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Fire support

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I know ork shooting isn’t great, but I’d like some fire support


im between boosta blasta and scrapjet.


as well as a unit of kans or a deff dred.


kans, more total wounds and OC, BS4+
dred I can pack on 3 scorchas and BS is irrelevant, but orks do kinda lack much in the way of S8+ for their shooting. Also scorchas are short ranged so not much softening a target up before any charges will occur.




Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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I've just had a Morkanaut fall into my lap so figured I would just use that for my fire support, it's to help take my Bully Boys list up from 1000pts to 1500pts and I like the transport capabilities. I also have the 3 Kans with Skorchas clanking around the board but so far i've not got them into great positions to utilise them to their full potential.


Not sure how the Morkanaut is gonna play as i'm yet to have a game with it, but as it stomps around the battlefield i'm hopeful my opponents will concentrate on slowing it down and leave the rest of my force alone (as you can tell, i'm a strategic genius!:unsure::laugh:).


Besides it's big and clanky so what's not to like:laugh:.

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