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The Pros and Cons of Necromunda

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For those looking for what is needed to get started with Necromunda- 


Necromunda main rule book, 2023 version (link)

Your specific House of .... or Book of .... for whichever gang you want to run:

     House gangs - Escher (House of Blades), Goliath (House of Chains), Orlock (House of Iron), Delaque (House of Shadows), Cawdor (House of Faith), Van Saar (House of Artifice)

     Other gangs - Venators (Book of Peril), Corpse Grinder/Chaos Cult/Genestealer Cult (Book of Ruin), Enforcers (Book of Judgement), Ash Waste Nomads/Ironhead Prospectors (Book of the Outlands), Outcasts (Book of the Outcast)


A quick explanation:

Venators are groups of Bounty Hunters/various randos who have access to a lot of good gear. Highly customizable, but tend to have low model count due to the cost of their gear. A good way to use the cool "Hired Guns/Dramatis Persona" models that FW puts out. 

Outcasts are those gangs that run on the fringes of the hive/law- sometimes fallen Guilders or Clanners, or just criminals and other less desired citizens. They are not quite as customizable as Venators in relation to gear, but have more options as far as backstory and campaign options due to their connections with former allies. A good option that basically allows any sort of model you want to be part of a gang- Warcry Warbands, Underworld squads, and any/all strange ideas work well with Outcast gangs.

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On 7/19/2024 at 1:07 PM, Xenith said:

Does anyone know if the new box set rulebook will be the full rules?

From what I could gather from Ash's review of the boxed set, the rulebook contains the rules that you'll need to play a campaign with the models in the box - it contains the "full" standard rules (i.e. without the Ash Wastes bit), a special campaign for the Hive Secundus setting, and rules for the two gangs in the box. 

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