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Meant to quote this also in my above post. The what, month now, or longer you've been deciding what to paint could have been used to paint models :) I know what it's like to be so undecided on what to build/paint, you get nothing done. It's almost like blank page syndrome. Have you considered getting cheap second hand models online so at least they're alredy made, and the 'activation energy' required to get painting is lower?

I've been looking online but honestly the deals are pretty terrible.

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Currently and in the last weeks the weather has been amazing here in Germany. Sunshine wherever you go. In such an environment you only paint a couple of models and should instead focus on building terrain as the components will dry very quickly. 


And in regards to painting stuff: If you have low level of energy then paint what you like and not what you must.

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I've been looking online but honestly the deals are pretty terrible.


Gotta pull the trigger at somepoint though - if you can only find reasons *not* to get models and paint them, you never will :) 2nd hand warhammer on ebay isn't great, however facebook trading groups are much better - and the assembled stuff is saved time on your side. 

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First off: I feel (and know) your pain.
I think I would choose Death Guard, simply because I enjoy all the potential for grossness when it comes to painting them. As for Guard, I think I'd wait until the Krieg box (apparently) drops next year. But you could of course start collecting and painting tanks already, if you think that'd be fun.

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I think you're getting anxious over the idea of, "this is a big decision, it's where all my hobby money and energy will go and I don't want to get it wrong."  Approach it from a different angle.


What modeling or painting skills or techniques do you want to work on?  This could be that you enjoy painting red, or you feel like you need to get better at painting white, or just converting minis is pretty zen for you.  Figure out a part of the hobby you want to engage in, something you want to practice, and buy a box for that.  Time spent improving is not time wasted, and not all time has to be spent specifically building an army.  You can be building your skillset.

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I think you're getting anxious over the idea of, "this is a big decision, it's where all my hobby money and energy will go and I don't want to get it wrong."  Approach it from a different angle.


What modeling or painting skills or techniques do you want to work on?  This could be that you enjoy painting red, or you feel like you need to get better at painting white, or just converting minis is pretty zen for you.  Figure out a part of the hobby you want to engage in, something you want to practice, and buy a box for that.  Time spent improving is not time wasted, and not all time has to be spent specifically building an army.  You can be building your skillset.

"I think you're getting anxious over the idea of, "this is a big decision, it's where all my hobby money and energy will go and I don't want to get it wrong."  Approach it from a different angle."


This is very much it.


I don't convert mini's much anymore. The days of that being affordable are long gone for me sadly. The hobby is too expensive to cut up kits or combine them any longer. In terms of painting. I am not really looking at improving anything on purpose if that makes sense. The older I get the worse my hands get. So while there might be some small improvements, I am more or less at my peak or was at my peak a few years ago. I am just not drive by those aspects as much as I might like to be. I also have a personal problem with having random minis laying about that have no purpose other than to just own them. 

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Just came across your thread and I can sympathies with the indecision. 

To add fuel to the fire of indecision/Anxious of the the big decision by sharing my experiences....


Knights sound great in principle but could you commit to them......?
What I mean/My experience - the last time Imperial Knight renegade was released I bought two sets at 25% discount so x4 knights for the price of 2ish. Plus a  Dominus and a box of each armiger set. All of them are still on the sprue

- they are a pretty big project to build each one and I just can find the time or the commitment to spend on this vs smaller models

- they will take up a lot of storage space when built - I've no idea a the moment how I am going to store them

- I cannot decide on a scheme I want to paint them as if and when I get that far which may affect the embellishments/bits used to build them. Weapons/loadout is not an issue as I will magnetise them


I really love the models that I've seen and handled but they are effective such high value each I dont want to go wrong with them.

For me, I have a plan to build one when I finish my current projects, to make myself do it but we will see.



Of course, my issues may not be yours.


In contrast for me - smaller rank and file models  I can happily build and paint much more easily whenever the inspiration hits.

Orks and Nids (and poxwalkers though not recently) are fun and easy, particularly since i developed arthritis. Marines  are more of a labour of love as they are more techincal to paint




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Thanks for the reply. I am a slow builder and painter. so armies with less models often draw me in. But those are all valid points and things I struggle with as well.

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What about Deathwing?

Small model count but still infantry based though options for a few bigger things and you don't have to theme them as DA if you want artistic freedom - A Silver skulls force based on a Deathwing list would be awesome. You could then easily use them in other Marine based armies too if you later want to chop and change. Depending where in the world you are you might be able to do it on the (relative) cheap too via the Combat patrol terminators and when they are available and grab a terminator captain model or two now if you can for cheap too.


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I can say that the new terminator kit was really a joy to work with.  I'm sure it'll get a little worse as the mold wears, but I found the sprues and bits really well laid out and mold lines basically non-existent.  The minis look great next to all my older terminators, and the inclusion of all three heavy weapon options was very nice.  I've got a lot of terminators, but this kit is the first time I've owned one with a Cyclone Missile Launcher.

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But your army and your modelling projects can be whatever you want them to be :) Don't feel you have to play what the meta plays.

