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Executioners List For Badab War Campaign

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My friend group is tentatively planning on doing a shortish Badab War campaign.

We haven't hashed out the details yet, but I think we're going to try and make it strictly Firstborn marines and vehicles, just to keep it in canon (basically no Primaris). And most games will be about 1500pts (we're all mostly players from 3rd edition on and with not a lot of time for games, so smallish lists it is).


Thinking of Executioners, Gladius Task Force.


Captain - Adept of the Codex - 100pts

Chaplain - The Honour Vehement - 75pts

Company Heroes - 95pts


Tactical Squad - 140pts

   - Rhino 75pts

Tactical Squad - 140pts

   - Rhino 75pts


Devastator Squad (10 Marines) - 200pts


Terminator Squad - 175pts


Vanguard Veteran Squad - 105pts

Sternguard Veteran Squad - 90pts

Bladeguard Veteran Squad - 90pts


Dreadnought - 135pts


Total - 1495pts 



(And yes, I know that Bladeguard are predominately made from Primaris parts, but I'm going to be using the HH command squad for other bits and I like the idea of a small squad of veterans similar to Bladeguard)


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Well you should still be able to use Legends units. Assault squads are still readily available. If need be use Jump assault intercessor rules. Now are you painting in old Executioner colors or the new Executioner colors?


I would see if you could figure out how to squeeze a razorback in to put the sternguard inside. Otherwise they will be footslogging. Maybe downgrade the Vanguard for "assault" marines for 20 points and find a few points elsewhere and trade in the rhino for the razor. 

Edited by Galron
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