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What units have been surprise favorites for you?


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Any faction,  do you have any units that at first you were lukewarm on or didn’t like at all, but then took a closer/second look at them, and were like damn this kinda hot…


for me, I was a bit meh on killa kanz, then I really looked at them and realized they’re kinda hot for killing heavy/elite infantry and  they’re not that much more expensive than the models/units you’d be targeting with them. (Though having only 1 of each gun option is a bit of a let down.)

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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Vanguard Veterans were a bit of a unit I steered clear of despite playing Blood Angels. I felt they trod on the toes of both Death Company and Sanguinary Guard who are supposed to be our better assault marines. But I finally caved in for 10th edition and splashed out on a 10-man squad to accompany my existing Jump Sanguinary Priest and Jump Captain. It was very satisfying to see them tear apart an Armiger on the charge on their first outing.



Edited by Karhedron
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I used to be very reluctant to consider the Sydonians as good looking miniatures. I know that game wise they are supposed to be quite OK, seen the meta, but the outlook of these chicken has been a strong repellant to me... Until I recently had the opportunity to look at some quite well painted and based in a fair.


It made me change my mind and I just recruited 2 Dragoons. I just hope I will be able to give them justice when I will start working on them.


PS: The assembly with Radium jezzail is however still one I cannot stand... I am ready to even consider a Skratos instead. 

Edited by Bouargh
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1 hour ago, Karhedron said:

Vanguard Veterans were a bit of a unit I steered clear of despite playing Blood Angels. I felt they trod on the toes of both Death Company and Sanguinary Guard who are supposed to be our better assault marines. But I finally caved in for 10th edition and splashed out on a 10-man squad to accompany my existing Jump Sanguinary Priest and Jump Captain. It was very satisfying to see them tear apart an Armiger on the charge on their first outing.



I thought VGV came out before SG

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39 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

I thought VGV came out before SG


4th/5th editions are a bit hazy for me. I had very small children and mostly played my Eldar so I can't remember for sure. Certainly once I got back in seriously in 6th edition, both units existed.

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When I came back in 8th I hated the primaris, and chose to only play my guard, but the aggressors were the unit that warmed me up to primaris. I love the gravis look.


as for the kanz, I don’t really get why their melee weapons are so weak compared to a power klaw. You’d think a large(ish) walker would have a klaw at least as strong as those a boss nob carries.

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When the Dorn came out I thought another main battle tank was kind of redundant in the Guard roster. But after building and playing it, I've become a fan. It's a really well put together kit, very easy to build but with loads of little bits and pieces to play around with nd make it yours.


And it's just so much gun on the table, it's great.

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