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Praetorian Light Cavalry

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I had an idea bouncing around for awhile, thought I would give it a go since I have everything sitting around. Both of my almost or all infantry armies are pretty much unusable with the nerf to reinforcements. Conversely the changes to Born soldiers make this idea I had seem like it would be kind of fun and entertaining to throw down. I think it will be different than most guard armies since I dont use any of the crutch ubiquitous units so many people toss around in every frikkin list.

Regimental Enginseer- warlord


6x10 cadian shock troops- meltagun plasma gun, plasma pistol, power sword

Chimera x6 2x heavy bolters, HK, heavy stubber


3 Hellhounds

2 Hydras

Leman Russ Exterminator For the AP with twin plasma cannons and lascannon in hull. 

Rogal Dorn(had the model)

3 Scout sentinels with lascannons and hunter killers. 

2 Cyclops Demo vehicles


2k on the nose. I will keep the sentinels in a single unit simply so I can use the one use of reinforcements on them. I dont anticipate burning through CP quickly so it shouldnt be hard. Enginseer just runs behind the Rogal. Seems like a fun fast moving list. Most everything is lethal to vehicles and monsters. I might leave a pair of chimeras and squads in reserves on t1 and 2 just to get around the enemy rear lines. Theres alot of dakka in this list.  


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You've got a great way to stack AP reduction/reduce saves on key targets  - fields of fire, hellhound (removes cover), and the exterminator - and volume of shots that could make that work well with the new detachment rule.  Maybe swap out the las on the scouts for autocannons for volume of fire and flexibility? 

Only gripe is that it's cavalry regiment with no cavalry! Where are the rough riders?! /s 

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-Modern Cavalry has no cavalry hehe. Fast moving units scouting out and screening ahead of the heavier forces with only a small number of heavier units to support them. In theory capable of calling in artillery but well, we know thats not happening anymore lol


-Tauroxes are one of the dumbest looking models in 40k only beaten by Thunderwolf cavalry and chaos dinobots. 


-As to the AP reduction stacking, aside from the Exterminator I wasnt even thinking about it, but now that you mention it... I was going for both units I own with the theme of fast moving "light" armor even though for some weird reason hellhounds have a 2+ :)  I just didnt want to do the same old boring heavy leman russ/rogal dorn parking lot. 

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1 hour ago, Galron said:

In theory capable of calling in artillery but well, we know thats not happening anymore lol


Eh, Basilisks are still good for their ability to slow enemies down with their shots, and the Manticore can just reroll their coin flip so they're pretty good too.


The indirect changes just made it so you can't JUST spam artillery. They're still plenty useful in a guard list. Just no longer the de facto "Bring as much as possible", which is a good thing.


1 hour ago, Galron said:

Tauroxes are one of the dumbest looking models in 40k only beaten by Thunderwolf cavalry and chaos dinobots. 


No disagreements there. I do like the look some people have achieved with them as Half Tracks or even just full on wheeled transports.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm MG gave me an idea that makes more sense than using Cadians. Use standard guard so I get a heavy weapon to shoot out of the back of the chimera. I have plenty enough autocannon or lascannon teams to throw one in every squad. Thinking lascannons due the preponderance of tanks this edition. That will be a 6 more lethal lascannons and plasmaguns vs monsters and vehicles. 

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5 hours ago, Galron said:

Hmm MG gave me an idea that makes more sense than using Cadians. Use standard guard so I get a heavy weapon to shoot out of the back of the chimera. I have plenty enough autocannon or lascannon teams to throw one in every squad. Thinking lascannons due the preponderance of tanks this edition. That will be a 6 more lethal lascannons and plasmaguns vs monsters and vehicles. 

Lascannons are so swingy.


definitely not as good against medium or heavy armor, but the autocannon is in general a lot less swingy and very good against light-medium vehicles depending on where you cut off between medium and heavy armor.

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