I understand but I play to be competitive generally speaking. so unless i really really like a unit, i don't just randomly pick squads up. 

sadly, i just don't live in a place where i can play or have access to casual fun play. people are always testing something for competitive play.


I should add this is how 9th was for me. I have not played 10th yet. 

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  • 1 month later...

Indecision continues to cripple me and frustrate me. You have all give good advice. I have a hard time buying random models and so nothing remains bought.

I did buy some paint because I had partly committed to doing kroot. So at least I have some paint, which I may or may not use at this point who knows.


I came across a really great video on painting Death Guard that involved using no green to get a green look. this really tickled my brain in the best way. So I was tempted for a while and have been tempted for a long time to do death guard. I always look at them and consider them. But they kinda seem a paint to paint and I am not sure how into some of the models I am / their play on the table top. I have yet to find that army where I am excited for them on the table top.


I have been considering kroot. have a really great recipe for predator like skin for them that I think would work well. I have an army list I kinda like, so direction. I am just worried GW isn't going to really support them and some of the army struggles worry me a little. 


Raven Guard have been high up, but again this is an unsupported army from GW in terms of bits and specific models. I am more likely to see new kroot over new Raven Guard or their Primarch any time soon. Plus it's black armor. have you painted black armor? it turns out looking bluish or too grey because of the high lights, and if you do none of that then it looks flat and boring. I don't know. I have not seen very many good looking black armored minis. It's tough.


Custodes sort of come in and out of view. They are struggling right now, I don't know if I would or would not like them on the table top, I think I probably would. I have been considering painting them like solar watch since two of the paints I bought were a ivory and an ice yellow, paints up really well for that type armor.


Knights, Big robots, what can I say. they continue to temp me. low model count on the table top is appealing. their lists are boring though, I mean what can you do with so many limited models, you either love the models or you don't and I am somewhere inbetween. I greatly dislike the canis rex is an auto include. Don't know why that bothers me and no one would force me to play him, just annoys me all the same. lol


Deamons, I have a great recipe for skin I think. I am really tempted but so many of the models are old, what are they doing with the codex? Is it getting wrapped in? New models? Never? They just don't get much support and with them being a double army in AOS and 40k you would think that they would see a few models here and there but when there are new AOS models they just aren't useable in 40k. Either way, I keep an eye on them.


Tau: I went through the tau list because there are some models I just really love. I like the Stealth suits, I like Ghost Keels, I really love shadowsun. Riptides are ok. But I really don't like the troops, I don't like the tanks, I really dislike crisis suits. I went and made a list but the list just doesn't work without core units and troops. so it's hard. part of me wants to start them, I think I could maybe paint them well, but the units I like just aren't enough on the table top.


Votann, I like most of the models. I think I even might have a decent way to paint them. I really dislike the bikes but they are so key in the army. Necromunda squats almost seem like they get more content and sadly I like the look of the necromunda squats more than the Votann but the Votann are not without their own charm. I just like the space mining suit look of the necromunda guys more and they are getting new models first. lol Play wise I think the Votann are pretty good, have some good and interesting lists. They don't quite hit that terminator itch that some of the marines do, but it's close. I have thought about taking the necromunda guys and making them into a kill team but I dunno. very on the fence about that.


I have looked at kill team excessively. I just can't get excited about any of the teams and there are 33 of them. A lot of them are the same or they are 2-3 box teams and that is just so unappealing. Especially now with the price hike.


I keep waiting for some reveal to excite me but there hasn't been much lately.

We have space wolves coming up. I am more excited about new wolves than any space marine. Space wolves just aren't my thing I guess.

New Grey Knights next year maybe? I like Crowe even if he seems a pain to paint. I don't know if I want to do an all silvery army though. Maybe the new models will sway me

Emperor's Children, The tease of a new Primarch is very tempting, I just love that they are in the game even though most of them are terrible or over powered. Do I want to paint a pinkish army? I like bright colors and I am sure there is some scheme I could play with so it's not all pink or pinkish purple, but I dunno. Noise marines are cool, but I am not sure it's the army for me. Either way, it's more waiting.


We have New Elder on the horizon. I've look over their lists and model range a lot. I like some of the individual pieces, I like howling banshees for example, scorpions are ok and so on, but I don't like their troops again, I don't really like their tanks, I dunno.


New Guard? I love tanks, I kinda like the basic troops. There is something appealing about having 100 basic troops, to just overwhelm your enemy. Until you have to paint 100 troops... Guard lists aren't really about troops though. They do use a lot of tanks but it's about Ogryn and karsaskin and other specialist choices. not really my thing.


so there it is, the update of, I still can't decide. 

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Eyy, progress is progress! Buying paint is a good start. Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and all that. :laugh: Kroot are very easy to paint as well, so you are not looking at much time spent if you end up not liking the results. Personally, I am a huge fan of Kroot.


10 minutes ago, INKS said:

Votann, I like most of the models. I think I even might have a decent way to paint them. I really dislike the bikes but they are so key in the army.


Pioneers are some of the most painful models to assemble and paint. Just looking at them, you wouldn't be able to tell, but for both of my units it felt like they took excessive amounts of time to finish. Got 6 more primed up just sitting in storage, never to be painted.


