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Codex: Imperial Agents + Coteaz Reveal + Chamber Militant Battleforces

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19 hours ago, Schrödingers Primarch said:

No mention of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers / Temptestus scions being a "requisitioned" unit is surprising given the Chalnath / Kill team post. Hopefully we get more of a preview of the rules and units included now that the shock of the abominable bald man sculpt has worn off. Anti-tank / high toughness options for Agents seem extremely limited for list building. 


I'm a little surprised Scions weren't also a requisitioned unit as sort of a generic Ordo chamber militant, even if they didn't appear in the codex as Inquisitorial Stormtroopers (as probably renaming Kasrkin would be a better fit there, given they have a self contained order ability rather than needing command squads as well). 


I wonder if there will be some off table support assets, the Rogue trader's bringing some large, off-table, orbital weaponry in the same way that the IG artillery attache does.

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20 minutes ago, Tastyfish said:


I wonder if there will be some off table support assets, the Rogue trader's bringing some large, off-table, orbital weaponry in the same way that the IG artillery attache does.


He doesn't do that anymore, he gives sustained hits to blast artillery weapons against a unit he can see. :cry:


But I agree with the other point, it would be cool to be able to take Scions in Inquisition detachments, as a nice hammer. Keep the Henchman squads with their quirky abilities to let them manipulate and control the battlefield instead.

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I wouldn't be surprised if both SoS and Scions are actually available- they were in Ashes of the Faith. Like the Valkyrie transport for the Navy detachment, the issue may just be that there wasn't enough room in a single article to tell us every datacard that's in the dex.


I mean, manage your expectations- this is GW. But we haven't seen anything yet to tell us these units aren't included.

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One thing that I'm hoping for but in no way expecting, make the Inquisitorial Henchmen data sheet worth the ink it's printed with. It's just so bland and boring currently, and I get that they're trying to keep it tied to the killteam kit, so getting something as flexible as the old Acolytes data sheet from 8th and 9th seems unlikely, but man it would be nice to just come a bit closer.

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On 7/23/2024 at 1:15 AM, Gorgoff said:

I am a little bit late to the show but wanted to contribute...


I'd actually be interested in seeing someone swap the shield captian and nucoteaz legs, just to see if that fixes the proportions of both models. 

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28 minutes ago, ThePenitentOne said:

SoS and Scions

Honestly based on the army rule being not a rule but an ally condition, and with absolutely no evidence of proper heavy vehicle access within the list, allying feels almost mandatory, at least based on what we know. Maybe up to 1500pts you can get by on Corvus and Immolators, but lack of armour and ranged anti-tank is a big problem in the game today.


That's to say that if there's almost any other infantry or vehicle unit you want to include other than what they've already shown, expect to ally Agents in rather than make them a whole 2k.


Theorycrafting rn for me looks like I've got a ~700pt (2 characters + 20 marines + Corvus) Deathwatch package to drop into any Imperium list, which will be very fun. Most of the time my Navy and Arbites are still just gonna be Guard proxies because DW teams take up ally unit slots... so that's a bit of annoyance, and yet a couple Leman Russ, Leontus' Riders Brigade and pair of chimera squads feels decent, and things like Gaunt's Ghosts are a good Inq. Retinue proxy.


When I want more than 2 killteams and my Legends dreadnought or whatever, I'll still do the combined Marine and Knight thing which I'd been doing already, with the added benefit that things like Scouts and Devastators will be available, as well as the full suite of Epic Heroes... The main annoyance here again is that adding DW teams take up Agents slots and thus we can't have a pair of Arbites/Navy AND 2 kill teams added to a conventional Marines detachment. Not the end of the world... If I really want to do that at some point I guess the Kill Teams just become Sternguard or whatever.


For an actual full 2k Agents, I'll still add a Knight pretty much all the time just to have an actual beatstick. Armigers might technically be even better for presenting full MSU, so I'll likely do a couple of those as well for the option. Certainly my Errant is going to be getting some good workout in the next few months though ; )




The Good Doctor.


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On 7/22/2024 at 3:03 PM, DemonGSides said:

damn that Coteaz is TERRIBLE.  Woof.

Really cool cover for the codex though.

Totally agree............ And the cover - Yup..... Off the original 3rd edition Daemonhunters codex - one of best and fluffiest codices  they've ever done IMO.

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I for one I'm excited for this, it may look like a random charcuterie of units but I think this approach gives the players more options and that's always good especially with how many models were lost to legends. Your Guard army can be an Inquisitions regiment or about to be purged by your GK allies or saved by Deathwatch kill teams in drop pods, Knights can get some meatier infantry support, options are great and the opportunity to personalize your imperial armies even more is just great imo.


I wonder if the Demons Codex would follow this idea where you can add them as Agents of Chaos to your CSM armies, I think that'd make sense and would track with the rumor of demons losing their codex.

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It's interesting to compare Fateaz with the Skitarri sniper. The sniper is an off the wall idea that didn't work for me personally, but it's executed well and I'm glad they're still prepared to try new things. Fateaz is just a bad version of a classic model with all the character and authority taken out. 

