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Space wolves and blood angels relationship.

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Hello guys! 

Can anyone tell me what the beef between the blood angels and the space wolves were?  In the rules they are distrusted allies.

I don't remember reading any of the horus heresy novel series that specifically mentioned  that sanguinius and russ hate each other or that they came to blows in anyway ( apart from the blood angels going mental in fear to tread, which I assume was an isolated incident that the rest of the legions didnt find out about). 

Is there lore about this beef? 

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The Blood Angels are murderous savages, desperately keeping that at bay with Culture and the like, the Space Wolves pretend to be murderous savages to hide their culture and the like so they looks tougher. Feels like thats a situation ready to cause a whole swathe of problems, contempt and misunderstandings.

The Primarchs dont have any direct beef, but were prominently on opposite sides of the Librarian issue so i suspect that doesnt help! 

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Of all the legions to show your red thirsty tendencies to, the Space Wolves are arguably the worst. 

Corax and Vulkan would probably be sympathetic, Guilliman and Dorn wary of it, Khan and Ferrus would tell them to embrace it, the Lion would be pleased that through such imperfection he has found himself elevated above his brother, but the wolves would be all 'maleficarum, maleficarum!' like the hairy hypocrites they are. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/12/2024 at 11:31 AM, Valkyrion said:

the Lion would be pleased that through such imperfection he has found himself elevated above his brother


You nailed the Lion's character in a way I didn't know could be done! 

Edited by Xenith
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Totally! I think I remember sanguinius in fear to tread  being rather paranoid about horus and the luna wolves finding out about his " little secret". Obviously horus used that to his own advantage. Would russ have been so machiavelian?  I doubt it. 

Great replies everyone.

Despite not featuring the blood angels i am rereading  prospero burns and I think it might be in my top 5 HH novels.

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