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Hey all, 


Recently ran a 3rd edition event down in Australia and needed to cook up a gumby army, and what better army to cook up than something inspired by the 3rd Ed Codex Space Marines cover art, its something that really screams third to me..and after smashing these boys out, wow-wee are relatively simple marine easy to smash out!




Just a little taster shot, there, really tried to, within reason, copy the frontal image marine for marine. All of the marines are the fantastic Fummel Finger sculpts, scaled up a tad to 105%, the 3rd ed boltguns are creator by yours truly and all the helmets and purity seals (the seals themselves, the 'paper' is GS) are just basic GW Plastic/Resin.



A less de-hued shot of the main guys.




Next model was the classic Crimson Fists dreadnought Deist (or Calistra who knows?), tried again to replicate the images of him from some of the older white dwarfs. He is a 3d printed boxnaught scaled up to look the right size, I've added a GS Banner and some extra bits to try and replicate the 3rd ed art. Over 20 years in the hobby and this is my first ever boxnaught..go figure!



Another bit of art that always jumped out at me was the amazing box art for the 'new' land raider that dropped during third, Normally its picture gets used as 'Rynn's Might' but I honestly feel it was a different Land Raider Named 'Furious' as the art depicts. This is a 3d print, scaled up to 115% so it looks suitably large next to the fummel finger marines. The stowage is just a variety of stuff I had rattling around, glued on to look the part. 



Next up,  before he gets lost in the buckets of pictures is Pedro Kantor, although he didn't 'officially' exists in 3rd with a model or anything, I thought it would be fun to whip up a chonky boy. He is again based off of the fummel finger sculpts, but with a large amount of extra ornamentation modelled onto him preprinting (including the ammo feed..never want to make one of those again!), with additional green stuff cloak, banner etc added after the fact. I think he came out pretty awesome.. I also cheekily bumped him up to 107.5% for the print, so he has some extra chonk to him.



Have a chief apothecary, going through the thankless task of rescuing geneseed from his downed brothers during the Rynn's Wolrd campaign. I know Crimson Fists should generally have a single crimson hand, but I thought it could be an interesting little thought-provoker him having white hands on his armour, that by trade, invariably end up crimson...


Some classic-equipped Terminators, again couldn't say no to the very basic boys, these guys where very simple, but no less fun, I really enjoyed the brute simplicity of them. The 'realist' in me had to add at least a single reload for their bolters to their belts.. damned if I know how they're reloading.. but it is what is.



The other very 3rd ed load out of a couple of Thunder Hammer / Storm Shield Terminators, classic as well. I'm currently trying to find some STLs of the classic 3rd ed lightning claws, once I do I'll whip a couple of them up also! 



Another, very 3rd ed model, the super basic Land Speeder which I feel just starts to get forgotten about in later editions (also features on the Land Raider Box Art ;) ). This is a random STL dialed up to I want to say 120%  to easily fit the thiic marines in, was again very fun to get done. Another bonus of 3d printing this, no huge gaps along its 'hood'.



And where would 3rd edition vibe crimson fists be without the old 'manned' turret Razorbacks. I think an old metal/plastic razorback was the first tank I ever owned back in the day. Again a combination of 3d models here, I opted to use a current styled Deimos as they clearly where just upgraded ones of the original MK2C Rhinos, so I think that suited (again I think 115% in size) Chucked on the big old 3rd ed dozer blade for bonus points.



Similar vibes to the abovce, but on this one I modeled up some of the old spaced side armour that I used to love on the old Rhinos. 



Last but not least was a quick and nasty little run of the classic 2nd ed Crimson Fist marine with ork head, as how could I miss out on that?

Below are just a couple of closer or clearer shots of marines from the first couple of pictures.








Anyway I hope you guys get some joy out of this mordernised nostalgia trip. It was a really enjoyable little project, which I got to use a few times over the weekend so that was fantastic!

I've actually got another 3rd edition event coming up in October where I'll be a player, so I may be tempted to try and whip up a display board to put a pin in this project!

Thanks for reading this far! 

I used to collect Crimson Fists back at this time, it was a breath of fresh air from my 2nd edition experience of the "big four" being everywhere. This is very nostalgic and very well executed. Well done.

On 7/18/2024 at 5:06 PM, Firedrake Cordova said:

Really nicely done - it's a great homage to the old artwork! :smile: 


I remember those old Razorbacks, with the various extra armour options (spaced- and reinforced). :smile: 


On 7/18/2024 at 8:00 PM, Magos Takatus said:

I used to collect Crimson Fists back at this time, it was a breath of fresh air from my 2nd edition experience of the "big four" being everywhere. This is very nostalgic and very well executed. Well done.

Crimson Fist I think are pretty hard done by haha, but I also love them, they have a bit of background for fleshing out purposes, but are also left well enough alone to have them be 'my guys'. 

Thanks mate! 


On 7/18/2024 at 8:48 PM, Terminatorinhell said:

This is really nice, I like those prints. I might have to eventually look for them lol. The sizing is good too. 

Thanks mate, yeah the Fummelfinger sculpts just get the right blent of 'clearly a space marine' but also just that extra bit chonky!

On 7/18/2024 at 11:46 PM, WAR said:

:cuss: Amazing..... I love it!

Thanks mate!

On 7/19/2024 at 12:26 PM, sarabando said:




On 7/21/2024 at 5:06 AM, TheArtilleryman said:

Awesome work. Love to see unique models and you’ve got a whole army made of them! The nostalgia is strong in this one :)

Yeah wanted to do something that felt familiar, but different! Thanks mate!

On 7/21/2024 at 8:41 AM, sugar-free said:

Absolutely love these!! As a CF fan boy, I love to see all the different takes on these guys. 
keep it up

Never enough Crimson Fist mate! Thanks! 


These kinds of armies are what inspire me to work harder.  You’ve done great with these guys. 

I also have a soft spot for the Crimson Fists.  If GW ever makes The Scouring a thing I’ll be doing that army. 

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