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1000pt game coming up vs Drukhari!

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Posted (edited)

I've been playing a few games of 10th with a bunch of friends since launch (1 win/ 6 losses) which have only been 700pt lists with the following restrictions:

 • No single unit more than 225 points

 • No aircraft

 • No models with more than 14 wounds

 • No Epic Heroes

 • Minimum of one Battleline unit


Now we're stepping up to 1000pts with the same restrictions and I know he has some really nasty units while I'm definitely lacking when it comes to top tier options.


I'm thinking of running this and would be interested in your thoughts:

Crimson Fists 1000pts (995 points)



Crimson Fists 1000pts (995 points)


Space Marines

Incursion (1000 points)

Firestorm Assault Force





Captain (100 points)

  • Warlord

  • 1x Heavy bolt pistol

    1x Master-crafted power weapon

    1x Relic Shield

  • Enhancement: Adamantine Mantle


Chaplain with Jump Pack (75 points)

  • 1x Crozius arcanum

    1x Inferno pistol


Techmarine (55 points)

  • 1x Forge bolter

    1x Grav-pistol

    1x Omnissian power axe

    1x Servo-arm





Intercessor Squad (80 points)

  • 1x Intercessor Sergeant

    • 1x Bolt pistol

      1x Bolt rifle

      1x Power fist

  • 4x Intercessor

    • 1x Astartes grenade launcher

      4x Bolt pistol

      4x Bolt rifle

      4x Close combat weapon





Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 points)

  • 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack

    • 1x Plasma pistol

      1x Power fist

  • 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs

    • 4x Astartes chainsword

      3x Heavy bolt pistol

      1x Plasma pistol


Ballistus Dreadnought (140 points)

  • 1x Armoured feet

    1x Ballistus lascannon

    1x Ballistus missile launcher

    1x Twin storm bolter


Inceptor Squad (130 points)

  • 1x Inceptor Sergeant

    • 1x Assault bolters

      1x Close combat weapon

  • 2x Inceptor

    • 2x Assault bolters

      2x Close combat weapon


Infernus Squad (160 points)

  • 1x Infernus Sergeant

    • 1x Bolt pistol

      1x Close combat weapon

      1x Pyreblaster

  • 9x Infernus Marine

    • 9x Bolt pistol

      9x Close combat weapon

      9x Pyreblaster


Vindicator (175 points)

  • 1x Armoured tracks

    1x Demolisher cannon

    1x Hunter-killer missile

    1x Storm bolter


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Captain would be with the Infernus squad.


Many thanks.

Edited by Forté
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There's a few ways to look at this. First is which units you're bringing, the second is how you are using them. Since I don't know what your model collection looks like, I'll try and focus more on tactics.


Drukhari are generally designed to kill marines. Their units are cheaper, and all of their weapons are designed with ap and damage 2. Because of this, the game tends to become about setting conditions to hit them before they can hit you. If they can target you before you can roll dice, you will lose units without them getting a chance to do anything.


The way I would approach this with the models you showed above, is to put your ranged firepower in the back with intercessors in supporting positions to block units from getting to them. Basically, focus your fires on the mid-field objective, then put your Infernus and inceptor marines in reserve. Then, when the enemy pushes forward to the midfield, come in from flanks and pour fire into the exposed infantry. If you set an ambush in the mid-field, you should be able to do enough damage to set conditions for the rest of the game.


If you are looking at models, I would highly suggest putting infernus marines in a drop pod. It gets them within the 12" range to maximize their firepower, activate the +1 str from the firestorm detachment, allows them to deep strike and fire on turn 1, and makes them not count against the points limit for strategic reserves.

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Posted (edited)

DE have some nasty melee and some pretty good shooting but with those restrictions every thing he can bring is extremely flimsy and not that hard to kill.


but it honestly depends on what you have available. Plasma like hellblasters will do some good work on his stuff, heavy bolt rifles on heavy intercessors will be solid, heck even the grenade launcher on intercessors will be a lot more dangerous to them than most factions.

heavy bolters, if you have any assault or autocannons or heavy onslaughts, those will work nice.



Edit2 nvm they’re bolter ceptors. Still not bad, but if he brings any vehicles they’ll struggle against those.


infernus will roast the infantry assuming you roll decent for how many shots you get.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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