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Boarding Actions Supplement

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I trading my buddy a bunch of GW stuff I'm not using for his.  It will be nice to have terrain to play games with the kids and may motivate me to paint my Kill Team: Chalnath, Kill Team: Rogue Trader, and Necromunda terrain....


Edited by WAR
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22 hours ago, SvenIronhand said:

These have always interested me, but buying specialized terrain has always put me off. 

Maybe I should just nut up and make some. 


It's probably one of the best value GW sets to be honest, the plastic boarding action set is pretty comparable in price to almost all the alternatives, from TTCombat's MDF to even Battle System's cardstock terrain.


The official 40K Boarding action set is £114 from Element, whilst two of [url=https://battlesystems.co.uk/product/cyberpunk-core-set/]Battle System's Cyberpunk[/url] card stock boards would be £89.98. On the other hand the latter is already precoloured and doesn't need as much work to get it onto the board as the GW set does.


It also comes with little chests that you can actually put tokens in as well, if you wanted to scratch that Dungeon crawling loot itch (say during Kill Team's 'The Courier' mission).


But yeah, it's surprising in this case how competitive the official terrain is. Probably need to be a proper home made bodge job with layers of spare packaging and cereal box card, with a few straw/lollystick pipes etc to really get things done for cheap.

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But yeah, it's surprising in this case how competitive the official terrain is. Probably need to be a proper home made bodge job with layers of spare packaging and cereal box card, with a few straw/lollystick pipes etc to really get things done for cheap.”

It would take so much time and work to do it justice just easier to buy the kit if you can afford it.

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12 hours ago, INKS said:

Sadly it usually is. Even in the codex's you are kinda paying a lot for the lore. Because the rules are often quickly outdated.

It’s a shame they don’t offer physical and digital versions like buying a game or album. I would much rather pay a discounted price for digital and save the trees. 

In terms of building this terrain, Peachy did a neat video recently using children’s building blocks. Would work well for this.

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14 hours ago, Tastyfish said:


It's probably one of the best value GW sets to be honest, the plastic boarding action set is pretty comparable in price to almost all the alternatives, from TTCombat's MDF to even Battle System's cardstock terrain.


The official 40K Boarding action set is £114 from Element, whilst two of [url=https://battlesystems.co.uk/product/cyberpunk-core-set/]Battle System's Cyberpunk[/url] card stock boards would be £89.98. On the other hand the latter is already precoloured and doesn't need as much work to get it onto the board as the GW set does.


It also comes with little chests that you can actually put tokens in as well, if you wanted to scratch that Dungeon crawling loot itch (say during Kill Team's 'The Courier' mission).


But yeah, it's surprising in this case how competitive the official terrain is. Probably need to be a proper home made bodge job with layers of spare packaging and cereal box card, with a few straw/lollystick pipes etc to really get things done for cheap.


13 hours ago, Cenobite Terminator said:

But yeah, it's surprising in this case how competitive the official terrain is. Probably need to be a proper home made bodge job with layers of spare packaging and cereal box card, with a few straw/lollystick pipes etc to really get things done for cheap.”

It would take so much time and work to do it justice just easier to buy the kit if you can afford it.


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I'm pretty hype for this.  500 point infantry-only games are right up my alley, especially on a really cool themed board.

The GW terrain kit has huge competition from 3d printing, IMO.  You can get an Ender 3 and some good filament for less than the MSRP on the Boarding Actions terrain, and pick up one of several STL collections for under $15.  I know a lot of noise is made about resin printers to print proxies instead of buying models from GW, but resin printing still has a much higher barrier to entry than filament - and for terrain, layer lines aren't as big a deal as on a mini.

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6 hours ago, skylerboodie said:

Has the lore from Arks Of Omen not been added to Warhammer+ yet? That's a longer term solution for cheap digital lore, if you don't mind waiting. 


I believe so, and they have also started portioning off pieces of the AoO story for regular black library releases as well. 

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On 7/17/2024 at 5:23 PM, DemonGSides said:

My narrative group was just talking about how we could integrate "Indoor spaces" into a game; a building that can be entered by infantry and fought while a bigger fight with tanks/heavy weapons happening "Outside".  Basically two boards, one board where it's the interior of a large building, and the other board as that building and it's surrounding area.

