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So I meant to enter these in the paint-a-thon we have going on at the BnC, but I totally forgot to take pre paint pictures.


The good news is I did it to completion anyway, and it was 20+ infantry (most started from scratch) that I really wanted to finish to a decent standard for my Black Legion army.


Well even though I screwed up on the entry, here is the finished result:




And here are some close ups: Chosen, Legionaries, etc:









You get the idea... it was an attempt to do a mass painting batch session. It did take way longer than I hoped.... these things always do. But I'm glad to have all the infantry done!





Edited by Prot
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was just over on your site and see these posted. The brown, yellow, white plasma is interesting. Haven't really seen that done before. At first I thought they were night lords because of the blueish highlights. Regardless they look awesome as always. Can't wait to see more.

  • 2 weeks later...



Basically I changed the title of the topic because I sold my Iron Warriors army and this caused me to make an effort to rebuild a Black Legion army. It was basically a slow grow campaign for myself that at the time just augmented my Iron Warriors. So now I'm fleshing them out a bit more:

















So there's a good injection of Black Legion into the army. 


Thank Volgon.


Yup, absolutely using an airbrush to get those thin blends in there. Acrylics, inks, oils. Drybrushing, brushes, airbrushing. (Pigments on the base).


The problem with  learning a bunch of methods is you feel like using them all for different reasons. :) 


  • 4 months later...

So a long time friend plays Blood Angels and so I  never painted a Blood Angel until now... I think it went pretty well!





Edited by Prot

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