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Reusing the Daemonhunters art was not on my bingo card.









The new Codex also features Watch Masters, Corvus Blackstars, and Watch Captain Artemis (returning to the range after an absence), so you can include a full Deathwatch contingent in any IMPERIUM army, complete with leaders, squads, and transports. Those with full Deathwatch Space Marine armies needn’t worry – they can add the Deathwatch-specific units to a Space Marine army of black-clad units like Intercessors and Terminators, melding the strong foundations and Detachments of Codex: Space Marines with themed specialists from Codex: Imperial Agents.



Finally, don’t worry Grey Knights players – this is only the first chance you’ll have to send your Terminators off on a daemon-hunting crusade. There will be a dedicated Grey Knights Codex on the way next year, but there are still a few factions to get through before the Knights of Titan start to peek their shiny battle plate over the horizon.


Edited by Lord Marshal
5 minutes ago, darkhorse0607 said:

Does new Coteaz look off to anyone else? I can't put my finger on it


The armour looks very smooth and rounded, in a way that makes him look fat rather than heavily geared up. Compared to his old model the face and armour plates lack definition.


Apparently he put some Inquisitorial funds down on a hair transplant after the Great Rift opened.



Edited by Lord Marshal
8 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:

Really cool cover for the codex though.


You do know its the original 2003 Daemonhunters codex art by Dainton?




Lovely to see back :)

Edited by Petitioner's City

Man, I really want to stop with the negativity but that Coteaz model is just bad.  It’s like they forgot to print the detail lines on the armor.  The old model looks better imo.


Yet another rehash cover too.  Jeez.

Edited by crimsondave

Definitely a downgrade for Coteaz. I can appreciate a stripped down spartan look on armour, I like it on the Ordo Xenos inquisitor who turned up in Psychic Awakening, but it just doesn't work here. Very Potato like look. 

Excited for the book itself though, in conjunction with boarding actions book coming up I've got a real mind to put together an small agents force built around Navy Breacers.

He looks like a chunk of smooth rocks put together and the head is absurdly large, too large even for a marine.


What happened to his armor, a more proportionate one would be better.


I hope it's the angle but for me this is a disaster (the aquila is cool).


And for the Inquisition one mere single model? As I said I know it's the norm but come on...

4 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:


The armour looks very smooth and rounded, in a way that makes him look fat rather than heavily geared up. Compared to his old model the face and armour plates lack definition.





I think the smooth plates make it look like a kitbash that's had its detailing scraped off. Really hate the eagle wing being stuck to a girder too

That poor eagle is crashing into the cement beam. Why couldn't it just be on his arm like the old one, especially considering there's a downgrade in detail on the model anyway

2 minutes ago, darkhorse0607 said:

That poor eagle is crashing into the cement beam. Why couldn't it just be on his arm like the old one, especially considering there's a downgrade in detail on the model anyway


I think the issue is the old one's pose was borrowed by the newer Xenos Inquisitor, so they couldn't do it again.


That doesn't excuse anything else about the model, however; it's just so bizarrely strange - especially compared to a classic and popular sculpt.

Edited by Petitioner's City

Why does it look like he’s hoisted his trousers (pants for my American cousins) way too high? 

The eagle on the girder looks dumb. 

The old one is loads better. Inquisitors can and have had so much character and this just looks like a wasted opportunity.

5 minutes ago, crimsondave said:

Yet another rehash cover too.  Jeez.


I'll give them a pass on this one though, the Daemonhunters cover is one of the best pieces of art to ever come out of GW.

The mixed Imperial battleforces are actually great. Ordo Hereticus looks especially cool, with all kinds of burninating going on there. Who knows what the rules will be, but I really like the flavor here.


12 minutes ago, darkhorse0607 said:

Does new Coteaz look off to anyone else? I can't put my finger on it


Maybe this is what that Custodes Shield-Captain would look like if he had never been transmogrified. Short kings unite?


But yeah, that Hereticus battleforce is rad.

Yeah, that new model for Coteaz is definitely a downgrade compared to the previous. Plus I guess Valrak was right and that's the only new model, a shame. Definite miss for me. (They get props for putting in the proper Deathwatch Veterans rather than just Primaris with an upgrade sprue, but that's all)

I concur with the opinions on Coteaz's model, the best word I can think of to describe it is uninspired, the old model had gravitas to it and did a really good job at conveying Coteaz's experience and rank.


By contrast the new one not only is off scale wise (you would think that an inquisitor of Coteaz's importance would be able to get his hands on a power armour of the correct size) but looks extremely plain and generic, it looks like a generic inquisitor.


Also, I'm having a hard time understanding the status of the Deathwatch going forward, will they get a Codex Supplement in the future or is this new Codex the only place to get their rules? If the new codex is the only place, what does it mean for Deathwatch only armies? It says there that you can mix the SM Codex with the Deathwatch stuff from this one, so will it act as a codex supplement of shorts or that option is gone and you will only be able to add some units to a Space Marine army?


Still many questions about the Deathwatch stuff but so far it looks worrying, if not straight up bad.

I do wish they had brought back or modernized the third edition hellgun-wielding, carapace-armoured, grimdark-techno-gasmasked storm troopers in a new plastic kit - they were painted fabulously as Inquisitorial Storm Troopers in Codex Daemonhunters and Codex Witch Hunters, and would be such a fun distinct look to have.




Image from reddit




Also from reddit.

Edited by Petitioner's City

I like the option to chuck a single unit of Grey Knights in as allies in other Imperial factions. A nice nod to past editions.

This is the first new model in a long time where I can't see any improvement over the old version.


I like the old coat, the old head, the old armour, the old decorations and the old eagle (the pose at least) more than on the new version which is pretty much all there is. The hammer is the only other thing and while it just looks the same so not better or worse I liked the old pose more.


And even the proportions have something off about them.


What happened to all that bling he had? Now he only has the coat and the two inquisition symbols on his shoulder and waist. Other than that his armour is just a shiny blank space. I thought SM (and in turn PA models) were finally getting back some of their style back after the DA update

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