Slightly updated rules might make this a distinct possibility.  Very happy to see this.


Apologies for the shameless plug but I am working on just that: A siege game that uses the boarding action tiles as a fortress interior that the attacker needs to breach and rescue a captured navigator.


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7 hours ago, SalamandersBro said:

M8ght get this so i could get my wife onto playing. 500 pts seems reasonable 

Don’t hold your breath. I’ve been trying to do this for 18 years and it doesn’t seem to matter how much I spend on Warhammer, or how much space it takes up in the house, she still doesn’t want to play. :sigh

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You know, maybe I'm a bit "Horus Heresy-centred" but I think this supplement would be make more and better service in Horus Heresy than in the current edition of W40K.

A good opportunity to expand zone mortalis with more specific rules for boarding actions, like in Badab War, new equipment options, and even more units, general and legion specific. And a great opportunity to launch a plastic Breachers squad...

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11 hours ago, Agramar_The_Luna_Wolf said:

You know, maybe I'm a bit "Horus Heresy-centred" but I think this supplement would be make more and better service in Horus Heresy than in the current edition of W40K.

A good opportunity to expand zone mortalis with more specific rules for boarding actions, like in Badab War, new equipment options, and even more units, general and legion specific. And a great opportunity to launch a plastic Breachers squad...


That's something I hadn't really considered.
TBH, it isn't like the boarding action terrain couldn't be used for 30k. It isn't plastered with Imperial Aquilas or anything, it's all faction ambiguous.

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2 hours ago, spiros14 said:


That's something I hadn't really considered.
TBH, it isn't like the boarding action terrain couldn't be used for 30k. It isn't plastered with Imperial Aquilas or anything, it's all faction ambiguous.



My friend and I have used it for zone mortalis. Two of the big boxes for a board, it gets quite unwieldy built into larger peices and really needs to be fixed in place.


The zm rules don't quite work with it without adaption as the doors are a bit smaller and you don't get the double wide etc.


There was a fan made zone mortalis combat patrol from last edition that would work really well for it. Victory is death or something along those lines.


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(Apologies mods if this is straying too far off topic)

Personally I think at this time GW have started to and perhaps should continue to create a more serious split between "Zone Mortalis" and "Boarding Actions" when it comes to terrain.
What I mean by that is that Zone Mortalis has developed from a more-or-less maze of walls and doors on a 2d plane to a more heavily developed 3d area which includes stairways, lifts, ladders, and an incredible amount of compatibility with the existing Sector Imperialis and Sector Mechanicus terrain (I would recommend looking up Owen Patten - the designer - on x and look at the tips and tricks he has on the subject). Which makes for a very intricate battlefield, but also one that is lacking specific detail (It looks like you're always fighting over a corridor or mezzanine - fine for a Hive, less so for a space ship.

Now look at Boarding Actions. We have our maze of walls and doors on a 2d plane, but because those walls are a lot thinner, more can be added to those rooms to give it life. If you look at the Killzone boxes to supplement those walls for kill team, you see that almost all are designed to represent an area of the ship, including an armoury, a control room, an infirmary, and escape pods. Walls are heavily decorated with panels and screens and pipes, and while the layout of the table is simple, The narrative you can tell is a lot more complex. Even the missions support this, with a majority describing where it is the map layout is representing on the ship, and what extra rule is added to accentuate that area. 


When you look online and see that many fans have made up their own walls to reflect their own factions, or gotten other terrain sets so their ship has a library and a mess hall, you realise that boarding actions is perhaps the closest GW has gotten to make their fans into doll houses, which isn't a bad thing. I would love GW to continue down this road and perhaps even introduce a branching out campaign to represent a force boarding an enemy vessel (including a cinematic "breaking through the hull with a torpedo full of marines) and moving through various areas of a ship to get to either the bridge or engine room. 

TL;DR GW has the potential to make Zone Mortalis be a backdrop to tell a story about cool Necromunda fighters and Boarding actions be a story about a cool ship being attacked by generic warriors.

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