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Questions regarding Tau abilities.

Go to solution Solved by Lord_Ikka,

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Hi everyone.

Had a game with my Tau and two situations came up that felt wrong but we could not find anything that said it was. 


1) The Vespid Airborne Agility ability says that at the end of your Movement phase, if this unit is not within engagement range , it can be placed into Strategic Reserves. 

Does this work even though the Vespid unit was in melee at the beginning of my turn and they fell back during my Movement phase and are no longer within engagement range?


2) For the Greater Good ability says that in order for a unit to be an Observer unit it must be eligible to shoot. So if my Coldstar Commander and his crisis bodyguard with attached Marker Drone are in engagement range with a vehicle, can they Observe for another unit? Since they are vehicles and the Big Guns Never Tire rule allows them to shoot wouldn't this make them eligible? 


My opponent said these two situations shouldn't work and I agreed it felt weird but we couldn't find anything that would prevent them from working. 


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Posted (edited)

1. The Vespids can use their ability to be placed in Strategic Reserves. The only requirement is that they are not in Engagement range, so Falling Back will accomplish that. 


2. The Coldstar Commander/his bodyguard will be able to be Observers- there is no requirement to not be in Engagement range to use the For the Greater Good ability, just that the unit is able to shoot, not already an Observer unit, is not Battle-shocked, and can see the Spotted unit. Technically, something like a Pathfinder team would be able to be Observers even when Engaged, as they have pistol weapons that give them the ability to shoot in Engagement range.

Edited by Lord_Ikka
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