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So, I recently picked up some aircraft to add to my fledgling LI armies (currently a Thunderhawk, some Marauder bombers and some Avenger fighters). I plan to get some Xiphons and Storm Eagles (if I am remembering the name correctly) and maybe some Lightnings and Thunderbolts too at some point.


I have the first edition AI ruleset. but that doesn't cover some of the newer planes. Does anyone know if either the newer rules are compatible with the older ones in terms of stat blocks or whether anyone drew up rules for the newer planes for the older editions in the same way that you can find a plethora of epic model rules for different editions of that game?

From (very hazy!) memory, the stats of first edition AI were both fairly simple and fairly close to the new ones, so if you're not happy with counts-as, I don't think it'd be too difficult to translate them across for basic playtesting.


While some stuff like ammo use is going to require a bit more imagination, I'd suggest that you could simply use the nearest equivalent from the older game. 


I stumbled across the 'Airspace compilation', which has some fan-made rules for expanding first edition – but I have no idea if it's any good. 


If no-one here can help, the Tactical Command forum is a good place to start your search.



Edited by apologist

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