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Taking Champions of Russ out for a spin

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Got absolutely smoked in both my invitational games (BOF-Sisters then Crusher Stamped-Nids). 

Played purge and went 1st both times...my list was built to play safe conservative defense and counter melee pushes so it was the exact opposite of what my list wanted to do.


I will admit CoR is fun when you get all the lethal/sustained bonuses but I couldn't make it work for me. 


I know others are doing good using CoR with TWC instead of storm lance but I hate wolf jail though and won't play it.


I'm back on gladius now.

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Whatever works for you brother. :thumbsup:


I'm the exact opposite, I found gladius incredibly soft. And more so without Biologis for aggressor bomb.... I'll take CoR or Stormlance any day personally. 

Speaking of, some interesting lists over the weekend. The 4th place SW list at Tacoma was CoR triple Cav, characters, scouts and Canis Rex :blink: 

Few other triple cav CoR lists and Stormlance across other events as well. Which makes sense I'm sure a lot of people just took the core of what they were playing up to now. The profile is still solid and the boards are a little more forgiving to keep them safe until you pounce. 

Very interesting to still see Wulfen in decent numbers, but I guess getting Sustained/Lethals on them you forget about OC haha 

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