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Stalk Tank home brew rules

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So third kick at the can of making rules for the grimdark terrain stalk tank model. So the basic idea is its not quite a knight not quite a titan but somewhere in between, in game terms its still a knight but a pretty tough one, sort of a marriage between acastus and cerastus atrapos. The point cost is a bit of a crapshoot but that can always be adjusted. It has one main weapon with a 360 mount and must choose 2 smaller turret weapons. It also comes with claws, basically similar to gyges siege claws. Fluff wise I see it as a creation of the dark mechanicum and sort of a traitor version/take on the atrapos, so I gave it macro extinction targeting protocols and blessed auto simulacra, sort of like some dark/warp energies animate it so its able to re-grow/heal damage. I know stalk tanks are referenced in gaunt's ghosts, I wouldn't get too caught up on the name as it mostly just sounds good, but I do envision these as some greation of herator ashpodel or some other villain from the gaunt's ghosts books. In LI terms I see it as a scary traitor/heretic primarily knight.






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