of league where I would probably have to consider a much smaller unit. Something that I have to confess would make me extremely sad.


I will say it whenever I get a chance, GW giving tournament/‘competitive’ play any real attention ruins the game for the majority of players, who aren’t try hard sweaty tournament types.

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