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Last played 8th edition, skipped 9th and it looks like I am getting sucked back into 10th.
I just wanted to post this 1k list for experienced players to check over and make sure that I have screwed anything up.


Battling against Grey Knights with Dreadknight (Psycannon/Incinerator), Brother-Captain, Terminators (5), x4 Strike Squads (5) or unknown Tau force

I wanted to take a bit of a different approach to my usual 'Smashing into my enemy like a wave' tactic


Battle Size: 1k
Detachment: Vanguard Spearhead

Shadow Masters: Each time a ranged attack targets an Adeptus Astartes unit from your army, unless the attacking model is within 12", subtract 1 from the Hit roll and the target has the Benefit of Cover against that attack.


Arjac Rockfist


Njal Stormcaller

Wolf Guard Terminators (5)

x2 Stormbolter, Powerfist, x2 Stormbolter, Stormshield, x1 Cyclone missile laundher, Stormbolter, Stormshield

Sniper Scouts (5) 

Scout sgt, scout with missile launcher, x3 Sniper rifles, boltpistol, CCW


x2 Wolf Scouts (5) 

Scout sgt, scout with missile launcher, x3 Astartes shotguns, boltpistol, CCW


Wulfen (5)

Stormshields, Stormfrag auto-launchers, Wulfen hammers


Long Fangs Pack (5)

Sgt, x4 Long Fangs with Lascannons


x2 Heavy Intercessor squad (5)
Sgt, Intercessor with Heavy bolter, x3 Boltpistol, Heavy bolt rifle, CCW





Set up

Arjac and Njal join Wolf Guard Terminators - I had originally intended that they would Deep Strike in, arriving late game but given that Njal gives the unit he is in Stealth, the -2 to hit protection could make them a worthwhile bullet magnet taking the heat off of the ranged support units.

Long Fangs, and Heavy Intercessors, as well as Sniper Scouts will hopefully objective hog. The -1 to hit (or -2 in the case for the Sniper scouts) and benefiting from cover, should increase their survivability.
Wolf Scouts will deploy out of the way and snipe with their Missile launchers until they Guerilla tactics out of dodge if opponant takes the bait, hopefully leaving their units badly out of position,

and redploying closer to backline objectives that GKs won't have enough models on the table to hold.

Wulfen to be used to counter attack units that get too close, like reinforcing units in the midfield, or to cover the backline against reserves/deep strikers.

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Looks like an interesting list but one important fact to remember.




This means that you can't impose a -2 to-Hit penalty with units like Njal. What it can do is help against units that get +1 to-Hit from rules like HEAVY but you cannot stack multiple negative modifiers.


Another important things is that you can normally only attach one Character to a unit. Arjac has a special rule allowing him to join a squad in addition to a Captain or Chapter Master but Njal is neither. So sadly you cannot put both Njal and Arjac in the same squad.

3 hours ago, Karhedron said:

This means that you can't impose a -2 to-Hit penalty with units like Njal. What it can do is help against units that get +1 to-Hit from rules like HEAVY but you cannot stack multiple negative modifiers.

I'd like to clarify this as when I read it, it sounded like multiple effects don't do anything. Karhedron doesn't mean that you can't have -2 to hit on a unit. You can stack the abilities as much as you want. You just won't NET more than -1.


IE, the enemy unit is getting +1 to hit, but your unit is getting -2 to hit. So your unit is still -1 to hit. Your unit could have -5 to hit in this situation, but would still only be -1 to hit.

Another question, or rather confirmation:


Njal runic armour subtracts 1 from wound roll from psychic attacks and Libby's offer 4+FNP - I read this as affecting GK weapons with Psychic keyword, such as Nemesis Force Weapons, psycannon, etc... is that accurate? I feel like it will be a source of contention

Edited by Coverfire

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