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Hello Bolter and Chainsword folks

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Hello folks, 

Brother Tyler has recently helpped me finish activating my account after i missed the last step that said email the admin team.
Definitely not blind not at all.
Lastly I blame Wormwoods for me being here, he lured me with the call to arms. Which has already helped me to focus out a bunch of necrons. (Pics to follow as i find the right places in the forum)

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You have probably found the right places already, but in case you haven't here are some (hopefully) handy links:


The Necron Forum - probably the best place to start your own thread to share your army.  Also (obviously) the best place for necron related questions and discussions.


The Works In Progress (WIP) Forum - a good place to create a thread if you want more generalised (aka not just from necron players) comments on your work.


The Xenos Stronghold - in the WIP Forum is the Xenos Stronghold for Call to Arms, which is where you would go to pledge and participate in the event for necrons.


The Hall of Honour Forum - like the WIP Forum, but for completed models only. 


The Kill Team Forum - for if you are interested in fielding smaller groups of necrons under that rule set.


B&C is fine with multiple threads with similar content in different forums, provided the content is specific to that forum.  So, for example, you could post a model as a vow in the Xenos Stronghold, post it in your own thread in the Necron forum and then, when completed, share it a thread in the Hall of Honour.


Hope that helps, and your time here.

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