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Returning after a long hiatus

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Hello all.


I’m returning to the hobby after a significant break.  The last time I played or painted was around the start of the 4th Edition of 40K.  I was also previously a member of this forum but I couldn’t remember my username so I have created a new account.


I previously collected Black Legion but unfortunately I don’t have anything left that I painted from that army.


Getting back into some of the novels and audiobooks rekindled my interest in the hobby.  I also love the artwork.

I’m working on two projects partly to use some of the models I had bought but not used and also to keep the painting aspect interesting.  They also make a themed pairing - Crimson Fist Space Marines and Orks.  They were intended as my next projects before I left the hobby previously.  I did look at other options and considered starting from scratch but I really liked both of these factions.


I’ve also found Kill Team a really enjoyable way to get back into the Hobby thanks to my local store.  It’s allowing me to reintegrate into the hobby and get to know the local community whilst chipping away at my 40K forces.  

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