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Replacement for the Fang spray paint

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I have just noticed that GW have discontinued the Fang spray paint. This is annoying as my Space Wolves are steadily growing and being able to get the base colour down with a spray makes life a lot easier. I was wondering what people's experiences of alternative sprays was?


I don't like Army Painter as their sprays are too glossy. I find that when I paint detail colours over the top, the paint does not adhere well and easily rubs off. I use AP for my Blood Angels and find it a pain so I would rather avoid this option I think.


I see that Colour Forge also do a Wolfkin Grey. This is advertised as matching the Fang and also being a matt finish which sound promising. Does anyone have any experience (positive or negative) using this?

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I've not used that particular spray, but the colour forge I have used was very good.


I does dry much slower in my experience than GW spray and stays worryingly shiny while doing so, but the final result is a nice matte finish with a very close match to GW paint (kantor blue in my case).

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I have bought a few of the colour forge sprays, their Corvus black equivalent is the only one I used and it was notably more atmospherically fragile than GW chaos black sprays, one of my six terrain coats ended up a bit textured, but for the other five it was nicely matt and adhered paint even better than Chaos black. I have trying others on my 'to do' list, but my building stuff has been a bit unfocussed recently.

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I've used their Matte Black and quite like it. I can't speak to the coloured cans, but it was as advertised and I had no issues with it.


Tale of Painters has a colour comparison. I know the Citadel rattle cans often have a slight colour variation on the actual base paints though.



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I was going to recommend AP's Wolf Grey. I didn't have the issue you're describing of paint rubbing off, but I also don't handle the model itself while painting, use paint handles and bottle caps.

The finish didn't bother me because I varnish everything anyway.

I'd recommend a quick overbrush of Lahmian medium between the spray and layers to try solve/mitigate both issues while not adding a significant amount of time?

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I've not used Wolfkin Grey specifically but I have used a bunch of other Colour Forge sprays and agree that the colour matching is very good. 


One thing I'd say is that although Colour Forge make a point about it being a bigger can (i.e. more paint = better value), I find that the coverage is not as good as Citadel sprays and so you end up going through the bigger can on the same amount of models you'd do with a smaller Citadel can. Probably not a concern for you here where the colour is the priority, just thought I'd mention it.



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