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New Pivoting Rule

Go to solution Solved by DemonGSides,

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Hi everyone. 

So I'm a bit confused with the new Pivoting rule. 

 1) The rules say that Monsters and Vehicles without round bases have a pivot of 2". So is it true that Space Marine vehicles like Gladiators and Repulsors don't suffer the 2" penalty for being on that clear round base? Even though they're pretty much the same size as Rhinos and Landraiders that do suffer the penalty? Also same with Drukhari vehicles? 


2) Models now move in straight lines. Does this mean they must move "forward" as in the direction they're facing? My opponent claimed that because of this new method that vehicles & monsters cannot move straight back or to the side. I didn't read anywhere stating they couldn't but he said "the pictures all show them going forward." Is this correct? The picture of the Rhino in example 5 shows it moving in a straight but diagonal line from the side. I would say that this counters his point. I also told him "no way walkers can't back up now." 


3) The Bloodthirster charging in example 8 shows it having to pivot after the first move in order to complete its charge move. If it does not have to move in the direction that it is facing (ie forward) then why would it need to pivot in this example? Could it not just move straight sideways? 

If it can move sideways then I don't see the need to pivot a model unless its base/ hull would prevent it from moving through other models or too narrow terrain placement.


4) Also, the rule says that "Monster and Vehicle models (excluding models with a round base) have a Pivot Move of 2 inch" Bloodthirsters are on round bases right? Why does it get the 2" Pivot Move in the example? Oversight? 

(Oops. Nevermind this one. In the picture it has an oval base. I got mine back in 6th and it came with a round base. )

Thank you. 



Edited by ExeterOborach
Missed some evidence.
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On 7/12/2024 at 11:43 AM, ExeterOborach said:

 1) The rules say that Monsters and Vehicles without round bases have a pivot of 2". So is it true that Space Marine vehicles like Gladiators and Repulsors don't suffer the 2" penalty for being on that clear round base? Even though they're pretty much the same size as Rhinos and Landraiders that do suffer the penalty? Also same with Drukhari vehicles? 


It's not the lil clear base that gives them no pivot, it's the circular base the all come with but only some people model with; the gladiator in particular should have a 100 mm base under it, but since it's a vehicle and historically not all vehicles had bases, some people run them that way. If they don't include the base, it has to use the pivot rule.


On 7/12/2024 at 11:43 AM, ExeterOborach said:

2) Models now move in straight lines. Does this mean they must move "forward" as in the direction they're facing? My opponent claimed that because of this new method that vehicles & monsters cannot move straight back or to the side. I didn't read anywhere stating they couldn't but he said "the pictures all show them going forward." Is this correct? The picture of the Rhino in example 5 shows it moving in a straight but diagonal line from the side. I would say that this counters his point. I also told him "no way walkers can't back up now." 

Nah, all vehicles are now crabs.  You've got it right that pic 5 let's it remain the same facing and get the full move.


Tbh, I have been playing it this way anyway since facing doesn't matter. I don't play many melee vehicles either, at least that aren't on a circle already (Blight drone)


On 7/12/2024 at 11:43 AM, ExeterOborach said:

3) The Bloodthirster charging in example 8 shows it having to pivot after the first move in order to complete its charge move. If it does not have to move in the direction that it is facing (ie forward) then why would it need to pivot in this example? Could it not just move straight sideways? 

If it can move sideways then I don't see the need to pivot a model unless its base/ hull would prevent it from moving through other models or too narrow terrain placement.


The problem would then come down to being into base to base with enough units, possibly. But yes, I think 8 is a poor diagram. 



On 7/12/2024 at 4:43 PM, ExeterOborach said:

2) Models now move in straight lines. Does this mean they must move "forward" as in the direction they're facing? My opponent claimed that because of this new method that vehicles & monsters cannot move straight back or to the side. I didn't read anywhere stating they couldn't but he said "the pictures all show them going forward." Is this correct? The picture of the Rhino in example 5 shows it moving in a straight but diagonal line from the side. I would say that this counters his point. I also told him "no way walkers can't back up now." 


Models can move in any direction, but if they want to pivot, i.e., rotate around a central axis to say, fit through a gap, or present the front armour to something, you have to pay the pivot tax. 

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