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Basic Site Rules

Brother Tyler

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The site is structured around the current edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game, but all games set in the Warhammer 40,000 game universe are supported here.


In addition, while much of the core language used here is based around the core faction of Space Marines for which the site was first created, all factions of the Warhammer 40,000 game universe may be discussed here.




The Bolter & Chainsword promotes constructive discussion about all aspects of the Warhammer 40,000 hobby. While the most recognizable content is the discussions, the term "content" applies to everything available here, including galleries, downloads, signatures, status updates, etc.


This is a public forum that is viewed by members from a wide range of age groups and cultural backgrounds. Please be considerate of others when composing your content (content includes posts, private messages, emails, reports, etc.). Appropriate topics include, but are not limited to:


  • modeling and painting
  • army composition/list building
  • tactics and game play
  • rules queries
  • battle reports
  • background (also known as "lore" or "fluff")
  • official products (models, games, books, etc.)
  • Warhammer 40,000 and Games Workshop events
  • fan fiction and artwork
  • et cetera




Since our intent is for constructive discussion among fellow hobbyists from around the world and across all age groups, there are some restrictions in place to keep the forum a fun and safe place to discuss the hobby.


No swearing/profanity

  • Anything that can be said via swearing/profanity can be expressed in other terms, often far more articulately. Many words/terms are automatically filtered by the board software, replacing them with acceptable substitutes. Note that the "no swearing/profanity" rule includes all forms and mediums - written, oral (i.e., videos with audible profanity), visual (e.g., graphics with legible profanity) - and similarly includes abbreviations and substitutions (i.e., using alternate characters) as well as obscene gestures.
  • If you feel that swearing/profanity is the only way to accurately express yourself, a number of emoticons are available, especially "cuss" emoticon :cuss:.


No obscenity/pornography

  • Sexually graphic content, whether written, audible, or visual, has no place here. Similarly, links to sexually graphic content are forbidden here. Posting obscenity/pornography or links to such content will subject you to summary banning from the site.
  • Note that there is room for some material that might be considered suggestive, generally where the followers of Slaanesh are concerned. Examples include some models and artwork (e.g., portrayals of daemonettes). The lines here are highly subjective, however, and discretion is advised. When in doubt, either don't post such material or contact an administrator/moderator first.


No disrespectful behavior (trolling, flaming, derogatory terms)

  • Trolling is being a jerk on the internet simply because you can. This is typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on someone else, because it's the internet and, hey, you can (because they can't punch you in the face through the computer, even if you deserve it). Another form of trolling is posting material simply to provoke a negative response from others.
  • Flaming is engaging in or deliberately provoking heated argument online, usually involving personal attacks.
  • Derogatory terms are generally terms used to insult someone else, often on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, spiritual/religious beliefs, etc.


None of these types of behaviors are conducive to constructive discussion. There are going to be times when you disagree with someone and/or when you dislike someone or something, but you either need to express yourself constructively or you need to ignore/stay out of the discussion.


You don't have to actually respect everyone and everything, but you must treat them with respect here at the Bolter & Chainsword.


Just remember Wheaton's Law and live by it. :wink:


No foreign languages or chat/"leet" speak

Our members come from around the world and all age groups. The intent of discussion here is for everyone to be able to participate. This site is an English language site (we don't all talk good English, mind you :wink: ). Using foreign languages or things like chat/"leet" speak prevent many of our members from understanding, so they are not allowed. We don't expect perfect English, however, so please be understanding. Conversely, be tolerant of different styles of communication. Some of us are simply more blunt than others, and this is sometimes due to cultural norms (especially those of us from low context societies) and not necessarily because we're jerks.


No spamming

Spam isn't simply multiple identical posts across the forums, it also includes pointless, off-topic or smart-alec posts anywhere on the board. Remember, the B&C is here to promote constructive discussion of the 40K hobby and anything not contributing to this may be considered spam and deleted. Repeat offenders may also be subject to corrective action for such behaviour.


No trading or selling posts

Trading and selling aren't bad in and of themselves, but we don't want the drama that comes when trades or sales go bad.

The exception to the above is that members may identify sales/trade offerings via their signatures, allowing follow-on contact via PM or e-mail. The B&C accepts no responsibility or liability for such transactions, however.


No intellectual property (IP) violations

We enforce whatever Games Workshop allows with regard to usage of their IP. This applies to all Games Workshop products and subsidiaries. Refer to Games Workshop's website for their IP guidance.


Where third parties are concerned, we will similarly enforce whatever they provide with regard to using their IP. Again, refer to their sites.


When in doubt, less is better.


No software cracks

Whether requested or offered, software cracks are expressly forbidden here. This applies to any form of Warez or illegal downloading of any software, but particularly that related to GW Games will result in an immediate ban on your account.


No excessive points values in army lists or discussions

This means that you may not post Army Builder print outs (or those from similar products) or fully detailed points/stats for your army lists. Keep it simple, such as "Chapter Master; Terminator armour, storm bolter, thunder hammer; 285 pts" or similar.


No off topic discussions

We're here to discuss the hobby, not politics, nationalism, religion, sexuality or moral/ethical debates (or cars, or sports, or the latest movie, etc.).


Disruptive behavior

Disruptive behavior, even when it does not break forum rules, is grounds for warnings and further corrective action. While we welcome constructive criticism and certainly do not expect everyone to love GW, if all you ever post is negativity, off topic posts or anything else that consistently disrupts discussions, then your posts and privileges will be dealt with accordingly. Such action includes the full range of official corrective action, including banning.


No threadomancy/necro-posting

If a thread has not had a post in over 90 days please DO NOT post to bump that thread back up unless you are adding substantively to discussion. Asking when the next update from the OP is or saying "cool" (or something similar) does nothing for the thread. In all likelihood the OP hasn't been on in all that time and won't see it anyway. If you want to tell them "cool" or ask a question about their post then please PM them and wait for a reply. If they then go and "reactivate" their topic then you are free to start posting again. Otherwise we consider this the foul black heresy of Threadomancy (also known as "necro-posting"), and such posts will be deleted in order to let the dead stay where they belong.


Posts, signatures, private messages (PM), e-mails, and status updates that break these restrictions may be edited or deleted without notice. If you feel a post is violating the forum rules, please don't put on a tin-moderator-badge from that new box of Cocoa Puffs you just got at the store. Simply use the REPORT button. This will notify all the mods of that particular forum of the issue.

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