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GuitaRasmus' Kill Team Projects - Now making... Noise Marines!

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Hi guys - looooong time, no post. Last time I updated one of my threads was 2017. :ohmy: A lot has happened in the meantime - I've had two kids, and quit the big wargames like 40k and AoS - however, I've fallen in love with Warcry and especially Kill Team. I've done lot's of hobbying, but have mostly been active on social media - however, I kinda miss the old forums' feedback, so I thought I'd try making a WIP Kill Team thread here. 

At the moment I'm working on a Noise Marines Kill Team (counts as Warp Coven - yes, I DO think it works. ;) ), and I wanted to make some really cool Noise Marines. That, however, was not an easy task. I spent many evenings scouring the internet, and eventually giving up my search for cool 3rd party bits to make some. Everything I've found was either "boobs! Boobs everywhere!", missing the 40k aesthetic or just plain bad. I don't like the 80's guitar hero thing for Noise Marines at all. I want them to be freaky, twisted and really really scary. 


I took a deep breath, sketched some things on paper, installed Blender (free 3d sculpting software) on my computer, and set to work trying to learn how to use the software, and making my own bits. It took 2-3 weeks of using most of my evenings on it (it is a STEEP learning curve), but I think I've managed getting some stuff done that I'm very happy with. I got them printed by a guy I found on FB, and it was SO cool to get physical copies of the stuff I'd done. 

Here are the parts I've done: 













Here are the miniatures (mostly based on Chaos Havocs bodies), with the bits added: 













I'm putting paint on them at the moment, and really liking where they are going - hopefully I'll be able to post some finished pics in a few weeks. :) 

As always, comments and questions are most appreciated. :) 


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Oh dude I remember your Death Guard and World Eaters stuff from back in the day, glad to see you're still around hobbying!


These Noise Marines look cool as hell, if GW's inevitable EC refresh is even remotely close to these I'd be stoked personally, you've nailed the aesthetic IMO.


Can't wait to see more!

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Just saw these a moment ago at your blog -- cannot tell you how happy I am that a) you are still around and b) your content is just as freaking amazing as it ever was! :thumbsup:

The bitz are absolutely fantastic -- loving those bare heads in particular! And that mutated CSM looks brilliant with the head swap and the massive Slaaneshi backpack.


More, please!

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Top notch! I öarticularly like the one based off the possessed with the Doom Siren, the pose and head match so well. Looks like he's really hooting/screaming waves of sonic hell at some poor unfortunates. The jump pack trooper with the claw is another favourite. Brilliant posing.


I used to struggle in the past to get anything apporaching how I envisioned Noise Marines. Really cool that you could develop your own designs and get them printed. Must be a really nice feeling!

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