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1 hour ago, soviet1337 said:

It's interesting to compare Fateaz with the Skitarri sniper. The sniper is an off the wall idea that didn't work for me personally, but it's executed well and I'm glad they're still prepared to try new things. Fateaz is just a bad version of a classic model with all the character and authority taken out. 

Exactly. The stilts sniper just feels super retro 40k with AdMech solving a problem that didn't need solving. Meanwhile Coteaz just looks badly proportioned. 


Has anybody worked with the new Custodes Captain to see if it's as bad as photos led us to believe?

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saw a spikey bitz article about the new model and lol how sensationalized and doomsday-ish they make the situation out to be.


they're not going to redesign a whole injection mold plastic miniature in a short period time. that's at least a 6 month process. 


what's going to happen: they're going to put out a bad model, make their best to recoup from the misstep, and then quietly revisit the character's miniature on the next go around. 

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24 minutes ago, Wispy said:

what's going to happen: they're going to put out a bad model, make their best to recoup from the misstep, and then quietly revisit the character's miniature on the next go around. 

chances are most purchases won't even end up used as coteaz. Just a bit of greenstuff, a backpack, and a shoulder swap and that mini could be any marine model ever in artificer.


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So what vehicles have we seen so far?

There's a Chimeria in one box, the Corvus Blackstar in another and the Immolator in the 3rd (tho that's apparently souped in from sisters).

Also there's apparently a Rhino in the thumbnail for the article.

Maybe there's more, maybe there's not.

We also haven't seen a full unit list yet so we really don't know what we can and can't bring.


Also, related to the codex:

You'd think that in this time of turmoil, Deathwatch players would be working together to try and keep Morale up, but their reddit just seems to want the faction to die faster because any post trying to put forward even a neutral view on the situation is downvoted into oblivion.


We've not seen a datasheet for any Deathwatch stuff yet, we don't know how they actually work now. For all we know, GW decided to majorly buff the Veterans Killteam, or they keep the Adeptus Astartes keyword so they benefit from whatever Marine Detachment they're souped into.

Maybe there's an actual Deathwatch Killteam lined up for the next season of Killteam?


We're operating of very little info here and making huge guesses and assumptions each time.


Also Coatez is 100% a different guy now, no way GW is pushing out a BL book to give us the Lore on his Hair Transplant and subsequent skipping of Cardio

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12 minutes ago, Indy Techwisp said:

Also there's apparently a Rhino in the thumbnail for the article.

Article says at the bottom that Sisters can bring Rhinos.


Also DW players got used to the privilege of being a standalone codex with all its benefits, so now that they have to go back to their roots (without any loss of functionality unless they built their armies around the kill team cassius box I guess) they go full victim and doomsaying.


For all we know DW will just have to wait till next edition, depending on what GW wants to do with the phobos/tacticus/gravis design space and DWs standard fare of super customisability.

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32 minutes ago, Indy Techwisp said:

So what vehicles have we seen so far?

There's a Chimeria in one box, the Corvus Blackstar in another and the Immolator in the 3rd (tho that's apparently souped in from sisters).

Also there's apparently a Rhino in the thumbnail for the article.

Maybe there's more, maybe there's not.

We also haven't seen a full unit list yet so we really don't know what we can and can't bring.

I'm really curious to see what vehicles are native to the codex, I imagine the Chimera and Blackstar are but it would be nice to see a couple of others as well but I wouldn't expect a lot. My head is swimming with ideas for little Imperial Agent armies and though I'm thinking of building them primarily for Boarding Patrol it would be nice to have something to bring to regular games. I'm hoping for the Taurox as that model has grown on me a ton since it was released.

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1 hour ago, Wispy said:

saw a spikey bitz article about the new model and lol how sensationalized and doomsday-ish they make the situation out to be.


they're not going to redesign a whole injection mold plastic miniature in a short period time. that's at least a 6 month process. 


what's going to happen: they're going to put out a bad model, make their best to recoup from the misstep, and then quietly revisit the character's miniature on the next go around. 

I think we know whats going to be in the next Munitorum Supply Crate :)

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1 hour ago, Nephaston said:

chances are most purchases won't even end up used as coteaz. Just a bit of greenstuff, a backpack, and a shoulder swap and that mini could be any marine model ever in artificer.


There are no body positivity policies among the Astartes. No amount of green stuff would fix his feet being twice as wide as the primaris marines'. Assuming they're even on the same size of base.

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1 hour ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

There are no body positivity policies among the Astartes. No amount of green stuff would fix his feet being twice as wide as the primaris marines'. Assuming they're even on the same size of base.

He's presumably on a 40mm (maybe, jusging base size is always iffy, but he is right next to GK terminators on the battlebox) , and blatantly oversized for a human. Plus, we literally have variably physiques among marines; up to and including firstborn of ridiculous size like arjac rockfist, or that buddy of uriel ventris that had to get power armour partially using terminator plates, or that one literally obese space wolf.


Not to mention that the new coteaz isn't actually fat, y'all are just memeing too hard that you forget that sometimes people are just wide and this one is wearing big armour. "twice as wide" is also hyperbolic and easily handwaved as using gravis or terminator parts.


Any model can be salvaged, one way or another.

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