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I vaguely recall a short chapter in one of the earlier Dawn of Fire novels (maybe) that had Night Lords Warp Talons, and them spreading something metaphysial, "The Terror" if I recall, whilst fighting in some hive spires. It was done from the point of view of one of the Warp Talons.


Does anyone remember this or am I going mad? I don't have time to relisten to that series but if anyone can recall it, and which book it is in, I'd appreciate it as it has become like a lightning claw splinter in my mind.


I wanted to do a relisten for some inspiration whilst converting some Night Lords Warp Talons conversions.

Help from anyone with a better memory than this old mans is greatly appreciated.

Edited by Marius Perdo
1 hour ago, Marius Perdo said:

I vaguely recall a short chapter in one of the earlier Dawn of Fire novels (maybe) that had Night Lords Warp Talons, and them spreading something metaphysial, "The Terror" if I recall, whilst fighting in some hive spires. It was done from the point of view of one of the Warp Talons.


Does anyone remember this or am I going mad? I don't have time to relisten to that series but if anyone can recall it, and which book it is in, I'd appreciate it as it has become like a lightning claw splinter in my mind.


I wanted to do a relisten for some inspiration whilst converting some Night Lords Warp Talons conversions.

Help from anyone with a better memory than this old mans is greatly appreciated.

Might be from Book 3 The Wolftime, I remember NL figured there, but I couldn't finish the book so I might be wrong, also I can't recall NL in any other DoF books. 

8 hours ago, OpossumStrong said:

Might be from Book 3 The Wolftime, I remember NL figured there, but I couldn't finish the book so I might be wrong, also I can't recall NL in any other DoF books. 

You are right, it was in The Wolftime. It was one of the earliest chapters in the book.

Thanks Fraters - it was driving me mad - it is indeed in Wolftime Chapters 1 and 2.




They aren't Warp Talons, they are Night Lord Raptors, but they are so very, very weird (even for Raptors).


It is The Terrorstorm, not The Terror, which seems to be summoned from the fear of those they are terrorising by building up the tension of their imminent attack via overkill orbital bombardment over days, which goes way beyond serving a practical purpose, and is purely done to sow fear, terror, and despair, which is then harnessed and coalesced by their sorceror Kasheeva (guessing the spelling as audiobook) into The Terrorstorm.


It is constantly referred to as a roiling cloud of darkness and creeping tendrils that seeks out souls and that it empowers them (the Raptors) above and beyonf what is "normal", but it does recoil from the truly faithful, but literally stops the hearts of the weak willed trhough fear.


The Raptors champion is called Talon Leader Ektovar (quite a few others are named as well but it is mainly from his perspective), and as the first to attack out of the Terrorstorm, from which they descend as lightining strikes (that'll upset Sigmar), they are called the Darkstrike, the Maw of the Terrorstorm - he calls his squad mates his Ruin Brothers, and they await for their Dreadmaster to descend.


He feelsl a constant desire and hunger to fill his empty soul by using his Dreadtaste and Stormsense to seek out and eat the more powerul emotions, the more powerful the soul the more powerful the emotions and the more it sates him (but does not last), although space marines and the strong willed and the truly faithful (like a commissar) he can merely salughter and not enjoy as much, and he references The Perfect One - it all reads very like Drukhari and Slaanesh's....arrangement.

When one of his Ruin Brothers is critically injured his Ruin Brother pleads for them to aid him with the Terrorstorms power, but instead they turn on him to drink in his despair at their betrayal as they slaughter him.


It is also clear the lightining on them is "real", and arcs to other physical objects, so it isn't holo-projections anymore, so me not wanting to paint it on the armour makes sense (as much as made up stuff does), in the same way I won't paint muzzle flashes or try OSL, and because with my eyesight it would be an absolute nightmare (pun intended).


I was quite surprised that there was so much lore in so few words - fascinated really - probably why I vaguely remembered it from before and wanted to re-listen.

I probably need to read the Nightmare background from Kill Team for the Nemesis Claw as that is where I am using spare bits from - that said I was going to do ten Black Legion Raptors to go with the new lord and the Worldclaimer, and my other ten as Night Lord Raptors but in two minds now - as in five of each from each Legion.


It has really inspired me though


*goes back to building bat helmed and spiky models*



Edited by Marius Perdo

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