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What detachments are we missing?

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So, it's no secret that we came in pretty light with only 4 detachments, and while they are all fun, we could have had a lot more. I've got a few ideas as to what they could have been and I'd also like to know what you all think. Do you like these ideas, are there other interesting avenues that I missed? 

1. Recon Cadre: 

Detachment Rule Co-Ordinated Ambush: Units with the Recon Keyword (Darkstrider, Firesight Marksmen, Pathfinders, Sealthsuits, Ghostkeels, Piranhas) are all selected as being a guided unit to any observer unit that also has the Recon Keyword, unless that unit has already been declared as an observer. In addition, they do not receive -1 Ballistic Skill when shooting a non-spotted unit. 
Pathfinders gain the Battleline Keyword. 
Stratagems and Enhancements would focus on movement and ambush shenanigan's like fall back and shoot, re-deploys and the like. Some kind of sabotage ability too if you can tag a vehicle in close combat. 

2. Unity Strike Force: 

Detachment Rule Strength of the Greater Good: Kroot units gain the following ability: While this unit is within 6" of a non-Kroot unit, that unit gains the Stealth Keyword. Non-Kroot units gain the following ability: While this unit is within 6" of a Kroot unit, that unit gains the For The Greater Good Faction Ability. 
Stratagems and Enhancements: These would focus on using an auxiliary and Tau proper unit in tandem to greater effect. Bonus to Kroot melee if shot by a Tau unit, or Kroot gaining Fight First if they Heroically intervene to protect a Tau unit. Stuff like that. 


3. (Couldn't think of a good name for this one)
Detachment Rule Advanced Targeting Systems: Once per Phase for each Tau unit, you may re-roll one hit, wound, or damage roll made by a model in that unit. 
Stratagems and Enhancements: These would focus on the non-suit Tau vehicles, like the Hammerhead, Skyray, Devilfish, and aircraft. 

What are your thoughts, how would you want other Tau Detachments done up? 

Edited by Tawnis
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I agree that GW could have done more.


Personally I would’ve loved your 3rd idea. T’au armour was such a draw for me to start my project!


Once I’ve built my Kroot combined list (Basically Kroot backed up with T’au antitank) I’m planning on an Air Cavalry list with lots of tanks!



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IMO it's looking like 4 Detachments is actually the norm...


Regardless, from what we have:

Kauyon is the "Stealth" Detachment (buffs, stats and enhancements line up with the old Optimised Stealth Cadre).

Montka is the closest we have to an Infantry spam Detachment (also possibly your "Fish of Fury" Detachment since Devilfish delivered Breacher Bombs are buffed here).

Retaliation Cadre is obviously the Battlesuit Detachment, but less obviously it's also the Farsight Detachment with most of the strats and iirc some of the enhancements named after Him or the Eight.

Kroot Detachment buffs Kroot. Just kroot tho, vespids missed the memo apparently. Nothing else more to say there.


With those established, there's really only 2 things I can think to theme a Detachment around (but I'd have very few ideas what mechanics to give them tho):

1) "Vehicle Detachment".

Specifically not Battlesuits. Hammerheads, Devilfish, Skyrays, Phiranas and whatever flyers anyone dares to bring to a game.

If we still had Longstrike, this would be his jam, so probably at least some stuff should be named in his honour. Steal that Enhancement the GSC got to turn the transport the bearer's riding in into a command vehicle (or however that one works) and an Enhancement that gives the characters the Mechanic ability like Techpriests or Warpsmiths (Repair Drone Relay or something).


2) "Integrated Auxiliaries" Detachment

You see all those new Kroot models? See the Vespids that got left out of the Kroot Detachment? Use Mindscience to see into the future and witness another Non-kroot auxiliary added to the T'au range late in the edition? Congratulations! This Detachment gives all Auxiliaries access to "For the Greater Good", but they must pair off with a T'au unit. Probably a character Enhancement or stratagem to bypass the restriction or clone the strat to benefit from your own spotting. While I've seen some suggestions saying this kind of Detachment should limit you to a 50/50 of Auxiliaries to T'au, the requirement that at least one tagged ally for spotting be a T'au unit should be a good enough rule to prevent this just being Kroot Detachment 2: Spotting Boogaloo.

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