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On 8/5/2024 at 12:49 PM, DuskRaider said:

You are correct though, there isn’t much there that you can’t do with the Demi-Company formation, which is why it has me so confused. Other than cutting out Tacticals and an HQ, I don’t see an advantage. I suppose that goes toward the theme of an all-Terminator formation. Still, it would have been nice to see some FoC difference or perhaps a Terminator Command unit.


From what listbuilding I've been doing it's a good way of shuffling around and opening up Support slots in Demi-Companies if you were going to be using Dreadnoughts and Terminators anyway. Demi-Companies also have to choose between Battle Tanks or Heavy Armour, whereas Heavy Spearhead gets both so I've found it's a good way of swerving from having to bring an Armoured Company - particularly if you only want to bring one kind of Battle Tank.


It's true there's not much you can't do with just spamming Demi-Companies, especially if you've got a billion Tacticals spare, but I do like the option of different Formations if nothing else.


Now, Mechanised Sub-Cohort in The Great Slaughter, that's a useless Formation.


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Ahh good point, I didn’t think about the possibility of freeing up slots for other Formations.

Well GW really dropped the ball on this and decided to lift the gag on the rules this past weekend while I was in the process of painting the buildings. They did this on purpose because they knew it would cause me to drop everything I was doing and start painting my Spartans, I just know it.


Congratulations, Games Workshop, your twisted plot worked and I am currently painting up all 20 Spartans along with the Land Raiders and remaining Predators. I hope you’re happy with yourselves. 

I also grabbed a loose Kratos off of eBay to make my Tank Commander as well as preordered the new book. 

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So for reference this is a screengrab of gmm's youtube review with my best guesses as to what the stats actually are as its all quite blurry so who knows. I couldn't quite decipher detachment upgrades but I think it's 4-8.  



If my squinting is correct, it would appear the sabres costs are fixed, but you have a choice of both prmary and secondary weapon so you can mix and match autocannon and laser with multimelta or heavy bolter. In addition to this sabres all come with the side sabre missiles so it would appear each tank can put out quite a few shots at close range and with heavy bolters can beat out even jetbikes in terms of marching and firing 22 inches. 







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They may work well for running around the board and disrupting infantry. Slap the Autocannon and Heavy Bolters on them and send them on their way. 

I don’t think they’ll be able to compete with Predators, Sicarans and especially Kratos for anti-tank duty. 

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They may work well for running around the board and disrupting infantry. Slap the Autocannon and Heavy Bolters on them and send them on their way. 

I don’t think they’ll be able to compete with Predators, Sicarans and especially Kratos for anti-tank duty. 


I like that they have to work for it, but if they can close the distance even 4 of them have a lot of firepower, especially if they can get into rear armour. Also happy to see that they seemingly left us with choice of hb/mm. I'm gonna try and make las/mm work but I also have autocannon/hb. I think I'll probably end up with las/hb but we'll see. I don't love how close I'll have to get to use the mm but at the same time if I really need to double down its there. The sabre missile seems like a nice bonus as well. Might also be something I pair with outriders to sorta whip around the flanks. 

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The Sicaran Punisher might actually be able to put a dent in the dominance of Infantry if people start to deploy enough of them. Napkin math leads me to believe they are quite efficient at removing ground pounders.


Yeah they're already better than malcador infernus because those have to get into charge range, and sadly are still rolling to hit the stuff they manage to cover for some reason. But this also leads them open to being charged. Punisher with 12 inches can at least ensure with pre-measuring that its out of range for charge before opening up. I think only complaint about it and arcus is them being their own detachments like the new malcadors. Not that I love mixing and matching but sicarans being a bit pricey, there was merit in mxiing plasma and autocannon if just taking a few. 

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I just have to say… I was so worried about running the Heavy Assault formation and only having 4 Terminator detachments… until I started crunching the numbers. 

I'm playing a 2,000 point game tomorrow and right now I’m looking at fielding the following:


- 3 x Terminator Detachments (8 units each)

- 12 x Spartan Transport Detachments (a mix of weaponry, but mainly Laser Destroyers & Heavy Bolters)

- 5 x Kratos w/ Kratos Battlecannon & Lascannons

- 3 x Kratos w/ Melta Blastgun & Heavy Bolters

-3 x Sicarans w/ Accelerator Autocannons (for anti-air) & Lascannons

-3 x Predators, Lascannons all around


Only 24 actual infantry units. I could jam one more in, but I’d lose dedicated anti-tank or the only anti-air capability. I was going to try and fit Xiphons in there it they’re so expensive points-wise that it just doesn’t work. I’d think my fears were unfounded after all, lol

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Are the terminators still able to deep strike? 

I think so? I wouldn’t though, they’re all going in their transports. I modified the list a bit and we’re setting up to play now. I’ll post pics in the main thread later. 

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I think so? I wouldn’t though, they’re all going in their transports. I modified the list a bit and we’re setting up to play now. I’ll post pics in the main thread later. 


I hate that they get deep strike for free, even if it was like 10pts, it would at least make me more likely to try terminators in a transport, but as it stands now its difficult to avoid just deep striking them, much like pioneer company giving out so much free infiltrate. 

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I hate that they get deep strike for free, even if it was like 10pts, it would at least make me more likely to try terminators in a transport, but as it stands now its difficult to avoid just deep striking them, much like pioneer company giving out so much free infiltrate. 

I don’t like how they’re sitting ducks for an entire turn when they deep strike. I get that it’s the standard for 40K since I can remember, but there’s a massive difference between the damage Terminators can do in 30K / 40K and what they can do in LI. Unless you’re dropping them onto an objective with no enemies in the area, I can’t see a circumstance where I would DS them. 

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Unless you’re dropping them onto an objective with no enemies in the area, I can’t see a circumstance where I would DS them. 


That would be one example yes, but the added side effect of playing end game scoring instead progressive is you're thinking more end game/flipping than just killing/immediately scoring. And because you have so much control of when and where, it can be quite useful even if they're not immediately doing a tonne. 

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I don’t like how they’re sitting ducks for an entire turn when they deep strike. I get that it’s the standard for 40K since I can remember, but there’s a massive difference between the damage Terminators can do in 30K / 40K and what they can do in LI. Unless you’re dropping them onto an objective with no enemies in the area, I can’t see a circumstance where I would DS them. 

I also prefer to use spartans for my terminators instead of deepstriking, especially because it allows me to attach a legion commander, but I would not call them sitting ducks. Yes they can not charge that turn but with march or advance they should be able to get in a good position for the next turn.

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