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Transport for Eradicators?

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I normally run my Eradiators in a Transport, either an LR or Repulsor depending on what else is in my lists. Eradicators are tougher than MEQs but with short range and no Invuln, I would not normally run them on foot. I normally assume that I need a Transport to get at least one guaranteed turn of shooting out of them.


Am I being over-cautious? I have seen several lists without an obvious Transport for Eradicators so I assume people are either running them on foot or putting them in Tactical Reserve. Eradicators are probably our best infantry anti-tank unit but how do you run your?

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I deploy them in a Transport.


I think the regular Repulsor is good for them as it's so cheap - especially after the latest adjustment, and they benefit from the re-embarkation special rule.


I also think that the melta rule really helps with their damage, so you want that transport to deliver them closer to a particular unit.

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I once ran them in Strategic reserves.   Could run 2x 6-man squads with attached Biologis.  After about a dozen games I stopped running them, problem is that you will NEVER get use out of Melta. I couldn’t justify their cost when their kill count was in the single digits.  Eldar,  Dark Eldar, Tyranids, and Knights laughed at their shooting and deleted them.  The one game against  Dark Eldar was responsible for about 50% of their entire kill tally in those 12 games.  

I haven’t run them since, I don’t know why people think having 3-man squads does anything after my experIence.  They are probably better now, definitely helps that things like Knights can no longer fire overwatch, and that Tyranids can’t fire Overwatch twice, seriously Tyranids just sit 1/16” out of range, overwatch them, and delete the squad.


Firestorm and the increase to transport capacity of Repulsors should help out a but, but the frailty of them hurts the most.

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Huck them with a Librarian Dread, hope to god they just evaporate whatever they get into contact with.  Then if they survive, hopefully next turn they're in heavy mode for another crack.

Repulsor is probably the right choice, though.  Wish we could do them in Drop Pods.  That'd be swell.

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