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Tactica detachements, and units. How shall we organize them?

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Soon i am thinking of starting threads about detachement tacticas, and Unit of the week. How shall we organize them? Shall we just do one per week? Is there any units that are more crucial to start with? What are the essential thing to bring up. 


I am thinking of starting with Legionaries, in "Unit of the week", as they are useful in most detachements. And maybe start with "Pactbound Zealots" as the first detachement as it is the one we are mostly used to.


I only have one wish from the mods, and that if the could be pinned at the top somehow so they are easily found.


"Unit of the week 10th edition"

How do we use the unit.

Do we equip them in a special way

Attached Characters


 (Anything I am missing)?


"Tactica Detachements 10th edition"

Essential units






I would love to get some ideas, to make these threads to be interesting and useful


Cpl .Danjou


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I like your approach, and I think Legionaires are definitely the unit to start with - they are the "signature" unit of our faction and what are seen by many chaos players as the bread-and-butter of the chaos list to the extent that, for many, a chaos army without them doesn't feel like a proper chaos army.


After that, I guess it depends on what you think is important.  Certainly, at the early days of the codex I think its worth focusing on the units being used by most players, as those will likely generate the most discussion.  That said, another approach would be to intersperse "rarer" units in with the "common" ones - that might help sustain the effort, as these types of projects can often peter out when they get to stuff people don't use as much.


As for things to discuss for each units, I like your list.  I would add a section, though, talking about what detachments they are particularly good in or how to get the most of them in non-optimal detachments - though perhaps that is simply a subset of "how to use them".  I don't think you need to mention every detachment with every unit (so, don't treat them as a checklist). 


That said, from your post it looks like you want to create a separate series for detachments?  Or a subset of the same series?  Its not entirely clear.


As for pinning, I'm open to do that, though I don't thinking keeping them all pinned permanently (or semi-permanently) is a good idea, as that would create a bunch of clutter at the top of the forum.  So, 3 approaches that I think would work 1) we create a pinned thread with links to each of the 10e Chaos Unit of the Week threads (which would be updated with each new Unit thread to include a link to it); 2) we pin the current unit of the week thread, then unpin it after the next one is posted (or after a week or two if there isn't a new one yet) or 3) both.  Feel free to let me know your thoughts here or we can discuss it in messaging.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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My thoughts on the detachments are that they are eight separate ways to play, Veterans of the long War is fairly different to play compared to the Chaos Cults detachement. So I had the idea to have a "Tactica" thread for each one of them. In the detachment tactica, there can also be discussion about adding "cult" legions and daemons. By now we have also learned that GW, in all their wisdom, can change up things that can change the tactics a lot, so a strong detachement that works well today, may be pointless in three months.


I was thinking of having a common unit week one, a Character/HQ unit week two, and mix in a uncommon unit from time to time. I am always open to suggestions.


And when it comes to pinning, a simple pinned thread with a link to each of the "Units of the week" and "Tactica"  would work best, CSM resources 10th edition in the already pinned resources thread can be fine. I have faith that you the mods knows best.


My brain is not working properly today due to that it is 32 degrees and I don't have an AC.  :)



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That all sounds good.  If you end up wanting to pin the individual threads when they are new, let me know.


When you get started, we can create a post in the Resources post for you - I assume you can post in that thread, if not I that's something I can do for you.  When you do, I was thinking of hiding the old post regarded your previous unit threads as they are no longer relevant - if you disagree, let me know.


Good luck surviving the heat.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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i did somewhat similar with the tyranid ones, i kept swapping it up so each week was a different thing. i probably  should have mixed in the less common options in sooner as towards the end participation dropped off. id also say as the detachment caters differently you could do them  overlapping or do them fortnightly or such. 

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