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Brother Tyler

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You may have noticed there are no banner ads on the B&C. Nor is there an 'advertise your site here' section to the forums. This isn't because the B&C doesn't like other sites or stores. In fact we believe those to be an important part of the overall 40k Community.


We even have some Bolter and Chainsword contest sponsors that we mention every chance we get:


Fighting Pirannha Graphics
DragonForge Design


What we don't want, however, is members having to sift through pages of advertisements or flashy banner ads just to get to content on the site. As such, advertising is only allowed as follows:


Content that you would like to advertise must be related to the Warhammer 40,000 hobby, which includes general miniatures tabletop wargames. So commission painting services, appropriately scaled scenery, custom dice, and other things are appropriate. Online auctions are only allowed in your signature. Also, advertising external sites will only be permitted if they don't use adult language/content.


There are two ways that you may advertise here at the Bolter & Chainsword:


The first way is to request permission to make a topic through a moderator or administrator. If permission is granted, it is generally along with the instructions to start a single topic (or add to your existing advertising topic), no bumping, and from then on out simply include a link in your signature. This is so we can review the content of the site and make sure it isn't something objectionable being posted. Some things such as commission painting services, third party bit/model sources, and podcasts may be allowed to post updates, as long as the update material is appropriate to the Bolter & Chainsword.


The second way is to have links to your store/auctions/forums/etc. in your signature so long as they are not large size text or otherwise obtrusive to general posting. It is at moderators discretion to edit or removed links if they find the material to be questionable.


Making an advertising topic/post without permission will subject your topic/post to Exterminatus and its removal from the site.


Using the Bolter & Chainsword's private message or e-mail functions to advertise your own site is not allowed. Such a practice is essentially using the resources of the Bolter & Chainsword for other web sites and is inappropriate. Violations of this will result in appropriate disciplinary action.


As far as other sites are concerned, we fully support other sites, even those that could be considered "competition". Different sites cater to different players, and no one site can hope to cater to all players. The Internet allows for a lot of freedom and variety, and any site that furthers the WH40K game and gaming community deserves the chance to succeed.

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