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Codex: Imperial Agents + Coteaz Reveal + Chamber Militant Battleforces

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2 minutes ago, Indy Techwisp said:

Also, am I reading this right that any Imperium army can now just Soup in a unit of Battle Sisters or Grey Knights?


That seems to be the case. Very fluffy in the case of GKs and a nice call back to the way they could be used in earlier editions. Doing the same with SOBs seems curious but fine. The interesting question is what units they can soup. Is it anything from the respective codices or just 1-2 units? GK Termies were the classic "allied unit" in olden times.

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1 minute ago, Azaiel said:

Coteaz abdomen/crotch inquisitor symbol i making the whole model look off. If you take that one away and slap a tabard in its place the mini will look better IMHO.

It's a weirdly minimalist design, right? He has a cloak, and the HUGE fur collar, but that's about it. Otherwise just bare, rounded plate. He's about as ornamented as a pre-8th Primaris, before they brought the knight vibes back in with the Bladeguard. 

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Just now, Karhedron said:

Doing the same with SOBs seems curious but fine.

It makes sense with the right context, I think. A squad of sisters, lead by an Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor, fighting alongside a guard regiment on a purge. I'm glad the various Chambers Militant get to do that again, acting as the go-to bodies for when an Inquisitor needs to stop mucking about in the shadows and wade into a warzone. 

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2 minutes ago, Karhedron said:


That seems to be the case. Very fluffy in the case of GKs and a nice call back to the way they could be used in earlier editions. Doing the same with SOBs seems curious but fine. The interesting question is what units they can soup. Is it anything from the respective codices or just 1-2 units? GK Termies were the classic "allied unit" in olden times.


Iirc couldn't SoB be used the same way as Grey Knights in Codex: Witch Hunters? It's a nice throwback to that and I'm pleased they've not totally dropped them being the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Hereticus like it seemed they were pushing for a while until now. 

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30 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

What happened to all that bling he had? Now he only has the coat and the two inquisition symbols on his shoulder and waist. Other than that his armour is just a shiny blank space. I thought SM (and in turn PA models) were finally getting back some of their style back after the DA update

Can see the reason being that they wanted a beginner-ish friendly Inquisitor model, without to much small details. And the amount of smoth space do give lots of opportunities for painting and kitbashing. But that's just a thought.

Edited by Gamiel
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I've got no strong feelings on the model either way but say I want to run a squad of Greyknights with my Ultramarines, would I just need this codex or both this and the forthcoming grey knights one?


Also looks like Valrak's sources came through again. I wonder what other things they said were coming.



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Two of my armies just became one army, since I have a large Imperial Agents army and a small Deathwatch force. I’m cautiously optimistic, depending how they handle the various agents units.


Coteaz though is one of the rare times the plastic update of a character is worse than the original. I’m not a fan and I’ll be keeping my resin one.

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Just now, ZeroWolf said:

say I want to run a squad of Greyknights with my Ultramarines, would I just need this codex or both this and the forthcoming grey knights one?


I'm going to recommend you just find the rules for the models online, when they're released. Only get the Codices when you're after a nice lore and art book. 

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Oh yeah, in slightly related news, I think this might be the last of the returning BSF models (unless they've pushed the Crusader/Rogue Trader characters into this codex and just not put them in the battleforce boxes).


We're supposedly "due" another Warhammer Quest thing somewhen soon and it's apparently 40k's turn again, so we'll see what odd stuff manifests for that if it happens.

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30 minutes ago, Kastor Krieg said:

I absolutely love the "mix-and-match" idea for the Inq codex... But Inquisitor Thicceaz is a total miss. Oof, I'd definitely look into converting from the new Stormcast:



or, alternatively, I might sacrifice one of my metal Sternguard who have a similar gorget style of armor.


Good call!


This guy is like 90% of the way there already.

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11 minutes ago, ZeroWolf said:

I've got no strong feelings on the model either way but say I want to run a squad of Greyknights with my Ultramarines, would I just need this codex or both this and the forthcoming grey knights one?


Also looks like Valrak's sources came through again. I wonder what other things they said were coming.



I think you’d just need the Agents book. It sounds like it’s just the Terminators datasheet being added to Agents.

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I  knew it would work like chaos codex does the cult troops except tied to Inquisitors regarding the troop choices from other books, excited to see all the options in it and if there's a generic Inquisitor. 


That Coteaz is disgusting, GW can do awesome looking miniatures like Mephiston or the BT Castellan so they certainly could have redone the old model in the same detail or even better  bring that art cover to life. Shameful display GW.

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I know why the new Coteaz looks off to me. 


It's his whole legs and pelvis. It looks as if they took a model that was going to be super tall and initially and forgot that's what they were doing, leaving us with a squished inquisitor. 


That does remind me, is the new Custodes Captain as bad in person as he initially looked in the preview?

Edited by HeadlessCross
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2 minutes ago, 01RTB01 said:

Did they let the heresy wolves sculptor loose again?


This is clearly the handiwork of whoever sculpted that new Custodes Shield-Captain. Maybe they have trouble seeing verticality. :laugh:


I actually really like that GW is going with a mix-and-match approach with their battleforces though. It is nice to see something different.

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1 hour ago, crimsondave said:

Man, I really want to stop with the negativity but that Coteaz model is just bad.  It’s like they forgot to print the detail lines on the armor.  The old model looks better imo.


Yet another rehash cover too.  Jeez.

Yes the cover's a rehash, but it's one of the better arts and it's from all the way back in 3rd. I think that's fine, if we'd just had it last edition I'd be annoyed, but it's been a while. Doesn't hurt that it's one of my favourite cover arts either. 

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