You should check out some of the 3rd party alternatives for Votann bikes if you want to go that route. There is a thread over on the Votann subforum with some suggestions on places to look (some from yours truly). There are good ones out there, and you might be surprised how well all sorts of "space dwarf" models mix in with Votann.

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Bro, you're going to lead a life of disappointment and failed projects if your agonize over what GW is going to do in current 40k with armies. They'll throw a dart at a nerf wall based on new models being released and your stuff may or may not get crippled. Being concerned about tabletop effectiveness coupled with an inability to pick something, you'll just circle-jerk yourself out of existence.

Instead just pick something, hobbies and projects start to flow together when you've got a complete model done..then a squad..then a minimum force etc. 

Honestly... rereading your above comment, I don't believe you'll pick anything, I feel as if your almost caught perfectly in the GW hype/release cycle.. so perfectly that you won't actually pick anything (one step down is where GW would want you, buying everything, completing nothing). 

Looking at your line up, go Kroot. Kroot are amazing, have fantastic new models, and can expand into Tau which you seem to like most of (also factor in the vespid just released!). Go Kroot, easy. See if you can find some of the Older GW codexs for Tau, especially see if you can find Imperial Armour 3: The Taros Campaign. Its written like a history book, about the Tau taking over a world in one of their expansions (with a heap of kroot mercs and extra models released) and then how the Imperium attempts to counter-invade the world. Its fantastic and I honestly think the route you need to take to get into an army.

TL:DR stop meta agonising and start from the fluff/model perspective otherwise you'll never make the jump.


Kroot (then Tau and Vespid as possibly expansions). Read the Taros Campaign. 

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So... I am not new to this hobby. I am starting over due to a move and life changes but building and painting armies for 40k and other games is not new for me. I have over the years owned many armies and most of them have left me unhappy. I build them, I paint them, I sell them. I just haven't been or maybe I am just not one of those people who find that one army that I just fall in love with and it's all about that. That is what I would like, but that has not been my experience. I think I fall in and out of love very quickly with armies. I think I allow the lore, or the love of the lore for armies sway me too much and it just doesn't translate well to the table top. I know this. But I do it anyway.


Time, resources are far more limited these days, which Is funny, as I get older you think I would have more time for things but that isn't that case. Either way, I tend to be careful with what I buy. I used to be a very fomo must have it all person. I just am not that way any longer. I complete every model I buy. Always have. I have not had a grey pile of shame since I was 22 and I am well into my 40s now. I also don't own or keep any of those models, but that is sort of a separate problem about being too much a perfectionist and how quickly my tastes and favor changes. Which I know is a problem, highlighted above.


Also it isn't just about effectiveness, it is more about how fun an army is to play. But I do tend to play competitively when I do play. Not since mid 9th sadly. So that is important on some level and it is something that I do consider and take into consideration. However if you look at Tau for example. I have a current list that does not include very many or any Observers, this just does not work if you want to win with Tau. So while all the units I like are cool, they just aren't effective. 


Imperial Armor 3: Taros -- Thank you. I will look for this and pick it up. I do love the lore of the game. Probably more than the game and the hobby itself.




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Ok mate, honestly, to me it seems the inherent issues with modern 40k are a problem for you.

In that regard and yes it is hard getting older editions back into the rotation, but attempt just that. 

I love 40k ,but honestly, at least in my eyes and to my tastes.. its a garbage fire now.. that may be grognard talking or whatever, but I just don't enjoy the AoS/40k style twitch-stream ready, season based DLC game that 40k has become. 

Knowing this, I created an event for 3rd edition down in Victoria Australia, to try and get people playing older variants of the game. The older editions obviously have pros and cons which are better discussed elsewhere...but if nothing else can be said for the them collectively, the fact that they are 'set' means you aren't trying to keep up with the joneses or are worried about GW pulling the rug out from under your army project. They are set and have been for many a year. 

Anyway, back to the 'issues' with getting people playing older editions. I ran 3rd-A-Palooza (and will be next year) with 30 odd players, everyone had a blast, many whipping up 3rd edition armies just for the event, some using old school models, some using modern models etc. The joy of 3rd edition is a 1500 pt army, outside of hordes, tops out at probably 30 odd models and a couple of tanks. Back in the joyous day when a Land Raider or its equivalent was a capstone and center piece of an army! 

Anyway, 30 odd player event. has now since kicked off a few games days around Victoria, I'm also going to a 20 person 3rd edition event this weekend, as well as another 3rd edition event mid November. So while it may seem daunting getting people into an older, more stable edition, it can really pay dividends not only for yourself, but the community at large. 

If you've got no interest in playing older editions in search of more stable, 'balanced' and smaller, more thematic armies and insist on trying to keep up with the latest and greatest and building armies so they are competitive.. then... like.. enjoy having your soul sucked out by rulebook/edition churn or get better at the game or something.. I don't know. But I think the issue your having is the you're trying to cross over too many venn diagrams..which can't cross over in your current situation. 

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